No. 768, ACCS. TA?:CE OF STATE BO?_'?D OF COUSSTY & DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS AWARD. 7 (Road District No. 1 ;200,000.00 Issue} This 15th day oL~Ta'e,~'uary, 1933, the L'ommis si oners Court of %err County unanimously ratified and confirmed County Judge Atkins' accep tame of the tentative and preliminary award of the State Board oP County and District Road Indebtedness, making 71.57 or $143,138.85 of the $200,000.00 Road Distrl ct iSO. 1 Boad ieaue ale Bible to parti of pate in the State's "County and Road Distriot Highway Fund". o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 769, ACCEPTANCE OF STATE BOARD OF COIINTY & DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS AWARD. (Road Distriot No. 2 $15,000.00 Issue). This 15th day of February, 1933, the Commiasionara Court of %err County unanimously ratified and confirmed County Judge Atkins' eooeptan¢e of the tentative and preliminary award oP the State Hoard of County and District Road Indebtedness, making 97.8396 or $14,675.78 of the $15,000.00 Road District No. E Bond issue elegible to participate in the State's "County and Road Distriot ?ighway Fund,^ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 770, P:iATTER OF INS UR ISIG $39,000.00 BODIDS f~LD BY PERIv1ANElVT SCHOOL FUND. This 15th day of February, 1933, effine on to De considered the proposition of having the $39,000,00 worth of bonds held by thePermanent School blind of Kerr County insured by the County Treasurer in some responsible insurance company against theft at a coat of about „^154.00 per year, and it appearing to the Court that said bonds are now being kept in the vault of Chas. Schreiner Bank for safe-keeping which la the safest plane known to the Court in Kerr County, and the Court is of the opinion that the slight chance for theft oP said bonds or any part thereof and subsequent loss that could or would be suffered thereby, does not justify the expense of carrying insurance on said bonds. o-o-o-O-o-o-o No. 771, MATTER OF PROCURIP7G RfW DEEDS ON HIGHWAY x/81 SOUTH CONDITIONALLY. This 15th day of February, 1933, Commissioners R. G. Edana and F. A. %arger were appointed by the Court a committee of two, and are hereby authorized end directed to procure deeds to the right of way for State Highway No. 81 from %errville to the Bandera County line, delivery of which right of way deeds to the State of Texas to be ¢ondi honed on the letting of contract for said highw&y by the Highway Department. %err County to pay for said right of wag when deeds are sotual ly accepted and delivered. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 66 to 74 hereof inoiusiva, were read is open Court, and found correct, and the same are hereby in all reapeots approved by the Court, this the 15th day of February, A. D. 1933. Attest; /~ l `//(/~ County Judge. County Clark ~2 _~ By r .,~~~Deputy. ~~_ • 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 State of Tessa, County of %err. Be it Remembered, that on this 21st day of February, 1933, there wen begun and holden a Special term of the Co~i.ssionera' Court of %arr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, officers present; John S. Atkins, - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. %arger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preeihot No, 1, B. G. Edens, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No, 2,