77 purchase said three books at the ezpanee of %err County and ae sheep ea possible. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 777, ORDER CON7EYIIPG PART OLD ROCBSPRING3 ROAD BAC% TO d. W, FORGA90N. Th is 13th day of IIaroh, 1933, came oa to be oonei dared by the Court the application of J. w. Forgaeoa asking that %err County ao~ey back unto him the right of way of the old %errville & Rookspriage Rosh over and &oroes the river front of the 1X934 sore ranch now owned and oao upied by said J, W, Forgaeoa, in %err County, Tezae, which right of way or portion oY said old %errville & Rookepringe ros6 was alo aed and abandoned. about tea years ago when said road was changed and raloo seed and taken entirely off of and away from said Forgaeoa 934 sore ranch, and it appearing to the Court that said J. w, Forgaeoa Se entitle6 to re aelve from %err County • quit-claim deed covering said abandoned right of way. It Se thereYOre ordered, ed~udged and decreed by the Court that %err County convey back Hato said J, W, Forgaeoa by quit-claim deed the above deeoribe6 portion of the Old %errvills & Rookepringe road over and earoee the 934 sore reach now owned Dy said J. W, Forgaeoa sad which wsa abandoned and closed some ten years agog sad County Judge, John S. ltkins be and Se hereby authorized and directed to ezeonte and deliver each quit-claim dee6 onto J. W, Forgaeoa for and on behalf of %err Connty. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 778, ALLOWANCE OF CLALASS AND ACCOIIET3~ This 13th day of ]taroh, 1933, oeme on to ba ezami ned and audited by the Court the various claims and aooo ante filed against %err County and its reepsetive Commiaeionere' precincts siaoe last term of this Court, all of which elaima and moo ante were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respeet ive fonds ae shown by the !Hinutee of Aooouate Allowed for %err County, Tezsa, which are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 779, AALICATIOR OF DISTRICT CLER% FOR APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY. This 13th day of March, 1933, name on to be oonei dared the application of 6eo, Y. Doyle, Dietriot Clerk for authority to appoint one deputy oa a daily salary sa needed, for the o urrent fiscal year, which application be end ie hereby approve6 and granted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 780. ORDER ADTAORIZING PAYMENT OF COSIRT REPORTER'S 8AL1RY AND ELPEN9E, This 13th day of March, 1933, it Se ordered by the Court that =450.00 of the offioisl court reporter's salary for the 38th Judicial Dietriot together with the ezpenees of said Court Reporter ae allowed by law, shall be paid by the County Clerk of %err County •atof' the General Fund sooording to the following oertifioate of Dietriot Jadga, Lee Wallsoe, to-wi "%errville, Tezae, January 20th, 1933. TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSION ER9 COURT OF HERR COUNTY, %errville, Tezae. Gentlemen;- Ae required by law, I hereby certify the following to the Commisaionsre' Court of %err County, Tease: That %err County, Tease ie obligated and bound to pay, under Art. 2327x, Aota 1929, 41st Legislature of Tease, end called session page 97 the sum of i4b0.00 per annum, for salary ae Official Court Reporter of the Dietriot Cour& of %err County, Tezu, said County being one of the Counties composing the 38th Tudioial Dietriot of Tezsa, to Mre. Mabel ffioz who hoe been by me du7,7 sworn into oftioe and Se now qualified ae thY Offioisl Court Reporter in sad for the 38th Judicial Dietriot of Tezae. This amonat of '6b0.00 per annum Se to be paid Sn monthly pgyme me of ;37,b0 out of the General Fund of %err County, Tezae. Ths account for ezpenees of the Official Court Reporter, ae allowed by law (Art. 2326a, Aote 1929, 41st Legislature, page 112) shall be itemized and sworn to, in duplicate, by the reporter, at the end of each term of the Dietriot Court in 8err County, Tezae, and after being approved by the Dietriot Judge, one copy filed with the Dietriot Clerk of the Reei- danoe of the Dietriot Judge, end one eopy with the Commie eionera' Court of the County liable for such ezpenae_ will then ba due and pe47able by %err County, Tezsa, Reepeotfully enbmitted, Yee WalLSas Dietriot Jndgs.