~~ purohaee said three books at the ezpan ea of $err County and as oheap sa possible. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao, 777, ORDER CONPEYIRG PIRT OLD ROCKSPRIAG9 R06D BJCK TO d. W. FORG190H, This 13th day oY Yaroh, 1933, Dame on to be Douai da red by the Court the applioatioa of J, W, Forgaeon asking that Berr Coaaty oonvey baok unto him the right of way of the old Kerrville & Rookspringe Road over sad mro~e the river trout of the X934 sore ranoh now owned and ooo upied by said J, W, Borgasoa, in Kerr County, Tezas, whioh right of way or portion oY said old Kerrville & Rookapringe road was olosed and abandoned. about ten years ago when said road was ohanged and reloo ated and taken entirely ott oY and away Yrom said Forgaeon 934 sore ranoh, and it appearing to the Court that said J. W, Forgaeon Se entitled to reoeive trom Kerr County a quit-alslm deed oovering said abandoned right of way. IS Se therefore ordered, ad,ndged and deoreed by the Court that $err County oonvey baok onto said J, W, Forgaeon by quit-olsim deed the above deeoribed portion of the Old Eerrville & Rookepringa road over and aoroee the 934 sore ranoh now owned by said J. W, Forgaeon end whioh was abandoned sad olosed some ten years aged sad County Judge, John 3. •tkina be end Se hereby authorized and direoted to ezeoute end deliver auoh quit-olaim dee6 onto J. W, Forgaeon for sad on behalf of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o i No, 778, ALLOWANCE OF CLADHS lAD 1000UAT9~ This 13th day of Maroh, 1933, came on to ba exams aed and aadited by the Court the various olaime and aooo ante filed against %err County and its reapeotlve Commissioners' preoinota einoe last term of this Court, all of whioh olaime and aooo unto were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reepeetive fonds sa shown by the !liinutae of looouate 111owad for Kerr County, Tezas, whioh are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 779, AaLICAT ION OF DIBTRICT CLERK FOR ~PPOIATMENT OF DEPUTY. This 13th day of Maroh, 1933, Dame on to be eoneidered the applioatioa of Geo, Y. Doyle, Dietriot Clark for authority to appoint one deputy on a daily salary se seeded, for the o arrant fiaoal year, whioh applioatioa be end ie hereby spprove6 and granted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 780. ORDER IURHORZ2ING PIYMEAT OF COURT AEPORTER'8 SALARY AND ELPENBE, This 13th dqv of Yaroh, 1933, St is ordered by the Court that :450.00 of the oYYioial oourt reporter's salary Yor the 38th Jodi offal Dietriet together with the ezpenaee of said Court Reporter ae allowed by law, shall be paid by the County Clerk of Ksrr Couaby eat off' the General Fund eooording to the following Dart ifio ate oY Dietriot Judge, Lee Wallace, to-w] "Kerrville, Tezas, January 20th, 1933. TO THE HONORABLE COBG[ISSION ERS COURT OF HERR COUNTY, Yerrsille, Tezas. beatlemen:- Ae required by law, I hereby aert ify the following to the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texse• That Kerr County, Tease ie obligated and bound to pay, under Art, 2327e Aote 1929, 41st Legislature of Reaas, end celled session, page 97 the sum of #4b0.00 per annum, Yor salary ae Official Court Reporter of the Dietriot Court oY 8err County, Tezas, said County being one oY the Co unties composing the 38th Judiaisl Dia triot of Tezas, to Yrs. Mabel Knoz who hen been by me 6uly sworn Into office and ie now qualitie6 to tbi Official Cour~ Reporter in and Yor the 38th Judio181 Die~riat of Tazu. This amount oY =4b0.00 per annum Se to be paid is monthly payme nta of S37.b0 oat of the General Fund of Kerr County, Tease. The aooouat Yor szpensea of the Official Court Reporter, ae allowed by law (Art. 2326a, note 1929, 41st Legislature, page 112) shall be itemized and sworn to, in duplicate, by the reporter, at the end of each term of the Dietriot Court in Kerr County, Tezas, end attar being approved by the Dietriot Judge, one Dopy tiled with the Dietriot Clerk of the Resi- 6eaoe of the District Judge, en6 one Dopy with the Commie eionera' Court of the County liable for such eapenee_ will then be due and payable by Kerr County, Tezas. Reepeottully submitted, Lee Wallace Dietriot Judge.