~~ purchase said three books at the ezpea sa of Serr County and se cheap as possible, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 777, ORDER CONPEYIHG P1RT OLD ROCESPRING3 ROAD BAC% TO d. W, FOHGISOH, This 13th day of Marsh, 1933, Dame on to be considered by the Court the applioation of 7. A. Forgaeoa asking that %srr County ooavey bank unto him the right of way of the old $srrville & Rookapringe Road over and aeroee the river front of the ~i934 tore raaoh now owned and ooonpied by said J, W, Horgaeon, in %srr County, Tezas, whioh right of way or portion of said old %errville B, Rookapringe road was olo eed and abandoned. about ten years ago when said road was ohanged and relooated and taken entirely off oY and away from said Forgason 934 sore raneh, and it appearing to the Court that said d. i, Forgaeoa ie entitle6 to reoeive from Ssrr County a quit-claim deed oovering eai6 abandoned right of way. It ie therefore ordered, adJndged and decreed by the Court that %srr County oonvey beak auto said J, W, Forgaeoa by quit-olalm Geed the above deearibed portion oY the Old berrville & Rookapringe road over and earoea the 934 sore rsaoh now owned by said J. W, Forgsaon anfl whioh was abandoned and oloe e6 some tea years agog and County Judge, John 3. Atkins be and ie hereby authorized and di rooted to azeoate and deliver auoh quit-olaim deed auto J. A, Forgaeoa for and on behalf of %srr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o i No. 778, ALLOWAACE OF CLAIASS AAD ACCOIIHTS~ This 13th day of Marsh, 1933, creme on to ba ezemi aed and audited by the Court the various olaime and eoco unit filed against Berr County and its reepsotive Commissioners' preoinote einae last term of this Court, all of whioh olaime and aoconnta were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reepeetive toads sa shown by the !dinutee of looounte Allowed for $srr County, Tezas, whioh ors made • part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 779, ARLICATiON OF DISTRICT CLER% FOR APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY. This 13th day Of Marsh, 1933, Dame oa to be Douai dared the applioation of Geo, Y. Doyle, Dietriot Clerk for authority to appoint one deputy on a daily salary sa needed, Sor the o arrant tieoal year, whioh applioation be and ie hereby approvefl and grante6 by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 750. ORDER AUTHORIZING PIYMENT OF COURT REPORTEH'8 91I.A10'. AHD E[PEBSE, This 13th day of Marsh, 1933, it ie ordered by the Court Lhat X450.00 of the oYYioisl court reporter's salary Yor the 38th Judioial Dietriot together with the ezpensae of said Court Reporter ae allowed by law, shall be paid by the County Clerk of $srr County eatot' the General Fund aoaording to the following oertiYia ate oY Dietriot Judge, Lee Aallaoe, to-wf "8errville, Tease, January 20th, 1933. TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSION ER3 COURT OF BERR COUNTY, Herrvdlle, Tezas. Oentlemen:- Ae re qni red by law, I hereby oertify the following to the Commiseionsre' Court of Ee rr County, Tease: That $srr County, Tezas Se obligated and bound to pay, under Art, 2327a, Aote 1929, 41st Legislature of Tease, end Dolled session, page 97 the sum of X480.00 per annum, for salary as Official Court Reporter of the Dietriot Cour~ of %srr County, Tezas, said County being one oY the Counties composing the 38th Judicial Dietriot of Tezas, to Yra, Mabel ffioz, who hoe bean by me 6uly sworn Snto off SOe and Se now qualified Qe thY Ottioisl Court Reporter in and Yor the 38th Judioiel Dis~riot of Tezu, This emo mt oY ~4b0,00 per annum Se to be paid in monthly pryyme ate of g37 ,b0 out of the General Fnnd of Se rr County, Tezas. Ths aooomrt for ezpenees of the Otfioial Court Reporter, ae allowe6 by law (Art, 2326a, Rote 1929, 41st Legislature, page 112) shall be itemize6 and sworn to, in duplicate, by the reporter, at the end of each term oY the Dietriot Court Sa %srr County, Tezas, and otter being approved by the Dietriot Judge, one Dopy filed with the Dietriot Clark of the Raei- denoe of the Dietriot Judge, end one Dopy with the Commissioners' Court of the County liable for ouch ezpenee_ will then be due and payable by %srr County, Texas. Raepeotfully eabmitted, Lee Wallaa• Dietriot Judge.