• The to re going minutes on pages 80 and 81 hereof, were read in open Court anfl tpuad oorreet., and are hereby in all reapeote approTad by the Court, this the 10th day of April, A, D, 1933, attest: o ark B o y 8e puty. o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o The State of Tezae, County of Korr, ~ BE IT REM~ERSD, that on this 8th day of 1Way, A. D, 1933, there was began and holden a ragu]ar term of the Commiesionera~ Court of Kerr Coanty, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezae, officers present: John 3. Atkiae, County dodge, F. A. Barger, Commissioner, Precinct Ho. 1, H, G, Edens, Commissioner, Precinct Ho, 2, Wm, Karger, Commissioner, Precinct Ho, 3, W, H. Purr, Co~laafoner, Preeinet fto, 4, A, F. Moore, sheriff and Jno, R. Leavell, Con.atg Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the Yollowing proeaedings were had, to-wit; Ho. 797, ALLOWANCE OF CLAD ABTD •GCOUHTS. This 8th day of i+iay, 1933, Dame on to ba ezaminad and 6odited by the Gourt the various olaima and aaoounte tiled against Kerr County and. its respeotivs Commieaionera' precineta ainoe last term of this Court, all of which olaima and eoaounta were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respeetive tans as shown by the Minutes of Acoonata Allowed for Kerr Gouuty, which ors made apart of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 798, MONTHLY ALLOWANCE FOR PERSONS Ift FffiANCLAL DISTRESS FOR 1LAY, 1933. This 8th day of maq, 1933, the following named persons ba,and are hereby allowed the sum sat opposite their respective names out of the Spaniel Fund, same to be paid by the County Clerk by proper warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, to-wit: Tom Hollomon, X4,00 Jasper Huffilontt, $2,00, J. B. Clement, 2,00, J. A, Wilson, 3,00, Etta Hoody, 3,00, Mrs. Mardis Barton, 3,00, Emma Bundiak, 3,00, Homer McGee, 2,00, Phil Bu]ldiok, 2,00, Mrs. A, J, Reyaolda, 9,00, same wavering their respective ellowanoae for the month of May, 1933, and the Clerk is directed to make the warrant covering the Emma Bundiok allowance payable to lire. Louie Bundiak, and the warrant covering the Hunnicutt and McGee allowances payable to Jasper Moore, ~+~erohant of Ingraa, Tezae. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 799, PCRCHASE OF ,94 OF AN ACRE OF LAND FROH 9IISAN ROBINSOH FOR HIGHWAY X27 DRAffiAGE, This 8th dap oP May, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County purchase Srom Hies Susan Robinson a strip of ]and out oY SurveW Ho, 130, F. Trevino at Ingram, Tezsa, for Highway Ho. 2T drainage purposes, Yor the price oP $166;00, same to be paid by the County Glerk unto Hiae Robinson by proper warrant drawn against the Karr County Lateral Fund upon delivery oP properly ezaouted deed thereto by Llies Robinson in favor of Kerr Comity o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 800, APPHOYAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PE10E OF PRECINCT $0, OHE. This 6th day of ~q, 1933, acme on to be oonaiderad by the Court the report of E, H. Turner, Juetioe of the Peace oY Precinct Ho, 1 of Kerr County, Tezas, for the month of