• The foregoing minutes on pages 80 and 81 hereof, were read in opea Court and found correct., and are hereby in all reapeata approved by the Court, this the 10th da,+ of April, A, D, 1933, n Q Attest: .~lr~rY// l~ ~.. . ~~ ~ ~ ~- _ // ~ ~ouhty~re;k - ~ / ~~ B puts C//7/J" .o .y 6e 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Tho State oY Tezae, County of Kerr, ~ BS IT REtS®tBSRSD, that on this 8th day of Lust', A, D, 1933, there was began and holden a regular term of the Commieaionere~ Court of Kerr County, Tezsa, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, ofticers present: John S. Atkins, Eonnty dudgs, F. A. Karger, Cpmmieaionar, Precinct Ho. 1, H, G, 8dena, Commissioner, Preoiaat No, 2, Hm, Karger, Commissioner, Precinct Ho, 3, W. H. Purr, Co~iasioner, Precinct fto, 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno, R. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the fo Wowing proceedinga were bad, to-wit: Ho. 797, ALLOWANCE OF CLAILI4 AHD ACCOUNTS. This 8th day of L~By, 1933, Dame on to ba ezamined and audited by the Court the various claims and accounts Piled against Kerr County and its respective Commieaionera' precincts since last term of this Court, all of which claims and eocounts ware approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respective Panda as shown by the Minutes of Accounts Allowed for Kerr County, which 8re made apart of thin order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 798, MONTHLY ALLOWANCE FOR PERSONS Ift FINANCIAL DISTR&43 FOR MAY, 1933. This 8th dqv of asy, 1933, the following named persona ba,and are hereby allowed the sum set opposite their respective names out of the Special Fund, same to be patd by the County Clerk by proper warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, to xit: Tom Hollomon, X4,00 Jasper Huaniontt, X2,00, J. B. Clement, E,00, J. A, Wilson, 3,00, Etta Moody, 3.00, Mrs, Hardie Barton, 3,00, Emma Bundiok, 3,00, Bomar McGee, 2,00, Phil Bundiok, 2,00, Mrs. A. J, Reyno]8e, 9.00, Same covering their respective allowances for tho month oY Mqq, 1933, sad the Clerk ie directed to make the warrant covering the Emma Bundiok allowance payable to Mrs, Louis Handiok, and the warrant oavering the Hunnicutt sad McGee allowances pe~7able to Jasper Buoore, ~+erohant of Ingraa, Tazas. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 799, PORCFLISE OF ,94 OF AN ACRE OF LARD F$OM SUSAN ROBINSOH FUR HIGHWAY f27 DRAINAGE, This 8th dap of May, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County parohaee Prom Mica Susan Robinson a strip of land out oY Survgy Ao. 130, F. Trevino at Ingram, Tezas, for Highway Bo, 27 drainage purposes, for the price of $188;00, same to be paid by the County Clark unto Miss Robinson by proper warrant drawn against the Kerr County Lateral Fund upon delivery of properly ezeoutad deed thereto by Lose Robinson in favor of Kerr Comity. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 800, APPROVA7. OF REPORT AND FEffi OF JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE OF PRECINCT H0, OBE. This 8th day oY gay, 1933, came on to be considered by the Court the report of E, H, it ' Turner, dustiae of the Peace oY Preoimt Bo, 1 of Kerr County, Tezae, for the month of j',. j ipril, 1933, of oriminsl Deese filed, fine e, judgment and Jury fees aolleated, totaling $31.90, entitling him to $33.00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report ie ,-. true sad oorreot, same ie hereby approved, eafl the County Clerk la directed to pay aatd $33.00 in two warrants on the County Treasurer, one ter $20.90 against the General Fund and the other Yor $12.10 against the Road and Bridge fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o LND DISTRICT Ho. 801, LPPROYLL OF COIINTY.CLERK~9 MONTHLY OFFICE EEPElYSE REPORTS, This Bbh Bey of 16gp, 1933, same on to be eawmined by the Coact the report of Joha R. Leavell, County Clerk sad the report of Geo, D¢, Doyle, Dle tr let Clerk, oov Bring their sotual and neeeeeary oYYioe eapemea Yor the month of Lpril, 1933, whieh reports appearing aorraot Sn all re epeota, be sad are hereby approved by the Court, 1 I ~ ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 802, 6PPROVLL OF COiRPTY L1PD DISTRICT CLERK~9 t$TLRTERLY REPORTS. This 8th dqv of 3dgy, 1933, Dame on to be ezamin ed by the Court the quartar],y reports of dohs R, Leavell, County Clerk and George EG. Doyle, Matriot Clerk, oov er ing fines imposed, ~udgmenta rendered sad ,nry Yeas oolleoted Yor quarter endins Lpril 30th, 1933, whieh reports i appearing oorreot be and are hereby approved by the Court, i. I o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ! I Ho. 803, REPORT OF ROTH JLNE Di00BE, COIIRTY HELLTH H6RSE, i ~~~ This 8th day of Li9y, 1933, Dame oa to be heard by the Court the report of ltias Rath dens swore, County Health Nurse covering her gotivities during 6pril, 1933, rdiioh report ie haraDy eaeepted by the Court sad ordered filed by the Clerk, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 804, ORDER LUTHORIZIH6 PLYli~IDT OF 1/2 OF COBSTLBLE JEFF A7NCLH'9 SAIJRY FOR THREE BWHTHS. This 8th day of Ligy, 1933, same on to be heard the applieation oY several prominent tae payers and sit izena oY Kerrville, Texas, asking that Kerr County sad the City of Karr- ~ ~~ villa share equally in the payment oY a reasonable ae]ary to JeYf Duaoan, Cone tab le oY tl i Preoinot Ho, 1, and St apps aril to the Court that said JefY Duaoan, as Constable ie render- ing valuable se rvioe oY dlreat finasoisl base Yit to the County and 19 entitled to oompe nsation therefor above hie monger face oY office, It Se therefore ordered by the Court that Kerr County Yor a period oY three months S. e. ligy, June and duly pay 1/2 oY the montbly salary oY $40,00 per month uxrto said 7aYY D;uwan Yor his services as Constable oY Preoinot Ho, 1 aforesaid, said $20.00 per month shall be paid by the County Clerk out of the General Farad ' by proper warrant drawn on the County Treasurer at the sad of each month. o-o-o-o-o ` ~,I 80, 805, LPPROyLL OF COIIHTY TREISURER'9 Q,ULHTERLY REPORT, Phis 8th day oY 1be~Y, 1933, acme on to De azamined Dy the Court the quarterly report ~ I • ~I of H. G, Garrett, dr., Gouty Treasurer, covering reoaipte and disbursements of Kerr Coanty Yor quarter ending Lpril 30th, 1933, and it appearing to the Court that rime is oorreot and • ~~I in propea Yo na, same be and is hereby approved by the Court, and same together with the ~I Court's aerti Yiastee oY approval, etc, shall be recorded by the County Clerk in the Loose ill Leaf Record Yor that purpose in hie office. L11 oaaa ellad inters et ooupom discharged during ~~ said quarter were destroyed by Yire in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o ~ ~~ The Yore going minutes on pages 82 and 83 here ot, ware read in open Court and found i ' oorreot, and are hereby in all respaot• approved by the Court, this t e Bt day of liay, ~ 4' •'~ ~~~A. D. 1933, ltte et~_y `' ~unty Clerk aunty Budge. Av a.__ -~-r rn..,, k..