THE STATE OF TE%A3, f ~ $~ COUNTY OF KERB. { BE IT RF.tdEGiBERED, that on this 15th dqy of t~uay, 6. D. 1933, there ~, was begun and holden a 9peoial term oY the Comnieaioners' Court of Kerr County, Tease, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tease, offioers present: John 3. Atkins, County Judge, F, A, Karger, Commissioner, Preoinot No, 1, H, G. Edens, Commissioner, Precinct No, 2, Wm. Karger, Commissioner, Preoinot No, 3, W. H. Furr, Commissioner, Preoinet No, 4, A, F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularl,7 opened, the following proceedings wore had, to-wit: Na, 806, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNT. These 15th, 16th and 17th Jaye of 't.ey, 1933, Dame on to be eaemined and audited by the Court the various claims and aooounta filed agai mt Kerr County sad its reepentive Com- mieeionere' preoinota einoe last term oY this Court, ell of which olaima sooounta were approved by the Court Yor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oY reepaotive Punde ae shown by the Hiinutea of Accounts Allowed Yor Kerr Cou~y, cdzioh are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 807, EBA'1T,INAT20N OF TA% INPEPiTORIE3 OF A3SESSMINT3 FOR 1933. These 15th, 16th and 17th days of T,iay, 1933, after eegh member oY the Court having First taken the oath required by law, Dame on to be examined by the Court sitting ae a board oY equalization, the inventories of aeaesamente made to and taken by the County Tae Assessor, E. H, Nichols, Yor the current year, all of which inventories were carefully inspected, aor- reated and equalized and approved, with eaoeption of about ninety aeeesamants which should be raised. It is therefore ordered by the Court that it will oonvena and sit as s Board of Equalization on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30th and 31st, 1933, at the Court House 1n Kerr- ville, Tease, for the purpose of equalizing ae near as possible such unsatisfactory aaeeea- mente, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to give proper notice by publication of the time when this Court will meet as such Squslisation Board, and said Clerk shall also further notify each oY said property owners in person by mail to appear before said Board of Equalize tion, one-half of which property owners to appear before said Boarfl on May 30th and the other half on i.,ay 31st. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o fto, 808, ADVANCEi.~IT OF X50,00 on 1933 County Taz Assessor's Commissions, Total to date $600,0 o-o-o-o-o-o-o l ~Em ti ~i This 17th day of L4ey, 1933, upon request of E. H. Nichols, County Taz Assessor, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County advance onto E, H, Niohola upon his 1933 oommisaiona ae County Tax Assessor an additional cam oY Fifty Dol]ara (50,00), same to be paid by the County Clerk by proper warrant on the County Treasurer against the Hoed & Bridge Fund, p, iio. 809, RE: Petition of A. 3. Gibbs for Tax ~ p on, BEFORE THE COSSht233I0NERS' COURT OF Kffi2R COUNTY, TESA3. On this the 17th day of i.~qy, 4 B, 1933, the Co mm issionere' Court of Karr County being duly assembled in the Court House at Kerrville, Texas, in apeoisl session, Dame on Yor oonsld4ratioa of said Commiaeionere' Court oY Kerr County, the petition of L. T. Gibbs, pray- ing that pertain property deaoribed in said petition be e˘empted from all State and County