A0. 816, RE: PETITION OF HERBERT CH0054 FOR TA% E~'fION, - - BEFORE THE COlii7YLISSI0NER3* COURT OF KTRR COUNTY, TE%43. On thin the 17th day of tiu&,q, A. D, 1933, the Commieaionere* Court oY Kerr County being duly assembled in the Courthouse at Kerrville, Texas, in special session, came on flor ooneideration of said Commissionera* Court oY Kerr County, the petition oY Herbert Croom, praying that pertain property described 1n said petition be ezempted from all State and Count; taxes, and after a hearing of said petition and of evidence in support thereoY, the Commie- aionera` Court of Kerr County finds it to be a last that Herbert Croom, on or about the let day of December, A, D, 192b, purchased a house and two lots in Oak Park Addition to Kerrville in Kerr County, Tezae, more particularly described as: Lots Nos, 14 and 15, in Block No. 3, of said Oat Park Addition to Kerrville, Tezae, and that the said Herbert Croom ie a veteran oY the World War, having served in the IInited States Army, American Expeditionary Foreee for about 30 months, and that said property so purchased by him was wholly paid Por with Yunds reoai~ed by the said Herbert Croom Yrom the Treasurer of the United States oY America, by virtue of the World War veterans Aot of 1924; ~' also known as Chapter Number 10, of Tit L3 Number 38 of the IInited States Code Annotated; ~' such funds having been paid by way of Disability Compensation and tar Riek Insurance, ea I, provided for in said Aot, and especially in Part II, Part III and Part IV oY said Aot, and the Commissioners' Court of Karr County further finds that the identical Yunde received by ~ the said Herbert Croom, in pRyment of said MeaDility Compensation and War Sisk Insurance, were used to pay for said property and that Section 454 of Chapter 10, Title 28, of the United States Code lnnotated eapreaely provides that the Disability Compensation and War Riek Insurance paid by virtue of said World War veterans Aat "shall ba azempt fmm all tesation.° It is, therefore, ordered, adJudged and dooreed by the Commieetoners* Court oY Kerr County, that the above described house and two lots ie eaempt, for the ye are 1932 and 1833, f all State and County taws, and mall continue from year to year to be azempt from all State and County taxes, so long as the same ie owned by the said Herbert Croom. i It is further ordered, ad3udged and decreed by the Commieaionere` Court of Kerr County, that a certified copy of this order shall ba Dy the Clerk of this Court sent to the ~, Taz Collector of Kerr County, Taz -sseeaor oY Kerr Cou~y, and to the Comptroller of the State of Tease, in order that they mepr correct their raoorde to oossCorm to this order, and show the above described property to be eaempt f m State ty tazea. a.._ . __...~ . ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ '~mmfsa one re 0.0-0.0.0-0-0-0-0 H0. B16, RE: PETITION OF WALTER P. HLAZR FOR TA8 ESELtPTION, BEFORE THE COD6n1233I0NER8` COURT OF $ERH COUNTY, TEYAS, On this, the 17th dray of Yi~y, A. D. 1933, the Commiealoners` Court of Kerr County being duly assembled in the Courthouse at Kerrville, Tezae, in special session, name on for oonsidsration of said Commissioners` Court of Kerr County, the petition of Walter P. Blair, praying that pertain property described in said pet itioa be ezempted from all State and Coa taxes, and alter a hearing of said petition and of evidence in support thereof, the Commie- `sionexa' Court of Kerr County Yinde it to be afoot that Walter P. Blair, on or about the 40