THE STATE OF TESAS, { Q COUNTY OF %ERR, ~ BE IT REuiEI1BERED, that on this 12th day of June, A. D, 1933, theta was begun and holden a regular term of the Commisaionera* Court of gsrr Coaaty, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Bsrrville, Tezsa, officers present; John 3. Atkins, County dodge, F. A. Barger, Commissioner, Preoinot No, 1, H, 6. Edenq, Commissioner, Precinct No, 2, Wm. Barger, Commissioner, Precinct Ho. 3, W. H, Farr, Commissioner, Precinct No, 4, A. F, Moore, SheriYY and Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedingq were had, to-wit: No, 820, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS ARD ACCOBNTB. This 12th day of dune, 1933, Oame on to be ezamined and audited by the Courtt3:e various claims and acoonnts tiled against Eerr County and its rsspeotlve CommiseYonere~ ~ precincts since last term et this Court, all of whioh claims and aaoounte were approved for '~, payment by the County Clerk is Žoanta and out of reapeetive tends as shown by-the~Mi~utea , of Accounts Allowed for Kerr County, Tezea, on pagae_22, 23 and 24, whioh are.mpde a part of this order. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No. 821, TEMPORARY ALLOWANCES FOR PERSONS Ile FINANCIAL DISTRESS FOR JUNE, 1933, This 12th dqy of June, 1933, the following named persons be and are hereby allowed the suuq set opposite their respective names out of the $geofal Fond for the month of June, 1933, same to be paid unto each of them by the County Clerk by proper warrants drawn upon the County Treasurer, as follows: Tom Hollomon X3,00 d. B. Clement X2,00, Etta bloody, 3,00 Emma Bundiek, 3.00, Phil Bundiek, 2,00 Jasper Hunniontt 2.00 Homer LloGee 2.00 J. W, Wilson 3.00 1~ra.:dardis Barton, 3,00 Las. 1, J. Reynolds 9,00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 822, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FE&9 OF JUSTICE OF THE PELCE OF PRECINCT H0, ORE. This 12th day of Juno, 1933, Dame on to be considered by the Court the report of E. H, Turner, Juetiae of the Peace of Preoinet Ho, 1 of %err County, Tezas, for the month of May, 1933, of orimin8l banes i11ed, tines, judgment and fury Yeeq collected, totaling X24.80, entitling him to $30,Op in Yeeq, and it appearing to the Court that paid report iq true and correct, same is hereby approved, .and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay said X30,00 in two warrants on the County Treasurer, one for ~E1,77 against the General Fund and the other for X8.23 against tho Road and Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. ŽE3, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLEH$!8 MONTRLY OFFICE.$iPEN3E REPORT. This 12th day of June, 1933, Dame on to be examined by the Court tl~e report oY John H. Leavell, County Clerk, covering hie actual and neoagaary office ezpensea Yor the month of May, 1933, which report appearing correct in all regpeots, be and ie hgrsby approved in open Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 824, ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1932 CO4ERING FEES AND COaiYEN3ATI0N CHARGED AND DEDUCTIONS CLALuED, C. A. RODGERS, Constable, Precinct Ho, 4, This 12th d$p of dune, 1933, came on to be examined the annual report filed by C, 1, Rodgers, Constable of Precinet No, 4 of Kerr County covering hie tees and oompeneatioa charts! oolleeted and uncollected, and deductions claimed by him Yor deputy riSre and other office