THE STATE OF TESLS, { Q COUNTY OF BERR, ~ BE IT BEi~ IBERED, that on this 12th daV oY June, A, D, 1933, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commiseionera* Court of Karr County, Tesae, at the Court House thereoY, in the town oY Kerrville, Teals, officers present; John S, ttkins, County dodge, F. A, Karger, Commissioner, Preainot No, 1, H, 6. Edens, Commissioner, PraoinOt No, 2, Am, Kargsr, Commissioner, Preoinot Ho, 3, W. H, Farr, Commissioner, Preoinot Ho, 4, 6. F, Moore, Sheriff and Tno, R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedingq were had, to-wit: No. 820, dI,LOwtNCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUHT3. This 12th day of dune, 1933, oama on to be eaamined and audited by the Court the various olaims and saoonnta filed against 8err County and its rsepeotive Commiseioners* ~ preoinota ainoe last term of this 6ourt, all of whioh olaims and aooounte were approved for `., payment Dy the County Clerk in e@oeats and out of reepoetive Sonde ae shown Ay-the Mi~txtes , of Acoounte Allowed for Kerr County, Tezae, on pages,22, 23 and 24, which are~msdq s part ~ ' of this order. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ho. 821, TEMPORARY ALLOWANCES FOR PER30N3 1N FINLNCIAL DISTRESS FOR JUNE, 1933, This 12th day of June, 1933, the f ollowing named persons be and are hereby allowed the aum6aet opposite their re a peotive name s out of the 8pntlal.Flitd for the month oY dune, 1933, same to be paid unto each of them by the County Clark by proper warrants draws upon the County Treasurer, ae follows; Tom Hollomon X3,00 J. B. Clement X2,00, Etta Moody, 3,00 Emma Bundiok, 3.00, Phil Bundiek, 2,00 Jasper Hunaiantt 2,00 Homer LioGee 2.00 d. W, Wilson 3.00 Mre. :cardia Barton, 3,00 Irre. t, J. 8eynolde 9,00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 822, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PELCE OF P$ECINGT H0, OHE. This 12th day of duns, 1933, cams on to ba considered by the Court the report of E. H, Turner, Juetioe of the Peace of Precinct Ho, 1 of Kerr County, Tezls, for the month of May, 1933, of orimin8l 6seee filed, fines, Sudgment and fury tees oollegted, totaling X24.80, entitling him to $30.00 in tees, and it appearing to the Court that ssiQ report is true and correct, same is hereby approved „and the County Clark is hereby authorised and directed to pay said30,00 in two warrants on the County Treasurer, one for X21,77 against the General Eund and the other for X8,23 against tho Road and Bridge Fund. o-o-e-o-o-o-o Ho. 823, APPROTAL OF COUNTY OLERKT$ MONTHLY OFFICE EZP$P.9E 8SP0$T. This 12th day of dune, 1933, came on to be ezamined by the Court the report of John R. Leavell, County Clerk, covering hie &atusl and necessary office eapenaes Yor the month of May, 1933, which report appearing aorreot in all respects, be and is hereby approved iII open Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 824, ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1932 COVERING FEES AND COf.H'EN$ATION CHARGED AND DEDUCTIONS CLAII~LED, C. •. RODGER3, Constable, Precinct Ho, 4, This 12th day of dune, 1933, came on to be easmined the annual report filed by C, A, Rodgers, Constable of Precinct Ho. 4 of Kerr County covering his fees and oompeneation aharreA oollsetod and unoolleotad, and deductions claimed by him for deputy kiira and other oYPico y~) ezpenses, Yor the year, 1932, ah'sd it appearing to the Court that said report ie made soaord- ing to Ins and that same is correct, came De and is hereby approved by the Court, and the I' County Clerk shall Yile same as required by lss, o-O-O-O-O~prO Ho, BEb, REPORT OF BATH JAHH MOORS, COUNTY HELLTH HRBSS, This 12th d~ of dune, 1933, same on Eo be heard by the Court the report oP Miea Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse oavering her sotivitiea during luevy, 1933, which report ie hereby accepted by the Court and ordered Piled Dy the County Clerk, o-o-o-o-o-o-o 'Ho, 826, APPROV6L OF COiJHTY CLERK'S TLBULAR ST1TE~uENT OF ffiDEBTEDNESS, FSPENDITURES & RECE This 12th day oP June, 1933, came on to be examined the Tabular Statement Piled by Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk, oP the Indebtedness, Espenditurea and Beoeipts oP Kerr County Por the quarter ending 6pril 30th, 1933, shish statement appearing oorre of in every reaps ot, be and ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o p The State oP Tezsa, In Commisaione rs' Cvvrt, Kerr County, Terse, County oP Karr. Regular dune Term, -. D. 1933. Th1a 12th day oY dune, 1933, same oa to be considered by the Court the proposition oP Nesman & Company of San lntonio, Tasae, oY taring to sell and deliver unto the Permanent School Fund oP Kerr County five (5) Kerr County 5;6 Bpad Bonds, dated February 10th, 1931, numbered 226 to 230, inoluaive, maturing Febmary 10th, 1961, each Por the sum oP $1000,00, at the prios - of 93,465 plus accrued interest from Feb, 10, 1933, - - - - - - - -$4,758.00, in cone idsration oP the payment oP said Permanent School Fund unto said Heiman Bo Compsr;y oP the sum ot------------------------ $660,00 in cash, and the delivery oP said School Fund unto said Heiman & Comparyy of the Your (4) Kerr County 6y8 Road & Bridge Refunding Warrants held by it, Dearing date, Jan. 15, 1931, being Warrants Ho s. 23 and E4 maturing den. 15, 1937, Warrant Ho, 25 maturing Jan, 15, 1936 a~ Warrant 80, 31 matur- ing den. 15, 1939, and priced iII this traneaotion at par, plae saoraed interest from Jan. 15, 1933, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.098.00 $4,758.00. End it appearing to the Court that it is tm the best interest of the Permanent School Fund of Ksrr County Prom an investment stand-yoiat, that the eAove mentioned proposi- tion of said Hesman & Company be aoeepted. Therefore, upon motion daly made and se oondefl and unanimously adopted, it ie 1, hereby ordered, ad,udged and decreed by the Court that the proposition of Herrman ~ Company aforesaid be and is hereby accepted by the Court Por and on behalf of the Permanent School Fund oY Berr County, and upon delivery by s-id Newman & Company unto the County Treasurer oP Kerr County through the Chaa. Schreiner Bank, oP said Kerr County 5$ Road Bonds numbered 226 to E30 inoluaive, said County 'Preaeurer be and is hereby authorised and directed to tuna-over and deliver unto said Heyman B; Company said Your Kerr County 6~ Bond g Bridge Refunding Warrants numbered 23, 24, 25 sad 31, and upon receipt oY said Road Bonds by said Treasurer, the Chas. 3ahreiner Bank as Depository of School Funds of Kerr County be and is hereby authorised and directed to pa4y unto said Heyman & Company, the aam oY $660,00 out of the Permanent School Fund of Kerr County, Tezae,