:i~) I' eapeases, Yor the year, 1932, a4td it appearing to the Court that said reporE is made aocord- ing to law and that rime ie oorrest, same De and is hereby approved by the Court, and the County Clerk shall Pile came as regaire8 by law, O-e-O-o-O.peO $o, 62b, REPORT OF ROTS dAffiE 1i00R$, COIIffiTY HELLTB ffiO63E, This 12th dR7 of dune, 1933, same on to be hear8 by the Court the report oY 1Sise Ruth Jane Btoore, County Health ffiuree oovering her aotivitiee during ~qy, 1933, whigh report ie hereby sooepted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 'No, 826, APPROOAL OF COII$TY CLERK~3 TABULAR STATEs.ENT OF IffiDEBTHDNES3, EZPERDITURES & RECE This 12th day of June, 1933, oe~ue on to be ezamined the Tabular Statement filed by Jno, R, Leavell, Oounty Clerk, oY the Indabte dnaes, Ezpenditurea and Reooipts oY Kerr County Yor the Quarter ending April 30th, 1933, which statement appearing oorreot is every reapeot, be and ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o r- Tha State of Tazsa, ' In Commissions rs' Court, Kerr County, TeZee. County of Kerr, ( Regular June Tarm, A. D. 1933, This 12th daq of June, 1933, same on to~+De ooneidered by the Court the proposition oY Newman & Company of San lntonio, Tezas, of Yering to sell and deliver unto the Permanent School Fund oY Kerr County live (5) Eerr County 5f., Bpad Bonds, dated February 10th, 1931, numbered 226 to 230, inoluaive, maturing Hebmary 10th, 1961, eaoh Yor the sum oP $1000,00, at the prior of 93.465 Blus eoasued interest from Feb, 10, 1933, - - - - - - - -X4,758,00, in consideration oP the payment of esid Permanent Sohool Fund unto aeid ffiewman &Compsgy oY the sum of ---------------- ----.. __- X660.00 in Dash, and the delivery of said Sohool Fund unto sald ffiewman & Company of the Your (4) Bert County 6~ Road & Bridge Refund in8 Warrants held by it, Dearing data, Jan, 15, 1931, being Warrants Hos. 23 and 24 maturing den. 15, 1987, Warrant $o, 25 maturing Jan, 15, 1938 anti Warrant ffio, 31 matur- ing den. 15, 1938, and prised 1n this tranesotion at par, plne soorued interest from Jan, 15, 1933, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,098.00 =4,758.00. And it appearing to the Court that St Se to the beat interest of the Permanent Sohool Fund of Serr County from an in4eetmeat stand-point, thab the above meatloaed prOposi- Lion of said ffiewman 4 Company be aeeeptefl, Therefore, upon motion duly made and se Bonded and ananimous]y adopted, it ie d ,, hereby ordered, ad'udged and decreed by the Court that the proposition of $ewman ~ Compaq? atoresald be and is hereby aeoepted by the Court for and on behalf of the Permanent Sohool Fend of Kerr County, and upon delivery by said Newman g Company unto the County Treasurer oP Kerr County through the Chae, 9ohreiner Bank, oP said Barr County 5,~ Road Honda numbered 226 to E30 inoluaive, said County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and direeted to tnra-over and dellver unto acid ffiewman d Company said Your Kerr County 69~ Road & Bridge Refunding Warrants numbered 23, 24, E5 and 31, and upon reeeipt oY said Road Bonds by said Treasurer, the Chao. 9ohreiner Bank as Depository of Sohool Funds of Kerr County be and i^ hereby authorised and directed to pay unto said $ewman & Compaq?, the sum of =660,00 out of the Permanent Sohool Fund of Kerr County, Ta=ae,