ioS °OtPiolal Ballot^, Said ballot shall also have xri tten or printed thereon tho words: "FOR THE SALE OF BEER CONTAININ4 NOT DiORE THAN THREE AIAD T60-TEHTR3 PER CEST014 (3.E$j OF nrr0$OL BY WEIGHT^, and the words "LGAISST TBE SALE OF BEER COSTAffiffiG SOT idORE THLS THREE AND TWO TENTffi PER CE6TUM (3,2'fi) OF ALCOHOL BY WEIOHT", and the Clerk of Kerr County, Tease, shall n,,..,iah the presiding oYtioer of sash efioh vetiag'Daz"'xlihls eaoh Juatioa Prseifot So, 4 of Bsrr County, Tasaa, with a number of such ballots, to be not lees than twine the member of qualified voters at such voting boaee, and the presiding oYtioer of eaoh voting Doz shall write hie name on the beak oY eaoh ballot, be Po re delivering the same to the voter, and eaoh person offering to vote at eaoh ale otion, shall at the time he offers to vote, be furnished Dy eaoh presiding otPi aer, with one eaoh ballot; and no voter shall ba permitted to 4epart with eaoh ballot, and shall not De asaieted in voting Dy any pe reon asoept eaoh presiding oPPioer or some officer assisting in the holding of eaoh ela otlon, under the direction oP eaoh presiding oYtioer, x~hen requested to do so by eaoh voter, IT IS FiJRTAER ORDERED that the oYti sera holding eaoh election, shall in all raspeota not herein epeeitied, conform to the general election laws in tome, regulating ale of ions; and after the poSls are closed, proceed to count the votes anfl uvithin three (3) days there- after to make due report oY said ale otion to this Court. THUS GRANTED, ORDERED AND SIGNED in onen Court in Kerr County, Tease, this 14th day oP Auguaty; 1~,~ ' ~ e~1y~i^e e ~ ''~' COL1:I93IONER3: ry r '•-••.:.GOH~ GE, IO$IdR COti"NTY, TESAS: as~~-~~ 3As o_o- o-o-o-o-o-o No. 848, AC017PTANCE OF COUNTY HEALTH NUR3E~S 110NTALY REPORT. This 14th day of Luguet, 1933, Dame on to be heard by the Court the report tiled by Ruth Jane Dto ore, County Health fturae Por the month of July, 1933, covering her work throughout the County, which reporirie hereby accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clark, O-O-D-O-O-O-O State of Tease, ~ In Commiasionere~ Court Kerr County, Tazae. So. 849. Lu~iat Term, 133, County of Karr, Highway X81 B.W. eaohange between Kerr County & J. E, Thurman. This 14th day oY Luguat, 1933, came on to be aonsiderad the proposition of J, E. Thurman oYferiag to convey unto the State of Tessa the strip of lead oft of hie property now embraced in new State Aighxe~J No. 81 east oP Kerrville, containing ,006 of sa sore out of Survey So. 116, B. F. Cage, in ooneiderat ion of Kerr County*e ooav ey eons by quit olelm deed oP that strip of land or abandoned Bortion of the old Kerrville & Frederick eburg Road oontainiag ,09 of an sore oat of said B. F. Cage Survey No. 116 lying between hie property and said sex State Highway Ho. 81, and it appearing to the Court said eaahange of land is fair and equitable to both parties provided, that said J. E, Thurman x111 move and oonatruot a subatautial fence between hie esid property and said nox State Highway So. 81 at hie own coat and ezpenee, Zt ie therefore ordered by the Court that the proposition so offered to the Court by esid J, E. Thurman ae aforesaid, be and Se hereby accepted by the Court and upon the eaeoution and delivery of proper deed by said J, E, Th,,,.mnn and wife unto the State of Texas covering said ,006 of en sore of right-of-wqy nox amDraood 1n State Hi ~xay No. 81, County Judge, Bohn 3. Atkins be and is hereby authorized and dlreoted to convey unto said J, E, I ~ ~ Thurman for and on behalf of Kerr County by proper qult-olatm deed said portion of the old EDandonad Kerrville & Fredericksburg Road containing .07 of an sore out of the B, F, Cage Survey No. 116 lying between tho property of said J, E, Thurman and new State Highway No, 81. Both of the ~aa.M1e herein mentioned shall contain field notes to the reapootive atrip~of land thereby conveyed ae surveyed and prepared by the resident Highway Engineer's office, o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 850, APP$OYAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S QUARTERLY TABULAR 3TATEMEHT OF INDE$TEDNE33, ETC. This 14th day of August, 1933, came on to be easmi'ned by the Court the tabular statement Si led by John R. Leavell, County Clerk covering the indebtedness, eapendituree and receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending July 31st, 1933, which report having bean Pound true and correct, be and ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 851, FIti'H ADVANCE ON COUNTY TAa A33E$30R'3 COitpff93I0a, (Total to data $1,200,OOj. This 14th day of August, 1933, name on to be aonaidered the applloation of County Tsa Assessor, E. H, Nichols for a iitth advance on hie 1933 assessor's commission in the sum of $300.00, and it appearing to the Court that he ie entitled to same, it is oxtlered by the Court that same be granted and the County Clerk shall pqp such advance of $300.00 as 'r. $50,00 out of the Kerr County Road Bond Sinking Fund, $125.00 out of the Road District No, One Sinking Fund, and X125,00 out of the General Fund, by the ieauanoe and delivery unto said E. H, Niohole of proper warrants on the County Treasurer, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 852, APPORTZONLIENT OF $6,000.00 8. & H, H4ND3, On this, the 14th dip of August, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the unappor- tioned sum of $6,000,00 now in the general Road do Bridge fund of Ksrr County be and is here apportioned among the respective Commieaionerq' preoixwts of Kerr County, as follows; To Precinct No, 1 the sum Of $2910.00, To Precinct Ro. 2 the sum of =660,00, To Preainot No, 3 the sum of $540.00, and To Precinct No, 4 the sum of $1890,00, and auah sums eo apportioned to each of said precincts shall be oreditefl by the County Clerk to each of said respective precincts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 853,3ELECTION OF DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 1934 COUNTY BUDGES. On this, the 14th day of August, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the pub11G hearing on the County Budget for 1934, be and is hereby set at 10 O'clock, Saturday, August 19th, 1933, and proper notice of said meeting is here now posted ati the Court House door sad the two loyal newspapers are hereby urged to give such meeting proper publicity in their issues of this week's papers. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 854, PETITION OF JENIPIE M, BROWN AGAINST CLOSING OF PART OLD C. P. & 3. A. ROAD, This 15th day of August, 1933, same on to be heard the Bet it ion of Mrs, Jennie M, Brows aa~aetUated by her attorney, W, D. C. Donee, protesting the closing of that portion of the old Center Point and San Antonio Road from Canter point Paved Loop in front of tho Lee Moats reeidenoe north to corner o1 said old road, c~dlich petition be and is hereby denied