/ / No, 869, ORDER AUTHORIZING THE PAYP~~IEIST OF ELECTION OFE'ICER$, This 30th day oY August, 1933, it is ordered by tho Court that e5ah eleotion ofYioer serving in the holding of the eleotion on August 26th, 1933 be and is hereby allowed the sum of y3.00 eaoh plus 30 Dente per hour for overtime and $Z,00 sacra to each presiding judhee for the return oP hie election boaee, sane shall be paid by the County Clerk by proper warrants ieaued by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer against the general Fund of Karr County, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 870, ESA3QNATION OF BAILOT BOEES N0, 4 OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD Aug, 26th, 1933, This 30th day of August, 1933, Dame on to be examined the aontenta oP Ballot Bozes No. 4 used in the Special Ele oti on held on August 26th, 1933, which contents were lnsp acted and a record thereof made by the Court on pages 32 and 33, in Yol, 1, of the Record of Contents oP Ballot Box No, 4 of Kerr Couzlty, o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0 No, 871, CANY~S3 OF RETURld3 OF LOCAL OPTION ELECTION HELD IN JUSTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 4 OF KERB COUNTY, TEEA$, on August 26th, 1933, On Chia 30th day of Augu at, 1933, Dame on to ba op enad and tabulated by the Court the returns oY the local beer eleotion held throe ;bout Justice's Precinct I7o. 4 oY 8err County, Teaas, on the 26th day oP August, 1933, which returns were duly tabulated ae ehotimi on page 128, in Vol. 2, Record of Ele otion Returns of Kerr County, Teaas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 872, Approval OF ELECTIOP: ESYPSISE ACCOUNT OF JNO. R, lEAYELL, COUNTY CLERK. This 30th day oY Au vst, 1933, came on to be eaamined by the Court the account Yilad by Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk in the sum oP $5,35 acv Bring inaident::'_ eleotion expenses asul re curling of certain discharges, wh ioh account hnviag been found aorract is hereby approved and shall be paid by the Clerk by proper warrant issued against the General Pend, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 3tata oP Tease, In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Teaas. No. 873 County of Kerr, Special Aupxat Term, 1933, On this 30th day of Au~~u.at, 1933, came on to be oonsidarad the matter of tabulating the returns Dud declaring the result oP an eleotion held in Juatlce Preoinot No, 4 of Karr County, Teaas, on Au„uat 26th, 1933, to determine whether or not the sale of Beer oonta ining not more than 3,2$ of alcohol by weight would be permitted in said Justice's PreCinot No. 4 of Kerr County, Teaas, and the Court having canvassed tho returns oP said election which election was held according to law, and it appearing to the Court that a majority of 114 of the votes polled at said eleation ware oast in favor oY the s.:_e of Beer co,. t:_:.uiinl; not more than 3,'2~ of alcohol by crei„ht in said precinct. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the manufacture, Bale and distribution oP Beer containing not more than 3,2~ oP alaohol by weight shall be lawYul in said Juat iee Breci not No, 4 of Kerr County, Texas, as provided by law 3n auoh case through regularly licensed dealers on and after the 15th day of September, 1933, ..nd there- after until auoh time as the qualified voters in said Justloe PreoS net IIo, 4 of Kerr County, Tease, my/ at an eleotion held Por that parpos br a-m. o t, v e, decide otherwise, . ~~ County Judge, Commie aioner, Pracinot No,l, ~~ / M / Commissioner, Praoinct No, 2, --___.~t.~'Commiasioner Preot. 4.