~// No, 869, ORDER AUTftORiZ ING THL PAYIiF,I1T OF ELECTIOA OFFICERS, This 30th dqy oP Auo"uet, 1933, St Sa ordered by the Court that cash eleatioa officer _ serving in the holding oP the eleotion on Aue^uet 26th, 1933 be azzd ie hereby el lowed the sum oP y3.00 esoh plus 30 aenta per hour for overtime end X2.00 extra to each presiding judge £or the return oP hie election boxes, same shell be paid by the County Clerk by proper warrants issued by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer against the general Puad oY Karr County, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 870, ES111tLNATION OF BALLOT BOEES N0. 4 OF SPECIAL ELECTION FIELD Aug, 26th, 1933. This 30th dap oP Augue t, 1933, name on to be examined the contents oP Ballot Bozea No. 4 used in the Special Ele otion held on Au.guat 26th, 1933, which contents were inapeated and a record thereof made by the Court on pages 32 and 33, in Vol, 1, oP the Record oP Contents oP Ballot Box No. 4 oY Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0 No. 871, CAIiV;139 OF 12ETU'Fu7S OF LOCAL OPTION ELECTION FN~,D IN JUSTICE'S PREC ]SICT N0. 4 OFKERR COUNTY, TESAS, on Au.glat 26th, 1933. On this 30th d2.y oP Augu at, 1933, name on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the returns of the local beer eleotion held throughout Justice's Precinct Ito. 4 oP Kerr County, Texas, on the 26th day of August, 1933, which returns ware duly tabulated as shown on page 128, in Yol. 2, Record of Ele otion Returns oY Barr County, Tezas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 872, Approval OF ELECTION E%PE[ffiE ACCOUNT OF JNO. R, LEAVELL, COUNTY CLERK. This 30th dc~,• oY Auwst, 1933, o:une on to be esemined by the Court the aeoount tiled by Jno, R. Lenvell, County Clerk in the cum oP ^5.35 aov Bring incident~a election expenses and recording oP certain disoharges, whioh aocount having been found oorreet is hereby approved and shall be paid by the Clerk by proper warrant issued agalnst the General fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Texas, In Commissioners' Court, Ksrr County, Texas. No. 873 '~, County oP Kerr. Special Auwet Term, 1933. On this 30th day oY Au~~ust, 1933, aamo on to be oonaiderad the matter oP tabulating the returns end declaring the result oP an election held in Justice Precinct No, 4 oP Karr County, Tezas, on August 26th, 1933, to determine whether or not the sale oP Beer ooutaining not more than 3,2$ oP alcohol by weight would ba permitted in said Justice's Precinct No. A oP Kerr County, Tezas, and the Court having oanvaseed the returns oY said election whioh election was held according to law, and it appearing to the Court that a majority oP 114 oY the votes polled at said election were oast in favor oP the s.~._e oY Beer co~~,ta u~in;, not more than 3,20 of uleohol by crei„ht in said precinct. It is t'_;erePore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the mwuPaoture, sale and di atribution oY Baer containing not more than 3,2~ of alcohol by vreight shall be lawYul in said Justice Pracinot No, 4 oP 8arr County, Tease, as provided by law in suoh case through re gulady licensed dealers on and after the 15th day oP September, 1933, and there- attar until suoh time as the qualified voters in said Justi oe Preoinat No, 4 of Kerr County, Tease, mfr at an eleotion held Yor that purpos b a•m o t y v te, deoide otherwise, _ County Judge, ,~~ y~ Commie aioner, Precinct No,l, M / --,.~G~GJ~QCL' Commissioner, Precinct Ro, 2, ~l ~~Commis sioner_ rre at net mo a /If/'~I-'~i.~w.~ Commissions r. Preet. 4.