~~ 3 No, 976, LE7Y OF BE$H DEALERS COUNTY LICSN~ FEES. This 11th day of September, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the following County Lioenae Yeee be and era hereby levied on the various Bear dealers in Kerr County to-wit: "anuYeaturer 250,00 per annum, General Distr Duter $100,00 per annum, Bra.nah Business oP General distributer $25,00 per annum, Local Distributer $25.00 per annum, ~ " Retail dealer to ~ba ooneumed on"premises ~50,OO~,per annum, " Retail dealer not to be ooneumed on premises 525.00 per annum, all of whioh license tees being one-half that charged and levied by the State oY Tezae on such rasp votive beer deals re and the tae year to be covered by each liaensea shall begin ne oY Jauaary let-and end at midnight oY December 31st of the same year. And the County Tax Collector shall issue, sell and deliver such lioenaea to persons, firma or corporations who have du],y qualified the rotor according to law, and all ~aoh County Lioenae tees so oo lleoted by said Taz Collector shall Da depoai tad by him to the credit of the (~'enera~ Fund oY Kerr County, Texas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 879, APPROPAL OF COUNIR CLEHK'8 QAAHTERLY HEPOBT. This 11th dqq of September, 1933, acme on to De ezamiaed by the Court the quarterly report of John 8, Leavall, County Clerk Yor quarter ending July 31st, 1933, covering fines imposed, ludgmenta renderod and Jury tees aolleated, totaling 59,00, whioh report appearing oorreot ie hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 880, APPHOYAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S JULY & AUGUST BEPdRTS OF OFFICE SSPSCTSS9 AND THE DISTRICT CLERK'S AUGUST REPORT OF SUCH SLPSHS&4, This llth day oY 3eptember, 1933, came an to Da ezemined by the Court the Ju],y and Augiet reports oY the County Clerk of hio actual and neoeaeary otPioe expenses Yor said months and the August report of the District Clerk oY hie actual and ne oeasary o£Yiae ezpeneea, all of whioh reports appearing true and oorreot, be and era hereby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 681, PAYI~tiT OF ONE YEARS BENTAI. ON G80UND OIPNED BY 8, L. LOCK AND IISBD TO STOHS CSaTSR POINT BRI80E N4y.6611Y, This 11th day of 3eptember, 1933, it is ordsred by the Court that the rentalof $25,00 Yor the year beginning 3eptember 1st, 1933 du.eby Kerr County to R, Lee Look Yor the ground occupied by the salvaged materiel of the Center Point Bridge, shall ba paid unto said R, Lee Loak out oY H, & B, #2 Fund of Karr County by proper warrant drataa on the County T`Feaeurer by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TESAS, ( In Commiesionere' Court, Kerr County, Tszae. No, 682 COUNTY OF KBBR, Sap#embor Term, A, D, 1933. This 11th day oY September, 1933, came on to ba ooneiderad for ooatirmation by the Court the appointment oY three additional members of the new County Board oY 47eltare and Smploy- ment by the Texas Rehabilitation & Relies Commieaioa on Septsmber 7th, 1933, name]y A, L. ' Starkey and J, E. Palmer of Kerrville, Texas, end John w, Bailey of Ingram, Tozas, and it appearing to the Court tDat all oY said parties ao appointed by said State Commission are soaeptable to the Court. Tharalore, upon motion made by Commissioner Selene, seconded by Commissioner Em. Kargar and unanimously adopted, the appointment by said Texa9 Rahabilitat ion and Relief Commission