~~ 3 No, 878, LEVY of BEER DsALERS couNTr xlcffis$ FEES. ' _ This 11th dqy oY September, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the Yollowing ~_ County Licenea lase be and are hereby levied on the various Beer deals re in Kerr County to-wit: ':~anuYaoturer $280,00 per'annam, General DiatriDuter $100,00 per annum, Branoh Business of General distributer $25,00 per annum, Looal Distributer X25.00 per annum, Retail dealer to-be ooneumed on premisea ~SO,OO~,per annum, Retail dealer not to be aonaumed on premisee X25.00 per amium, all of whioh license lase being one-halt that charged and levied by the State oY Teaas on such reap active beer deals re and the tax year to be covered by such liaenaes shall Degla ae of Janasry let .:and end at midnight of December 31st of the same year, And the County Tax Collector shall issue, sell and deliver each lieansea to parsons, firms or corporations who have duly 4ualitied thereYor according to law, and all ~aoh County Lioensa tees so co lie oted by said Taz Colle otor shall be deposited by him to the credit oY the (ienera~ Fund of Kerr County, Teaas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 879, APYR09AL OF COUNTY CLERK'S QIIAHTEBLY REPORT. Thi^ 11th d~ of September, 1833, acme on to ba easminod by the Court the quarterly raporb of John S, Leavell, County Clerk Yor Quarter endixg July 31st, 1933, covering tiaae imposed, ~udgmeate rands red and ,ury teas aollaoted, totaling $9,00, whioh report appearing oorreot ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 880, APPSOYAL OF COUDITY OLESit'9 JDLY & AUGUST REPdRTS OF OFFICE ELEffiSE9 AND THE DISTRICT CLERK'S AUGUST REPORT OF SUCH ffiPffiSES, This 11th day oY September, 1933, same on to be easmined by the Court the July and August reports oY the County C}erk of hie aotusl and aeoee eery ofiioe eapaneea Por said months and the August report oP the Dis triot Clark of hie actual and ne osasary oPYioe expeneea, all of whioh reports appearing true and oorreot, be and era hereby approved Dy the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 881, PA%MffiT OF ONE YEAS'S RENTAL CS GROUND O'~7NED SY R, L. LOCK AND USED TO STORE CENTER POINT BS1-G8 ~64R'ESIAL, This 11th der of September, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the rectal of $25,00 Yor the year beginning September let, 1933 due by Kerr County to R, Lee Look for the ground occupied by the salvaged material oY tho Center Point Bridge, shall be paid unto said 8, Lea Look out of R, & B, ~2 Fund of Kerr County by proper warrant drawn on the County T'Feaaurer by the County Clark, o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TESAS, ~ In Commiesionere' Court, Karr County, Teaas. Bo, 882 COIIBTY OF KERS, September 4erm, A, D, 1933. This 11th dqy of September, 1933, name on to be cones dared Yor confirmation by the Court the appointment of three additional members oP the new County Board of ttelfaro and Employ- meat by the Teaas Rehabilitation & Relief Commission on September 7th, 1933, namely A, L. ' Starkey and J, S. Palmer of Kerrville, Teas, end Bohn W, Bailey oP Ingram, Tesae, and it appearing to the Court that all of said Parties ao appointed by said State Corimiseion are acceptable to the Court. Therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Edens, seconded by Commis aioner Wm, Karger and unanimously adopted, the appointma nt by said Tease Hahab111tat ion and HelieY Commission