~~ 3 No, 878, LEPY OF BEER DEALERS CODN17 LICEPtSE FEES. ' This 11th day oY September, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that ,the following _ County Llaense Yees be snd are hereby levied on Ehe vari cue Beer Beale re in Ksrr County to-wit: 'ianuYSOturer 250,00 per'annam, General Diatr outer $100,00 per annum, Branch Dueinesa of General diet ributer $25,00 per annum, Local Distributer $25.,00 per annum, " " ' Retail dealer to"be oonaumed on"premises $50,OO,per annum, Retail dealer not to be aoneumed on promisee f2b.00 per annum, all oP whioh license fees being one-ha1P that charged and levied Dy the State oY Tezae on such r~speotive Deer dealers sad the tae year to be oovere6 by auah lioenaea shall begin ae oY January lst.and end at midnight of December 31st of the same year, And the County Tax Collector shall issue, sell and deliver auoh licenses to persons, Pirme or oorporation~ who have duly qualified therefor according to law, and all ~aoh County Lioenee Yeas so oo llected by said Taz Colle otor shall ba dapoaited by him to the ore Bit of the ~jeneral Fund oY Kerr County, Tezae. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No.679, APPROVAL OF COIIBTY CLERK'S @AAH'PERLY REPORT. Th1e 11th day oY September, 1933, same on to ba ezsminod by the Court the quarterly report of John @, Leavell, County Clerk Yor quazter endixg July 31st, 1933, covering Vines imposefl, ~udgmeate rands red and 'ury Yeas eolleoted, totaling $9,00, whioh report appearing oorreot Se hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 880, APPROVAL OF COUBTY CLERK'S JDLY & 6UGUST REPdR23 OF OFFICE EZP$NSES AND THE DISTRICT CLEBK'9 AIIGII3T REPORT OF SCCR EIPE88ES, This 11th day oY September, 1933, same on to be ezamine6 by the Court the Ju>,y and August reports of the County Clerk oY hie sotual and neoeasary office eapeneea Yor said months and the August report oP the District Clerk of hie actual and ne aessary oYYiae eapeneee, all oP whioh repo rte appearing true and oorreot, be and are hereby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 881, PAYiDQIT OF ONE YEAR'S RENTAL ON GR00'FD 0~7NED BY R, L. LOCK AND IISED TO ST0R8 CERTER PO1NT BRIDGE MirT1CR1-L, This 11th day of September, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the rental oY $25,00 Yor the year beginning September let, 1933 due Dy Kerr County to R, Les Look Yor the ground oaoupled by the selvaged me~eriel oY the Center Po1nt Bridge, shall be paid unto said R, Lae Loo$ out oY R, & B, #2 Fund of Kerr County by proper warrant drawn on the County T~Feasurer by the County Glerk. o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TElUS, ~ In Commissioners' Court, Korr County, Tease. No, 882 COIIRTY OF BBRB, Eap3eaber term, A, D, 1933. This 11th day oP September, 1933, name on to be aoneidered Yor confirmation by the Covrt the appointment oP three additional members of the new County Board of Welfare and Employ- moat by the Tezae Rehab111tation & Relief Commission on September Tth, 1933, name]y •, L. '- Iii Starkey and J, E, Palmer oY Kerrville, Tezae, end John K, Bailey oY Ingram, Tezae, and St appearing to the Court that all oP said parties so appointed by said State Commission are sooeptabla to the Court. Therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Edens, seconded by Commissioner Wm. Karger and unanimously adopted, the appointment by said Texas RehaDilitat ion and RelieY Commission of said Liessra, A, L, Starkey, J. E, Palieer and Sohn W, Bailey as members of the County Board of Welfare and Employment of Kerr County, ba and is hereby accepted and approved by the GousC, and the Clerk of this Court is hereby directed to Yorward unto said Commission a oertiYied copy of the Court*s order approving and accepting trie appointment of the herein mentioned parties as members of said County Board of Welfare and Employment, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 883, tPPROPAL OF AIIGUST REPORT OF COUNT7C HEA7aH NU$SE, This 11th day of September, 1933, came on to be heard the report filed by Huth Jane Moore, County Health Hurae, covering her public health work in Kerr County for the month of August, 1933, which report was eooepte8 Dy the Court to be filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 884, DISCONTINUANCE OF PIYMEPIT OF SCC,iIiY OF CONST6BL8 OF PRECINCT N0. 1, This 11th day of September, 1933, it it ordered by tho Court that the payment by Kerr County of 1~2 of the monthly salary of Jeft Duncan, Constable oY Precinct No. 1 in the cum oP X20,00 out oY the General Fund, be and is hereby diaeontinued, effective September 1, 19 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 865, APPLICATION OH P$TITION OF A, B, WILLLAH490N, G, H, LANG AND P, T, LiTNQUIST, FOR NEIGHBORHOOD HOAD ACHOS9 THE PROPERTY OF J. W, FOHGI,$oN HEAR HUdT, This 11th day of September, 1933, came on to be heard the application of Yessra. A, B. WSlliamaon, G, H. Lang and P, T, Lunquiet and others for the cancellation oY the quit- claim deed eseouted Dy the County Judge oY Kerr County to J, W, Fo rgasoa under this Gourt's order passed at the its harsh, 1933 term, entered in Yol, I, page 77 of its minutes, oovezing the rift of way of the old Kerrville & Roakapringa road eorosa the property of said J. W, Forgason, and it appearing to the Court that said J, i, Forgaao» has permanently oloaed said old road in violation of hie agreement with the Court viz., that said old road would be le Pt open Yor neighborhood travel vier convenient gate a, which agreement on the part of said J, W, Forgaeon to permit aueh neighborhood travel over and along said old road consti- tuted part oP the consideration for and upon which said quit-claim deed was authorized to be executed and delivered, The matter is therefore plc aed in the hands of County dodge, John S. Atkins and Commissioner W. H. Farr who shall take same up with 96r. Forgason towards the end that such oontroveray may be settled to the eatisPsation of all parties nonoernad and avid old road opened Yor neighborhood travel ea agreed upon. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pagoa 112, 113 and 114 hereof, ware read in open Court and Pound correct, and are hereby in all reap sots approved by the Court, this the 11th dty~ of September, 1933, Attest: .~ ounty Clerk By puty. County , r w , saes. 0- 0-0-0-0- 0 THE STLTE OF TELA3, COUNTY O! FSRH, 1 BE IT HE~++EiuBEHED, that on this 25th d.ap of September, A, D, 1933, there was begun and holden a 9pgoisl term of tho Commiaeionera~ Court of Karr County, Tessa, at the Court House thereof, in the Sown of Kerrville, Tezaa, officers present: John S, ltkina, County dodge, F, A, Karger, Commiaeionar, Preainot No, 1, H, G. Edam, Commissioner, Preoinat No. 2, /~f