/(7 1, and it Pnrther appearing to the Court that 90 feet oP conorete drain pipe valued at ,656 per Yoot hoe been Purni~had by Commiaeionara* precinct Ho. 1 Par use on highway approaches 1n Commiasionera' Brecinot No, 4, it is thereP9re ordered and decreed that the sum oP $1200,00 Ahell be traasPsrred by the County C]ark upon the books oP his oPYice Prom the R. & B, fund. oY Pre oinot No. 4 to the credit oP R, & B, Fund oP Precinct Eo, 1, to cover the agreed portion oP the coat oY said Bear Creak .road chargeable to precinct No. 4 aml the cost oP said 90 Peet oP oonarate pipe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Eo. 809, APPROPAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF NSTICE OF THE DEICE OF PRECIBCT E0, ORE, Thin 9th day oY October, 1933, Dame on to be aonsiderod by the Court the report oP E. H, Turner, Juatica oP the Peace oP Preoi not Eo, 1 oY Kerr County, Teaas, for the month of September, 1933, oP criminal oases riled, Pines, ~udgma nt and fury tees oollooted, totaling $14,55, entitling him to $42,00 in Peei, and it appearing to the Court that said ~~ report is true and oorroot, same ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authoriz- ed and direoted to pay Bald $42,00 is two warrants on the County Treasurer, one Por $34.64 ~I out oY the General Fund and the other Yor $7,36 out of the Road & Bridge Pund. o-o-o-o-o-o ICI No. 090, APP809AL OF COUNTY IRD DISTRICT CT+EHKS' 9EPTE6ffiER REPORTS OF OFFICE EIPENSE9, etc. Thin 9th dqy oP October, 1933, same on to be esamined by the Court the September '. reports of the County and District Clerks oP their actual and neoaasary oYYice eapenees Yor said month, wh ioh repo rte appearing true and ao rreoL, be and hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o '~, Eo. 891, RESUMPTION OF COUNTY DEMOESTRATIOH WORK EEFECTIBE dANUIRY let, 1934, This 9th day of October, 1933, came on to be heard the committee oY the County Home Demonstration Club aompo aed of 27 Tax payers wives Prom all parts of Kerr County, and it appearing to the Court that the proposition oY the A, & M, SYtanaion Department oP ,Texan oPYering to Furnish Kerr County with a new Home Demonstration agent on January let, 1934 who shall maYa her home in Karr County and Derry oa the home demonstration work throughoat the year, 1934, at the net expense to Kerr County of the sum oP $600,00, is Yeir and reseonabla and within the Pinanolel reach oP the County, and that it is to the beat into rest and beneYit oY the people oY Kerr County especially the rural residents that said proposition be aooepted and said work resumed is the County. Whereupon, on motion of Commissioner Edons, saoonded by Commlesionsr Furr and unani- mously adopted, said proposition aforesaid be end ie hereby aooepted by the Court and the swm oP $600,00 be and Se hereby apyr0priated and set aside ppout oY the General Fund i of Kerr Count to deYr the Count 's ortion ofe 50 00~ rdmonthIIetoobeauoh agent, s~e y &Y y P $. P x Paid unto ea Agent at the end oY each month's work during the year, 1934, by the County Clerk by properly I issued warrants on the County Treasurer. ~ Ind the County Clerk ie hereby direoted to sand a certiYied Dopy oY this order to n3sa Hill oP the A. & i., Eztenaion Service, College Station, Texas, ~ o-o-o-o-o-o ~~ Eo, 892, COLLBCTIOE OF DELINQUENT COUNTY AED STITE TA%ES, This 9th day oP October, 1933, it ie ordered and dearead by the Court that County Attorney Walter Peteoh take charge oY the collection oP all delinquent tease now owing to Karr County, and he shall imme diate]y notlPy all sash delinquent tea payers requesting the payment of their delinquent tease by the )larch term oP the District Court oP Ksrr County. And said County attorney is hereby authorized and Snatxuoted to Yile tea suit egainet e~q