/(7 1, and it further appearing to the Court that 90 feet oP conorete drain pipe valved at .656 per foot hen been furni~had by Commissioners' preoinet Bo. 1 for use on highway approaches in Commissioners' preelnot fto, 4, it is therefore ordered and deoreed that the sum of $1200,00 shall be transferred by the County Clark upon the books oP hie oPY1oe from the R, & B, fund oY Pre oiaot fto. 4 to the oredit of R, & B, Fund of Preoinot No, 1, to Dover the agreed portion of the oo et of said BearCreak load ah argeable to preoinat No. 4 affil ~~ the ooat of said 90 feat oP oonorete pipe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 889, APPHOYAL OF REPORT LND FEES OF NSTICE OF THE PEKE OF PRECINCT B0, ONE, This 9th day oP Ootober, 1933, Dame on to ba ~onelderad by the Court the report oP E, H. Turner, Juatiae of the Peaoe of Preoinot No, 1 of Karr County, Texas, for the month of September, 1933, of ariminel Deese tiled, tines, ~¢dgm at and fury fees oolloated, totaling $14,55, entitling him to $42,00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot, same ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authoriz- ed and direotad to pay said $42,00 in two warrants on the County Treasurer, one for $34.64 out oP the General Fund and the other for $7,36 out of the Boad & Bridge fund. o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 890, APPHOVI7. OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT CI+ERKS' SEPTEB~EH REPORTS OF OFFICE EIPENSE9, eto: Thin 9th day of Ootober, 1933, opine on to be examined by the Court the September reports oP the County and Dietriot Clerks of their aotnal and neaaesary office eapeneae Yor said month, wh Soh reports appearing true and oorreot, be and hereby approved by the o-o-o-o-o-o No. 891, RESUMPTION OF COUNTY DEiu[ONSTRATIOH -IORK EFFEGTIYS dANULHY let, 1934, This 9th day of Ootober, 1933, Dame on to be heard the oommit tee oY the County Home Demonstration Club oompo sed of 27 Taz payers wives from all parts of Kerr County, and 1t appearing to the Court that the propoeit ion of the L, & M, Eatanaion Department of Texas offering to furnish Kerr County with a new Home Demonstration agent on Sanuary let, 1934 who shall sake her home is Korr County and oesry oa the home demonstration work throughout the year, 1934, at the net expense to Kerr County oP the sum of $600,00, ie fair and reasonable and within the finanoiel reach of the County, and that it is to the beat interest sad benefit of the people oP Kerr County eepe oially the rural residents that said propoeit ion be aooepted sad Said work resumed in the County. Whereupon, on motion of Commissioner Elena, •eoondad by Commiseionsr Fury and unani- mously adopted, said proposition aforesaid be and ie hereby aooepted by the Count and ~ the cam of x600,00 be and is hereby apprDpriated and set aside out of the General Fund of the salary and eap~enae of suoh agent, sarpe of Kerr County to defray the Cou~y's portion of $50,00 per months to be paid unto said Agent at the end oP each month's work during the year, 1934, by the County Clerk by properly issued warrants on the County Treasurer. and the County Clark ie hereby direotad to send a certified Dopy of this order to B3 as Hill of the A. & L:. Extension Service, College Station, Tezaa, ~ o-o-o-o-o-o Eo, 892, COIS.ECTION OF DELINQUEDiT COUNTY AND STATE Tib&4, This 9th day oP Ootober, 1933, it is ordered and deoread by the Court that County attorney waiter Petaoh take oharge oP the oolleotion of all delinquent taxes now owing to Kerr County, and he shall immediately notify all suoh delinquent tea payers re qua sting the payment of their delinquent taaea by the Yareh term of the Dietriot Court of Barr County. And esid County attorney is hereby authorized and inatnioted to file tsa suit against aqy