y --=-- -.-~-- - --.- -- --------- -- _ - -- -__- and all persona, firma or corporations in the District Court oP Kerr County for. the nazt ~ ~~8 term oY said Court, who have failed to settle their delinquent taxae by that time. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 893, APP80ifAI, OF 1933 STATE AND COUNTY TA% RODI,S, This 9th dqy of October, 1933, Dame on to be eaemined by the Court the State and County tax rolls for the year, 1933, prepared by $. H, Niohole, County Tax Assessor, and same having bean found correct and in proper Yorm, same were certified and approved by the Court ae shown by the Court's oertifioata oY appxroval on Form Z thereof, duly eaecuted by ell members of this Court and attached to said rolls in triBlio6te, o-o-o+o-o-o No. 894, ACCEPTANCE OF SEPT., 8EP08T OF COIIJ~Tf HEII.TH NURSE,. This 9th day oY October, 1933, Demo on to be heard by the Court the report Piled by the County Health Nurse, Miss Huth Jane ]+toora covering her work during September, 1433, which report was accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the Coaaty Clerk. O-O+O+O-O-p-O Ro, 895, TRANSFER OF $900,00 F8016 80AD & BRIDGE FOS1D TO C, H, £c J, SINKING FOND. On this 9th day of October, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of x"900,00 be transferred by the County Treasurer Yrom the general 8oad & Bridge fund of Karr County to the Kerr County Court House & Jail Sinking fund Por the purpose of taking aare of obligations maturing against said sinking Yand at this time, Which sum oY yp400,00 shall be transferred bank to the 8oad F, Bridge fund by said C. H. & J. Sinking Fund out of the first moneys collected Yrom 1933 taws, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 805}, TRANSFER OF 1DDITIONAI, X100,00 FBQM R, Fo B. FOND TQ C, H, ,& d, SINKING FUND, the On this 10th day of October, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that„Couaty Treasurer transfer the sum oY X100,00 from the 8oad & Bridge Fond to the Court House & dail Sinking fund for the purpose of taking oaro of the balance oommigafon due Tax Assessor Niohole by said fund, Said sum oP ~p100,00 shall also be transYerret bROk to said 8, d B, fund by said C, H, & J, Sinking fund out of the Yiret money becoming available Yrom the collection oY 1933 taws, o-o-o-o-o No. 896, ELIMINATIOR' OF COUNTY TREASU8E8'9 EXCffi9 CO~nI33I0H ACCODNT 1ND OTHE@ BEQIIIBEP.~E0T8 AFFECTING THE COUNTY TREASURER AND COIINTY CI,EBK. (aa recommended by County Auditor, George E, Sleyboeoker) October Term oY the Commissioners' Court oY Karr County, Tezas. October 10th, 1933. let: Tha County Treasurer be sad is hereby regµired sad so directed by the Court to hereafter atke and attach sa a part of his quarterly reports, a schedule showing the amount of money in eaah bank account reconciled with the balance of the same funds as shown by hie account books. 2nd: It i6 hereby ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer*s Ezoasa Commission Account be eliminated and closed by a redeposit by the County Treasurer at theseiid-oY the current quarter to the various Punda entitled thereto, of the Yunde to the credit of said Ezcees Commission account over and above the balance eommiasione due the Treasurer Yor 1933. And the County Treasurer's commissions shall be paid in the Future as follows: At the close of the first quarter, Jan. 31st oP eaah year, the treasurer shall calculate his commissions earned on hie January transactions only, and he shall take the balance oammisaiona due aim for that year 88 Ylzad by .the OoasF~, Yrom the following quart era, until he has received hie full commission, at which time the withdrawal of oommissione shall be dieoontinued until r