N 9nd said E, H, 1Vichola has agreed and it is hereby orderod by the Court tho.t he ~ ~ 2 ° ~ return unto the general Road ~ Bridge fund the sum of73,99 overdraxa by him on the Commia- alone chargeable to said fund, o-o-o..o-.o-o-o Ro. 901, E:itPyOYLSENT OF AUDITOR, GEO, E, KLEYBOEQKER TO AUDIT TAE CODhECTOR'S OFFICE 1922-1929, This 10th day of October, 1933, came on to be considered by the Court the claim for credit in the cam of $1405,00 submitted to the Court by private auditor, Tdr, Harris for and on behalf of the County Tea Collector, also name on to ba oonsiderod the proposition of County auditor, Ceo, E, Sleyboeoker offering to make s complete audit of all of the County Tea Collectors aacounta and records for the ye are, 1922to 1929 inclusive, for a Dash fee in advance of $200,00 plus X300,00 out of the first radaotioa is or offset to above '1405,00 claim and an additional 50~ not to ezceed X300,00 of soy amount that may be paid beak to the County by the Tax Collector afbersaid-sstiro claim of ~140b,00 has been eliminated. Said 8 year period in this offer to be taken es ono single period. And it appearing to the Court that it is to the bent interact of Kerr County that - eaid offer aforesaid be accepted and such audit completed before final notion ie taken by the Court on the above claim, said propeaitlon oS:1Lr;'.SAeyboeoker be and is hereby accepted by the Court and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and dlreoted to Saeue and. deliver unto said Geo, E, Kleyboeokar a xarrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fund in the sum of $200.00 in payment of the advance tee epe aifie d, No, 902, PETITION FOR AND CI~AS3 PUBLIC ROAD FR01i HARPER ROAD~TO IdETHODI3P ASSEc~IRLY GROIINDS. This 10th day oY Oato bar, 1933, Dame on to be eons ids red the getition ei fined by Dr. 0, L, i4o01ellan and 9 others, for a second class yublio road 40 feet in xidth from the Harper Road directly to the I[eiihodiat AesemDly Gaeuaia over and across the lead oxned Dy A. Z. IItarkey, and it appearing to the Court that esid petition was Piled according to lax and proper notice had thereof, and alter hearing the arguments for and against the granting of esid petition including the xritten objections tiled by the Directors of the 1Neet Texas Encampment Asaoaiation, and after personal inepeotion by the Court in a body of the ground to be traversed by said road, upon motion of Commissioner Edens, seconded by Commissioner Farr, said petition be and is hereby unanimously rejected. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 903, COURTS RECESS, This 10th day oP Oatobar, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that recess be taken until 2 O~olook P, Li, Thursday, October 18th, 1933, for the purpo ae of finishing the business before the Court, No. 904, COURT RECOIVYENED. Pursuant to recess taken on Oot, 12th, 1933, the Court re-convened this the 12th day of OotoDer, 1933, at 2 P, I1. xith all office;spresent, and the following proaeedinge were Lad, to-wit; No. 905, CANVASSIIdG RETURPIS OF BEER ELECTION HELD I1P NSTICE'9 PRECINCT ~2, Center Point, This 12th day of October, 1933, came on to be opened ate. tabulated by the Court the returns of the Special Election held in Justice's Precinct No, 2 of Kerr County, Texas, Inol, on Saturday, October 7th, 1933, and declaring the ieault of said election, to determine whether or not t;1e sale of Beer oontai-Wing not more than 3,2p oY alcohol by weight would be