~ZI r permitted in said Juati os~s Preainet Ro. 2 oP Kerr County, Tezae, avd the Court having oanvasaed the returns oP said Ele otion shish eleotion was held sooording to law, and it appearing that a majority oY Yourteen (14) oP the votes polled at said eleotion were oast in Yavor oY the sale oP Beer containing not more than 3.2$ of alcohol by weight in said precinct, all as shown on page 129, Pol. 2, Record oY Ele otion Returns oP Kerr County. ' It is thereYore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Courb-that the manufacture, sale and dietributdon of Beer oo~aining sot more than 3,2~ oY alcohol by weighb shall be lawYul in said Juatiea Preainot Bo. 2 oY Kerr County, Tezae, se provided by law is auoh case through regularly lions aed dealers on and after this date, and thereafter until auoh time as the queliYied voters is said Juatiae Preainot Ho. 2 oY Kerr County, Tezae, mqy at an eleotion held Yor t~a.t urpose, Y~ s~ a.+, ee'ee,e 4e ...1 ~I~ ~ •1 i ~~1 ~~o i ~ ~5 ~ by a majority vote, ~dAepied~ o - -//..L - --~ JConnty dodge, Commissioner, Preainet 1, Comissioner, Precinct 2, Commieaioner, Preainot 3, Com~ieaioner, Prec Snot 4. Bo,~~ai, PtyAHES~'P OF OFFICERS HOLDING SEER ELECTIOH IN JUSTICE PRECINCT N0. 2. Th ie 12th day oY October, 1933, it ie ordered by the Court the.t each of the oPP Scare holding the special eleotion in Justice Preo Snot No, 2 oP Karr County on Oat, 7th, 1933 be and ie hereby allowed the sum of .93,00 out oP the General Fund plus X2,00 to tho presiding oifioer Łor the return oY the bozos, end the County Clerk is hereby auth orizad and directed to pay the same by proper warrants drawn on the County treasurer, o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 116 to 121 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court and Pound correct, sad are hereby in all re sp sots approved by the Court, this the 12th day of October, t. D. 1933, -ttest: County Clerk By .AePutY. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STtTE OF TEtA$, COUBTY OF $6RR, BE IT RE6LEB4SE$ED, that ~ this 13th dqy oY Hovsmbsr, t, D, 1958, there was begun end holden • regiilar term of the Co®ieaioaera' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the town oY Korrville, Tszas, officers preeeat: John S, ttkine, ~ County Jadgs, F. •. &arger; . r H, G. Edens, AM, =argeF, [, H, Farr, Co ®, one y, a. Commieaioner, Preainot Ho. 1, Commissioner, Preeisot Ho, 2, Commieaioner, Precinct Eo. 3, Commieaioner, Preainot Ho. 4, t, F, ]Score, ~eriYf and Jao. R,-Lsavall, County Clerk, and the Court having been regular- ly opened, the following prooeadiags were had, to-wit: Ho. 907, tLIAWtBCE OF REGIILLRLY FILED CLAYS tHD tCCOIIET$. This 13th dRy of Eovamber, 1933, same on to be ezamined by the Court, the various elalms and accounts filed against 8err County sad Ste reapsetiva Compiseionere' preoinet^ since last term of this Court, all of which claims and aoooanta were approved Yor payment by the County Clerk is emnunt• end out of rsspeebdvs feeds as shown by the 1[inutse of