N Looounts Lllowed for Kerr County, Texas, whioh are made a Dart of thle order. ~ / 2 ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 908, TEMPORARY AI,IAWANCES FOR PP1?SONS IN FINANCI6L DISTRffiSS FOR HOVE1[BER, 1933. This 13th day of November, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the following named persona be and era hereby allowed the sum eat opy0eita hie or her rsepeative Hams out of the Spaoisl Fund for the month 'of November, 1933, as temporary pauper allowanoe, same to be gaid unto esoh of them by the County Clerk by prover warrants drawn aeon the County Treasurer, ae tollawe: Tom Hollomon $3.00 J. B. Clemen4 $E,00 Etta Hoody 3.00 Emma Bundiok 3.00 Phil Suadiok 2:00 Jasppeer Hunnioatt 2:00 Homer lioGes E.00 J. 5I. Ai].ePn 3.00 sad Yrs. 1, J. Reynolds {5.00. o-o-o-o-o-D Bo. 909, TRSHSFEtt OF IBPERffiST ON DOILY BAi.ANC~ TO GffilSERAL PflND, , This 13th dqp of November, 1933, it appearing to the Court that all lnter9et oolleoted by Karr County on daily balaaoee with the County Depository fn the"PSmbi~l General- Boeaty Ymmt has been oredited share and share alike to the oredit of the General anb 8oad 8, Bridg Funds by the Cou~y Treasurer ae heretofore direoted by the Court, and, it farther appearing as well aqv into~e et qq~aotad on ot~he Yuad aao y to the Court that all anoh interest map be o,apoelted sad ored~d to ~he Genera Yaammw-hiDh . fund ie in more urgent need thereof. i~ It is therefore ordered and deoread by the Court that the Treasurer o! Barr CDUnty shall hereafter transfer and oredit unto the General Yund all interest oolleoted by him on daily balanoae with the County Pspoeitory including interset now to oredit of the Undis- tributed Fund of the Taz Colleotor and all interset to soorue to eaoh fund. in the future, eaeepting however, i~arest oolleoted by said Treasurer on any oinking fund. of the County anoh interset to bs oredited to the sinking fund. entitled thereto, and asoepting further interest oolleoted on R, D. $w'd Iund auoh interest to be oreditsd to said R. D. ~3 Fund. D-O-O-O-O-O No. 910, LPP@OVLL OF COIINTY TRE0.SCTREB~3 GALA1'ffiY RS20RT. This 13th d~7 of November, 1933, oams on to be szaminad and audited by the Court the 4uarterly report Yiled by County Treasurer, A. G. Garrett, dr., for quarter ending potober 31st, 1933, oovering all reoeipte and disbursements of the County during said gaaater, whioh report having base loured true and oorreot in every respsot, ba sad is hereby approved by the Court and so oertified in open Court, end the Clerk Se hereby direoted to reoord said report in the Loose-Leaf Binder in hie oifiae sad file the oanoell~d boade sad ooupone sooompestping same is a suitable Pile for Suture reference. o-o-o-o-o Bo. 911, 1DJ[ISTME6T BETWEEB 6SBERAL 1ND ROAD & BRIDGffi FIINDS COVERING CW®[ISSIONffiRS~ SALARIES i>ID COIIffi1R JODGffi+9 817r-8Y P.}ID YRWL l1CD. let, 193:5 to SOV. let, 1933, Inolaslve. This 13th day of IIovsmber, 1933, it appearing to the Court that in order that 3/4the of the Commisaionera salaries Haid Yrom Bab. 1, 1933 to Yay 18, 1933 (dat• Haw law heoams effective) be taken Yrom the Boadg,Bridge 7PUUad and tehhe o1ther 1/4th of said salaries for said period be taken from the General Fend the eWU of j49~~0abe transferred from the General Fund to the Hoad & Bridge Rtad, which deducted from the 220.00 Commiealonar[~ per diem paid.out of the General FtLnd from Yay 18, 1933 to Nov. 1, 1933 inetsed of being paid out of the 8 8, B, tend as authorized under said new law, leaves the R, S B. toad o;ing eedd Gsnoral Yund the sum of ~170.b0, to whlah ehoald ba added the sum of $i0i.29 for County Judge's salary yaid ot~t-~ of the General Fund t~ua~ad of the R, b B. Fund during said team from Ysy 18, 1933 end ~fY.7i covering 1/4th of CO. dg e's salasy irom 1-1-33 to 5-18-33 adveaasd by Genl. FC to ffiov. 1, 1933,'making a total •Y ~iTL.ig dtte the tieasral Faad by the yasd d Bridge fund. It i^ therefore ordeayd, ad3udged and deeread by the Court that said sum of ~d4T.iA