~ ~ 3 shall be transferred from the $oad 4 Bridge Fund of Eerr County to the General Shad of $err y County in settlement of said General Fuad~e olslm against the 8, & B, _Ehntl ae aforesaid. And it ie further ordarod adfudged and d0oroed by the Court that all of the salary and County Commies{ones of the County Judge.whall hereafter be paid by the County Clerk Dy properly issued warrants on the Gounty Treasurer dram against the Soad and Bridge toad, the County dodge shall ' oontinu~~;~`ae~raw his salary as County Sohool Superintendent out of the General Fbnd, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 912, APPROVAL. OF REPORT AHD FEES OF JIISTICE OF THE PEACE OF PHECIHCT H0. ORE. This 13th da,V of Hovember, 1933, same on to be ooneiderod by the Court the report of E, H, 4nrnar, Juetloe of the Peaoo of Preo ina4 Ho, 1 of 8err County, Tesae, Por the month~of October, 1933, oP criminal oases tiled, tines, ~udgmeat and busy tees Dolls oted, totallag $13,90, eatltling him to $]5,00 in Pees, and it apps aring t0 the Court that said report ie true end correct, name ie hereby approved, an6 the County Clerk ie hereby autho- rised and directed to pay Bald x,15,00 in two warrants on the Cou~y Treasurer, one for #13,14 out of the Gsaeral Thad and the other taut X1,88 out of the Hoed & Bridge fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 913, ACCEPTANCE OF OCTOBER $EPOHT OF COIIHTY HHAUtH HORSE. This 13th day of Hovember, 1833, owe on to be heard by the Court the report tiled by the Couxrty Health ~arws, Pies Hvth Jane Hoore covering her work during October, 1933, whioh report was accepted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 914, APPROVAL OF COiTHTY CLER%~S G7JAHTERLY TABULAR STATEB~IT OF COO$TY FINANCES. This 13th day of Hovember, 1933, oema on to be ezaminad~by the Court the Tabular Statement oP Jno, R, Leavells County Clerk, of the Indebtedness, >SCpanditnree and Hooelpts of Eerr County, Tozae, Por the 4asrter ending October 31st, 1933, whioh report or statement appearing oorroot be sad Se hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o L Ho. 915, APPROVAL OF REPORT AHD FEES OF JUSTICE OF PEACE OF PRECINCT Ho. 4, Hherosa, at the October teen of this Court, the tee account of Ed, Smith, dustioe of the Penes of dustioe~s Preciaot No. 4 Por the sum of 329.00 wee conditionally approved for the re dosed eam of 321.00 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the General fund Dy proper warrant,. issued on the County Treasurer upon the f111ng by acid Justice Smith of regular report of oases disposed of entitling him to such fees; sue, 3t nw appearing to the Court that said Smith has on the 16th day of October, 1933, Piled such regular report with the County Clerk Yor period wing Sept. 15, 1938, oP criminal oases ii led, Pine e, judgment and Jury tees oo lleoted together with County Treasuror~ rooeipt for $20,00, and that on said 16th day of October, 1933, the County Clerk did issue sad deliver onto said Ed Smith Coanty Treasurer's warrant Bo. 9304 for 281.00 covering the tees allowed by the Court sa torosaid. It is therefore ordered and deoroad by the Count that Aasuanoe and delivery of said warrant to Ed, Sm1th by the Couaiy Clerk in the sum of $21,00 be and ie hereby aoniirmed by the Coart, and deolarod to be done in accordance with the wishes of the Court eEpreaeed at its October term, record of whioh was inadvertently omitted in the urinates of its said term, 0+0-0-0-0+O-o-o. Ho. 918, APPROVAL OF COONTY ADD DISTRICT CLERffi' OCTO~BEH EZPENSE ACCOOBTS. This 13th QsY of Hovember, 1933, Dam on to be ezamined by ttr Court the m~th]y reports of sotnal and necessary office azpanaea filed by the County and District Clorks of yp ~a~ Kerr County, which reports appearing correct, were accepted and approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 917, LPPHO4IL OF QIIdRTEHLY REPORT OF THE DISTRICT CLERK, This 13th day oY bovsmber, 1933, oema on to be eaemined by the Court the Quarterly Report of Fiaea Imposed, dudgmenta Rendered and Tury Pees Collected in the Distriot,Court of Ksrr County, Tezaa, for quarter ending Oetpbar 31st, 1933, filed by Geo. M. IIoylo, Diat. Clerk, which report appearing true and correct De and ie hereby approved in open Court. o..o-e-p.,o-o-e Ro, 918, 6DV~IOE OF $25.00 on purchase prioe 0.t RIfSWIY #2T HIO$T OF YdY FROM R, C, SdHEH, This 1413 day oY Hovesber, 1933, same on to be considered the appliastioa of R, C. Saner for an advance of $25.00 on thq purchase prioe of right of way for net State Highway Ho, 27 sold by said R, C. 3emsr cif of ~d across Lots 9, lo, 11 and ]2, in Block Ho, 13 of Tivy's Lddition to Kerrville, Tazas, whieh application be and ie hereby granted by the Court, and the Couirty Clerk ie hereby authorized and directed to issue anal deliver unto said H, C. Saner a wsrrant9- on the Cou~y Treasurer for $28.00 payable .out of the Kerr County Lateral Hoad Fund, which sum of $25.00 stall be deducted by Kerr County from the purchase prioe of said right of way in the final settleme~ thexetor, o-o-o-o-o . 919, 6PPR046L OF COUHT7! CLERK'S QULHTERLY BEPORT, This lath day oY Bovesber, 1933, oema on to be ezamined by the Court the Quarterly. port of Fines Imposed, Judgrnente Rendered anti dory Fees Colleeted in the County Court o4 cr County, Tezas, for quarter ending October 31st, 1933, tiled by Jac, H. Leaven, Cou~y erk, which report appearing true and oorreat be axd ie hersby approved In open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o 920, PURCH43E OF LOTS 3 and 4 BLOCK 12, TIVY •DDITIOH, KSRHYILLE, TSL49, FOR HOHiY,~27, This 14th dey of Bovember, 1933, it ie ordered, adjudged end dearead Dy the Court t Kerr County purohaes in their entirety together with the improvements thereon, all of e Boe. 3 and 4, in Bloek Ho, L2 of Tivy 6ddition to Kerrville, Tezae, from T, H. Moore and wiYe and C. A. Sbieldt, Guardian of tho Eetatea of Lavin and •].ton Tidwgll, minors, the oeah prioe of $2,280.00, the majority of which lots are embraced in the right of way new State Higbnay Bo, 27, •nd the County Clerk is hereby authorized affi directed to isauo and deliver unto d J, B, Moore and C. •, Shields, Guardian sa aforeaei.d, separate warremta on the County aeurer covering the pro-rata part of said $2260.00 each is sntlt].ad to receive, out oY r County Lateral Road 8und, upon delivery of proper deeds to said property in favor dohs S, ltkins, County Judgs o1 Kerr County, Tezaa, and his suoosamre in offiee, duly roved by acid Judge itklna, o-o-o-o-oa Ho. 922, REP08T OF oUDIT OP KBRR COUBTY FROmt OCT. let, 1930 to dune 30, 1933 by KLEYBOSCKER, This 14th dey oY Hovamber, 1933, acme on to be eaamined and considered by the Gourt the report filed bg Geo, E. KJ.eyboeoker, auditor of San Lntonio, Tezaa, of hie ,udit of the books and records of Kerr County for period beginning Oot, let, 1930 and ending Tune 30, 1933, and it being the desire of the Court to take up said report in part insofar ae same involves each officer eeparate],y, whereupon came on to be considered by the Court in the presence of former County Treasurer, O, B, 16111iamaoII, Schedule Ro, lE covering Treasurer's commissions as earned and drawn by his, and upon motion of Commis aloner, Hilliam Karger seconded by Commissioner H, G. Edens and unanimously adopted, said Schedule of Treasurer's commissions