~ ~ ~ appointment of the members of the Coady Relief Beard of %err County ae requested in ^ resolution passed by the Tezas 8elieY Commi ealoa Bitting Sa called seeaioa oa Iionday, ftovember 20th, 1933, and it appearing to the Courb that three of the five memDera of the present County Beliat BoardoY %err County, namely Chairnan L, L, Starkey and Eeaere. George BLOElroy end dohn W, Bailey haw requested the Court io be relleve6 of their duties sa•membere oY said Gounty Relict Board. Therefore, upon motion duly made and aeoonded and unanimously eA.oytsd, G, F, 6lebrooke snd Richard i. iei~..and L. L, 8ardia De sad are hereby appeiab~d !s aesbers sf the Oenaty Ba11at Beard of Kerr Coun~tc~fillethe vacancies created by the resignations oY said L, L, Starkey, George McElroy and Joha W, Bailey, affi the remaining two members oY said County' RelieY Board namely, George L, Sellers and J, E. Palser be and are hereby reappointed as members of said County RelieY Board a! %err County, Tazae, Lnd the Clerk of this Court to hereby instxuoted to deliver a aertitled copy oY the Court+e appointment of said new Cou~y Reliei Board of %err County to tho Tezas Reliet Commie ei on at Luetin, Tezas. o-O-o-o-O-O-o fto, 925, PIi~P0.9ITI0ft OF ST-TE SLNITLTIOH DEPLHTLGffiT TO COftSTS7CT TOLLBTS Ift I9:HR COUNTS. This 11th day of December, 1933, oeme on t0 be eoasi dared the propoeit lon submitted by Lir, G. W, Smith, representative oY the 9tete 9anitati on Department, aek1~ the Court to Bet aside $300.00 to purohs ae Yorme em8 emiipment for the oonatruotion of sanitary toilets in %err County, with free labor furnished by the C. W. L., which proposition be en6 is hereby re ~eoted by the Court upon motion oY Comr. F, L, Barger and aeoonded by Commissioner wm, Barger end unanimously adopted. o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 926, ORDER CLOSIBG OLD KERH9ILLE &, COPJtI~ORT BOd- BETYEEH SND R, R. CBOSSIBG & KEHDLTS. CO, This 11th dt~v of Ileeember, 1933, Demo on to be ooaaldared the appliastion oY R1ohaM Boernar and otlurs Yor the abandonment and closing oY the old %errville L Comfort Hoed between the 2nd orossiug oY the Railroad at Llbart Pesahel'e place and the %endall County lim , and it appearing to the Co tart aeon sdvloe o! ReeSdent State Engineer itsddoz that new State Highway fto. 27 betwoan above mentioned points hsa bees completed and the State Highway Department dose net require said old toad to De kept oven any longer. Therefore, upon motion duly made and aeoonded and unanimously adopted, be and it is hereby ordered, adJudged and dooreed by the Court that all the portions of said Old Kerrville Bo Comfort Hoad whieh ere no longer naoasMry to ba keppt open for travel, are hereby abaadoaed and closed, and the land owners eat it lad toland ambraoed within sash olop6 portions oY said o]d road be and are hereby authorised to enaloae same within their omloeures, e~ Imi te1$' and all right, titL or i~sreet claimed or ormsd by Ssrr County is the portions of said old road hereunder alosad shall revert to Bad reitareet 18 the reepeotiea land owaere entitled thereto. Lad Couaby Judge, John S. Ltkins be and Yq hereby ~kuthoriaed and direatad to ezeouba and deliver Yor and on behalf of Kerr Coanty if and when requested, proper quit claim deeds toeuah land owners covering uoh part or parts oY said old road aA they map be entitled to, for sash ooneideration as was agreed upon when they aonvgped their right oY way to the State of Tezas Yor new Stabs Highway No. 27. O-O-o-o-O-O-O