50, 927, ALLGWASCE OF REGOLARLY FILED CS,ASMB AND ACCOIINTS, Thi• 11th daq of DeoamDer, 1933, Dame on to be ezeminad by the Court, the variogp olaima and aoeounte tiled against $mrr Coanty sad its reapeotlve Commiasioae;s? praoinote sines S.aat term of this Court, sll oY aahfoh olnims and aooarMS =ere approved for payment by t2~a County Clerk in amounts sue. art of reapastios funds as sham by the Minutaa of looounta Allared for Kerr County, Tezas, whieh are made a Bart of this order, 0-0-0-O-a-a-O Y0. 928 wr.~a~' ORDER ABTHORIZISG EOROHAS$ 0$ T ,PF wf}T FOR B85 3'P4TE HIGHBAY j27, ~ FROM BERH917S]S $ODTH TO 1st C$OSS55G 01- 51I7~f#ba 4551 1'17tf~6HT THEHEFO$ AS 1CQIIIH®. •:-e This 11th dgy of Daoomber, ~~r ~.t eppeariag ~to the Court that the State Highway Department through its looal sagiaeer'so.~ioi has rerpxsated Barr County to sognire the right of way for new State 8lghwey $o, 27~trcm lterrville eouth~to the first aroeaing of the 6ailraad by February 1st, 1934, therefore, epos motion ding made, seoondad and unanimarely adopted by the Court, Commissioners F, A, Barger and H, G, 3dena together with County Judge, John 3, Atkins, ae the R~ committee, be and are hereby authorized and direoted to purchase $or the State of Tezae at the ezpenee of Kerr County, the new right of wqy required by the State Highway Depart acid new piece of highw~}r, and say portion or portions of said right of wag adieu purehaasd Dy aa38 committee end properlg conveyed to the State shall be paid for by the County Clark by pm per County Treseorer`a warrant or warrants draws against the Serr County Lateral Bond Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 929, INSURING HOUSE BOIIGHT BY~COIINT7 FRDM J, B. YOORE, ET. LL. This 11th dqy of December, 1933, it ie ordered by the Court that the house purchased Dy Kerr County Prom d, B, Moors, et. a1. be insured against fire by Yeasts, Real & Brooke for one year in the amount of ~1b00,00, sad the premium therefor to ba paid by the County Clerk by proper warrant drawn against the Kerr County Lateral 'Road Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 930, TEadPORARY ALLOwA16CE3 POR PERSONS IN FINANCIAL DISTRESS FOR DECSYSER, 1933. Th1a 11th day of December, 1933, it ie ordered by th• Court that the following named persona be end are hereby allowed the sum set opposite hle or her reapeetiva name oat of the Special Fund for the month of December, 1933, ae temporary pauper allowance, same to be paid unto sash of them by the County Clerk by proper warrant dream against the County Treasurer, se follows: Rom Hollomon $3,00 d, B, Clement X2,00 Etta Bloody 3,00 Emma ~tndiok 3,00 Phil Bundiok 2.00 deeper Huanieutt E,00 Homer YoGes~~ 2,00 d, w Aflaon 3.00 end Yrs, A, J, Reynolds 5,00, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 931, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES 0! NSTICE OF TFiLr PEACE OP' PRECINCT N0, 4, This 11th day of December, 1933, Dame on to be oonaldered by the Court the report of Sb Smith, duetioe of the Peace oY Preoinat No, 4 of Kerr Courty, Tesae, for the period from Sept, 15, 1933 to Dec, let, 1933, of criminal cease tiled, tines, judgment and Scary lase ool- laetsd, totaling X8.00, entitling him to $9,00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true sad correct, same is hereby approved, end the County Clerk is hereby authorized sad direoted to pay said #9,00 by warrant on the County Treasurer drawn against Ntha General Fund, o-o-o-wo-o 932, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT 50. 1. This 11th day of Dooember, 1933, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the report of /~4 :,