~'2 9 E, H. Turner, duetioe oP the Peaoe of Prooinot No,l of Kerr County, Tezsa, for the month _ of November, 1933, of oriminal oases ti]e d, ti ~p~ judgment and Sissy tees Dolls otad, total- ing $45,70, ant it ling~him to $54.00 in lase, and it appearing to the Court that said report is tree and oorraot, same is hereby epprwed sad the Gaudy Clerk i9 hereby authorized and direoted to pay said $54,00 in two warrants on the County Tresearar, one for $2,01 oat of the Road aafl Rridge Fund and the other for $51,99 out oY the Conaral Fund, o-o-o-o-o.o-o No. 933, LCCEPTANCE OF NOYEtIDEB REPORT OF COORPY HFJLTH NURSE, This 11th dqy oY Deoember, 1933 Dame on to be heard by the Court the report tiled Dy the County %ealth Harse, Misa Ruth Jene Moore oov Br ing her work daring Emember, 1933, ahloh report was saoepted by the Court sad ordered Yiled Dy the Couxrty Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 934, CLAI1d FOR $500,00 DAI7LGES FILED R4 J, A, JACK90N, This 12th day of Deoember, 1933, Dame on to be aoneidared by the Court the olalm Piled agai net Kerr County by J. L. Jaakeon and submitted to the Court Dy said Jaakaon and hie attorney, Mr, W, D. C, dones,.by reaaoa oY an lnoreaeed amount of water being turned over his land mar Center Point thraagh a drainage ditoh Prom new State %ighwgy Bo, 27, and it appearing to the Court dater •*•m+••ti set of the ground, that said olaim against Kerr County should be re3eotea, th arefo re upon motion o; Commis ei Deer Ailliam Karger, seconded by Commiaeioner F, L, Karger end nnanimoualy adopted, said olaim be and ie hereby disallowed end re,~e oted by the Court in its entirety, To whioh judgment oY the Court sa aforesaid, said T, L, daokeon through hie said attorney, exoepted in open Court and gave notioe of appeal to the Dietriot Court of Kerr County, Tezas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 937, CLBCELLATIOR OF ORDER FOB ~$BD CL49S ROAD FROM 3CHUMACHBB~3 FILLIlPG STITION TO NORTH FORK ROAD P/09ED LT LAST TERM OF TH73 COURT, ~ This 12th day of Deoember, 1933, Dame oa to be raoonalderad the Court~a order passed at the 13 et berm eataDliahing a third oleos ma8 Yrom 9ohumaoher*a Filling Station to the North Fork Hoad duly entered en gage 125, 701, I, oY the mimitea of this Court, end it now appearing to the Court that snob road ehoald only be opened and established o-er and along part of the route designated in said former order; therefore, Upon motion duly made, saoonded and uaanimonely adopted, Da sad it is hereby ordered, ed'adged sad deoreed Dy the Cant tLat said Formes order establishing said third o7ase road ae aforesaid De sad le hereby oanoallsd sad rsaeindad, and that a new third o]see_road De and is hereby opemd end established tram the P, T, Lungaiat property oa the Gnadalaps Hivsr in Co male aioaere` Preoi not Ho, 4 of IUrr County over •ad aoroae the proporty owned by Walter Gxiftts~'oroseina north Fork above Hunt, Taxaa, then soro ae the property oY Mrs, w, H, Page to interaeot the present Horth Fork Hoad, said road followsag as near sa oonvenieat and praetioable the mute oY the old Hook Springs road, and Commiaeloner W, H. Purr of said Preolnat Ho. 4 be and Se ha ruby authorized and direoted to work and':improve said road so as to' put same in oondition Yor aonveaient travel and use by the publio. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o B0. 938, SERTLEMENT OF '84.00 CLAIM OF KERB COURI7C LOAI]'~T CHL3. HEAL, FO R6uER CO, dUD6:E, This 12th day oY -eosmbes, 1933, Demo on to be oonsidered the elaim oY Kerr County sgainst former County Judge, Chss, Heal in the sum of $64.00 oovaring trial tees erroneously oolleoted by him during his term of office, ae dieoloaed is sohadule 14, page 16 oY Luditor Klayboeoker~e report, whioh olalm be and is herelty mutually sooepted as oorreot by the Court q and Mr, 'Heal and in open Court said Chao, Heal oheertully reimbursed Barr County for the ~ / 8 d p full amount of said claim, whioh amount shall be deposited by the Cou~y Clerk to the General tend of the County, and thereafter paid over to Auditor Geo, E, Kleyboeoker by the Clerk by proper warrant on the Cou~y Treasurer dm part of the fee due said auditor under hie 3 gear audit oontraot with Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 939, SETTLEMENT OF COIINTY~3 CLlI1s OF $108.33 dGAINST F0H1GE8 COUNTY TREL3UHER A, B, WiL- LIIM.SOIQ, AND VOLUNTARY STATE1iE0T BY THE COURT SfPLIIHffiG THE N`TUHE OF uJIID CI./I][. This 12th dqv of December, 1933, Dame on to be considered by the Court the Claim of Kerr County agai ~2former Coussty Triaenrer, 1, B, Hilliemaon in the cam of $108.33 se dis- oloeed in Sohedule„ot County Treaeurer~e Commissions on page 16 of Couxdy Auditor K1.eyboeokex report, whioh o]aim was mutually sooapted ae Detract in open Court by the Court and Mr, Williamson, and the full amount thereof was 6hoertully paid over to the Court by Mr, William- son, and said sum of $108;33 shall De depositeQ by the Couxdy Clark to the General fund of the County and then paid over to 1udltor, Goo, E, Kleyboeoker by said Clerk by proper County Treasurer's warrant ae a part of his tee due him antler the 3 year audit oontraot with Kerr County. And in order to sYOid a wrong interpretation of sn item of the minutes of this Court ae published in our loosl newspapers relating to said cLim of $108.33 as sham by sai4 anditor~s report, the Court did in open Court sign sa$ deliver unto said ~. B, Yillism- son the oMginal of the following statement attar having same Pirat reooxded is its minutes, to-wit: °3TATE OF TffiL3, : COUNTY OF SEBR.: In order to avoid a wrong interpretation relative to an item oY the Commiseionare Court mimite4 pablie3sed is our two local newspapers, stating that the County Auditoria report evidenced 8n over-payment of 1[r, L, B, williemaon~e salary, we wish to make the tolloving azplanation. L During the months of December, 1932, at the time Mr, Williamson made his final report to the Court, there appeared some eaatrovgr#y a# to the amount due Mr, williamson am after some dieausaion, it was Asaide$ by the Comslsaionera~ Coast that the same should Da eoaeptad; attar the convening of"the present Court in January, 1933, the matter was again presented to the Court, and was also socopted Dy then, Some time in thelarly part of luguet of this year the court em loved an auditor to eadit the County~a books; the audltor~s report eh owe that the sum of 108,33 had been over-paid to Mr. Williamson. This was as a result of a misinterpretation of the various minutes of the Court relative to Mr, Williameon'e salary during the year, 1832; neither Mr, Williamson nor the ooart were at fault as to this dlsorepeplay. Mr, williasson, after Doing notified of said over-payment, stated to the Court that when he was oonvinoed that the suditor~s report was oorreot that he would gladly rotund the amount claimed to have Dean Duos-pall and the Court moat graciously told his to take all the time xieoeeeary to Qo #o. ie wish to oomplime~ 1[r, Hilliamson oa his twenty-font years of earvieecas Praa#urer of this Coaniy Hie books wars neatly kept and the msxRy ditterint acoonnte were always taund correct am in psrleot order with the a:oeption et a few minor errors whioh naturally oopys is ke~pixig a pt of books end ere easily aorreotod. 1St. Williamson being satisfied Bald report 1s eorrict, ha# ohasrfully refunded the amount of #108.33. (S~goed) john S, ltkins, Cou~y Judge F. A, Yargar (Comr~e Ct. Seel) • H. G. Adam# • Wm. Sirger ~, H, Tarr County Commissioners` o-ore-o-o.o-o-o Ho, 940, SETTLEM~T OF CIJIM OF #4,00 AGAINST COUNTY CLERK, John 8, Loavall~ This 12th day of December, 1933, Dame on to be considered by the Court the County~s Cls1m against Cou~y Clark, Bohn R. Leaven in the sum of X4.00 ooverin g error in his aooouat of fines and trial teas oolleoted ae diaclosad in Schedule 14, page 18 of Cody Auditor, Goo, L. Bleyboeoker~e report, whioh claim was mutuel]y aooepted as correct in open Court, and said asount of $4,00 having already been refunded by said John R, Leaven to Kerr County Dy deposit of said sum to the Road 8e Bridge turd, the County Clark is hereby inatruotad