-~, and Mr, ~8eal and in open Court said Chao, Heal oheartull,V reimbursed $exT County for the / 8 0 full amoun6 oY said claim, whioh amount shall be deposited by the Cou~y Clerk to the General fund of the County, and. thereafter paid over to Auditor Geo. E, R]syboeoker by the Clark by PraPer warrant on the County Treasurer sa part of the tee due said auditor under hie 3 year audit aontraat with %srr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 939, 3ETTLE2iENS OF COUBTI'3 CLLIIu OF $108.33 AGAINST FORLIEH COIIHTY TREASURER A, B, WiL- LIAM30H, AHD VOLIINTAHY STATE~EHT BY THE COIIRT EZPI,AIHIHG THE N6TIIRE OF du1ID CLAIM, This 12th day of Deoember, 1933, aema on to be eoasidered by the Court the Claim of %err County againa~t.2former Connty Treasurer, A, B, Williamson in the sum of $108.33 as dis- olosed in Sohedule.of Couaty Treasurer*a CommiaaioaT on page IB of Couaty Auditor ffieyboeoke e report, whioh alatm was mutually sooepted as oorreot in open Court by the Court and Mr, Williamson, and the toll amount thereof was lheeT2Rl1,V paid over to the Court by Mr, William- eoa, sad said eam of ~lOBj33 shall be deposit e4 by the County Clerk to the General fun$ of the County and then paid over to Iuditor, Geo, E, itleyboeoker by said Clerk by proper Couaty . I Treasurer's warrant as a part of his iea due him under the 3 year audit oontraot with %srr County. Lnd in order to avoid a wrong interpretation of an item oY the minutes of this Court as published in our loasl newspapers relating to Bald eLtm of $108,33 as shown by said auditor's report, the Court did in open Court sign and deliver unto said A, B, Williatm- son the original of the to11ow1A3 statement attar having same first reoorded is its minutes, to-Tit: I `STATE OF TEZAS,: COUNTY OF SE$S.: In order to avoid a wrong intorpretatrion relative to an item of the Commiaslottare Courtr minutes published is onx two local newspapers, stating that the Couaty Auditor+n report svidsnesd an over-payment of 3[r, A, B. Williamson+e salary, ws Tish to males the toliowing ezplanatrion, During the months of December, 1932, at the time 16r, Williamson made hie final report to the Court, there appeared some oontrrovexsy as to the amount dos A[r, Wi.lliameon affi after some discussion, it was decided by the Commissioners+ Court chat the same should be aoaepted; after the oonveniag of the present Court in dsnuary, 1933, the metttsr was agate presented to the Court, and Tea also aoeapted Dy them, Some time to thesar~v part of Augustr of thte year the court employed an auditor ~ to sadit the County's books; the auditor's report shows that the sam aT #108.33 had, been over-paid to Mr, Williamsott. This wsa sa a result of a misiaterpretatloa of the various minutes of the Court relative to 1Sr, Tilliamson'e salary during the year, 1932; neither Tdr, Williamson nor the court were at !salt as tro this dieerepmsap. 3dr, Williamson, after being notified of eai d over-payment, stated to the Court thpt when he was convinced that the auditor+e report Tae oorreot that he would gL;dly retuxd the amount claimed to have Dean o-ar-paid end the Court moat graoiow~y told him to tabs all the time neaeeeary to do so, Te wig to oomplimsat Yr, Tiliiemson oa h1s twantry-tour years of aervieecsa Rrsaaurer of this County, Hie books veers seatlg kept and the mss~y different accounts were always Pound oorreet and is perfect order with the ezoeptlon e! a iew minor errors which natural]y oooys is beeping a sat of books sad ar• essily oorreotred. 16r. Williamson being satiaiisd said reportr 1s eorrea#, hoe ohesrtully retuttdsd the amount of $108,33. (S~gned) Bohn 3, 1,tkins, Cou~y dodge F. 1, Barger (COmx's Ct, Seal) • H, C, Adeaa Wm, Barge? W, H. YarP County Commissioners` o-o,.o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 940, SErTLEbf.ffi7T OF CLZB& OF ;4,00 AGAINST COUNTY CLER%, Bohn B, Leavell This 12th day o1 Deaomber, 1933, acme on to be ooneidered by the Court the County+e Claim against County Clark, Bohn R, Leavell !n the sum of X4.00 oovexin g error to his soooutttr of fines and trial Tess ooileoted ae disclosed in Schedule l4, page 18 of Couaty Auditor, Gso. E, Rleyboeokar+a report, whioh o]a1m was mutuall.V sooepted 8s oorreot in open Court, affi said amount of ;4,00 having already been refunded AY said John R, Leavell to Kerr Couaty ~ by deposit of eaidsum to the Road & Bridge fund, the County Clerk is hereby inatruated I i