A, F, Moore, Sheriff and Jno, R, Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the Pollowing proceedings were. ha d, to wit: No. 960, CLAL+iS AND ACCOUNTS, These 12th and 13th days of February, 1934, came on to be examined by the Court the various claims and accounts Yiled against Kerr County and its respective Commissioners* preoinete since last term oP the Court, all of whiah claims were approved Yor pgvment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oY respective funds ae shown by the Minutes of Acoounta Allowed Yor Kerr County, Tease, which are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 961, TEMPORARY ALLOWANCES FOR PERSONS IN FTNANCI4L DISTRESS FOR FEBRUARY, 1934, This 12th day of February, 1934, it is ordered by the Court that the following namsd~Il persona be and are hereby allowed the sum set opposite hie or her respective name ont of the V General Fund Por the month of February, 1934, as temporary pauper allowance, same to be paid k&kkl unto each oY them by the County Clerk by proper Warrant drawn against the County Treasurer, as follows; Tom Hollomon X3,00, Etta Moody X3,00, Hama Bundiok, 3,00, Phil Bundiok 2,00, Jasper Hunnicutt, 2,00, Homer McGee, 2,00, J, W. Wilson 3.00, Mre,A.J.Raynolda, ~u,00, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 962, ACCEPTANCE OF COUNTY HEALTH NURSE'S 7WONTHLY REPORT, This 12th day of Pebruary, 1934, Dame on to be heard the report of Miss 8uth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse covering her work Yor the month of January, 1934, which report Sa hereby aaoeptad by the Court and orderefl Yiled by the Clerk, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 963, FIRST ADVANCE TO E, H, NICHOLS, COUNTY TAZ ASSESSOR ON HI3 1934 COMMISSIONS, This 12th day of February, 1934, came on to be oonaidered the application of E. H. Nichols, County Tax Aeaeeaor for an advance of $250.00 on hie 1939 Tax Assessor's Commissions, athich application be and ip_he~reby granted by the Court as prayed for, and the County Clerk ie hereby authorized and directed to issue unto said E, H, Niohole two County Treasurer's warrants Yor the sum of X125,00 each against the Road & Bridge arnl General Funds in payment of said advance. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 964, Report OF FRANCES WILROY, COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT FOH JAN[TARY, 1934. This 12th day of February, 1934, came on to be heard the report of Mise Frances oral Wilroy, County Home Demonstration Agent for January, 1934, which„report was accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 965, APPLICATION FOR EZPENSE ACCOUNT AND DES% BY COUNTY HOML DEMONSTRATION AGENT, This 12th day of February, 1934, cams on to be considered the application of Miss Frances Wilroy, Home Demonstration Agent Por the payment by Kerr County of her oYfica eapenae account and the purchase by the County of a desk for her use, the payment of which expense account be and ie hereby declined by the Court but Miae Wilroy's application Yor the purchase of a desk i9 hereby granted by the Court and she ie hereby authorized to purchase a reasonably prload desk Yor use in her office at the expense of %err County. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 966, PURCHASE OF RIGAT-OB-WAY FOR NEW STATE HIGHWAY N0. 27 PR01u INGR~ TO -iu1", HOME AND FENCING u~9.TERL4I.8 FOR SAiYiE AND SAID HIGHWAY F80M SgRRVILLE ~ L'SLES SOVFH. r3~ This 12th day of February, 1934, came on to be considered the application of the /3 7 new State Highway Ho, 27 between Iagcem and D(ouatain.Homs, in Barr County, Tezas, and it appearing to the Court that %err County 4s in finamial position to gogaire eueh rift of way and that the acquisition of enah righb oP way and the oomtruation by the State Highway Department of such mw highway. will be to the beet intaraat and DaneYit of the County, It is therefore ordered, sd3udged and decreed by the Court that said required right ' oY we~y ba acquired by Barr County for the State oY Teaas, and Commieaionere F, d. Barger and H. G. Edens be~.aind aim hereby appointed by the Court to asslrt County Judge, Tohn 5, Atkins in seouriag the required ri ~t oY way deeds, and the Coun101 C1eTk ie hereby antho rased and directed to issue warrants oa the County Treasurer out of ths~ Kerr County Lateral Hoad Fund in payme~ oP all oP mtah acquired right of way uyon delivery of proper B/W deeds by the property owners. And said Committee ie further aufhoMSeQ to purchase the neooesary wire, poets and other tensing materials Yor said new highway from Ingram to Hountain Home and from Kerrville 5 miles South, which materials to De paid Yor by the County Clerk by warrants on the County Treasurer agaimt said Berr County Lateral Hoad fond ayoa the tiling of proper olaime the rotor attar delivery of each materials to the County, and the approval of eueh olaime by one or more mombers of said committee. e-O-Oro-o-O-e-Oro-O 967, Ho. PURCHASE OF BIGHT OF WAY FO8 wIDEIPIHG HA8PE8 80AD, This 12th day of Febi4taTy, 1934, Counbg Judge, John S. Atkins and Commissioner F. A, Barger be and era hereby aubhorised and directed by the Court to secure the neoeseary land Yor the widening and improvement of tht Barrv111e and Harper Hoad, an approaimate dietanoe of 10 miles, Anp and all each right-oY-way so acquired to be paid for by County Treaaurer~s warrants issued by the County Clark egaimt the Barr County Lateral Road fund, upon the Piling of sworn o}sims by the reepeotivs property owmre, duly approved by the County Judge and Commissioner Barger. o-oro-o-o-o-o Bo. 968, APPBOyAL OF COUHTY TBEASUB88'S pUABTEBLY REPORT, This 12th daY of February, 1934, came on to be ezaminad and audited by the Court She gaartarly report tiled by County Treasurer, Ef, G, Garrott, Jr., for quarter ending January 31st, 1934, covering all receipts and disbursements ot.the County during raid quarter, which report having been found true and oorreet in every reepsot, be and Ss hereby approved by the Gourt and so oert1t1e0 Sn opek Court, and the Clerk is hereby directed to record said report in the Loose-Leaf Binder in his oYPioe any} Silo the oanoelled bonds and oouyom sooompanying same in the proper file of hie office Yor Suture reYerenoo, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 969, TBABSFEB OF $6b,70 FROM GEBE3FRer FUND TO SYECSAI. FJND AND CL091NG 34ID SPECIAL FUND. This lath dqy of Pebriary, 1934, it ie ordere$ by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer the sum of $6b,70 from the Gemral Pond to the 9peoial Fund to cover the overdraft in sai$ 9peefal Fund, and the Covnty Treasurer Se hereby authorised and imtsuoted to pay any and all outstanding warrants on said Special Fund out of the General Fond, sad ell delinquent taaee oolleoted Yor said Syeeial Fund in the future shall bs depoe itod by the County Treasurer to the credit of the Gem ral Fund, it De ing the intention oY the Court herein to oloee and dieooatinue said Spa olal Fuffi. o-o-O-o-o-p H0. 970, TBIN$HEB 08 $5,000.00 FBO1H B, & 8. ~'3 FOYDTO 8, & D. ~2 FUHD FOB BRIDGE, whereas, Commleaiomr im, Barger has agreed to loan unto Commieeiomr H, G. Edens the sum of $5000,00 qut of the Hoad b Bridge Fund 04 Preelaet Ho, 3 to be used by Covu