Y ~S settlement oY HIr. Baese's olaim against Kerr County sa aYo re aai d, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1144, CLAIM OF WHI, T, SALUDIS FOR REPAIRS ON CAR IN COLLISION WIl'H COUNTY TRUCK, This 2nd day oY Tanuary, 1935, came on to be oonaldered by the Court the ola im oY 1Jm, T, Saludle for the sum of }119,00 for repalra and repis Dements to h1a oar by reason of oo11ie1oa with the Truak of Preoinet No. 1 of Kerr County on night oP Deo amber 25, 1434, and sYter hearing the test imogv oP Mesara. Wm, J, Saludle and Henry Eoke tai n, drivers and witna sees +Yillia Barton and Mr, Fariah, upon mots oa of Commissioner Edens, eeoo nded by Commis eioner Wm. Karger and unanimously adopted, Bald olaim be and Se hereby rake oted Dy Ehe Court in Sts entirety. i o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1145, DESIONITION OF OFe'IC ES FOR 14IE ASSES30R & COLLECTOR OF TA8E3, SH JIFF & TREASURER, This 2nd day of January, 1935, it Se `ordered by tIM Court that the present Sheriff and i Colleoto r'e oPfioee be and are hereby dealgnated and set aside Por the use and benefit oY the Assessor and Colle otor of Tazee, and the present Tea Assessor's office aha 11 here- , after be used end ocoupied by the She riYY, and the office presently used by the Just Soe of the Peaoe Se hereby desl6asted to the use of the County Treasurer, ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TSSA3, ~ In Commis aioner'e Court, Kerr County, Teza e, I No. 1146 Sp eoisl January Term, 1935. COUNTY OF KERR, { January tad, 1935, APPRO PAL OF BOND3 AND QiJALIFICiTION OF OFFICERS. This 2nd day of January, A, D. 1935, Dame on to be seam ined by the Court the off lalsl j bonds oP the Yo llowing named o£Pioera, el sated Yor Kerr County and its various pr ec in ate, at the Bovember Eleotion, 1934, and it ap pe ar ia8 to the Court that each and all oY said bonds are good and cuff ioient, and that eaoh of acid bonds should be approved by the Court. the refore, upon motion duly made, se oonded and unanimously adopted, said bonds and eaoh I oP them be and sae hereby approved by the Court, and sash of said oPPia era are hereby dir voted to take the proper oath of oP Ylae as re quirad by law, all oP said bonds to be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper reeo rd oY hie ofYioe, to-wit: Sohn 3, Atkins, County Judge, E, H. Nioh ole, Assessor and Colle otor oY Taxes, ~ A, F. Moore, Sherifl, Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk, Anil Gold, County Treasurer, Geo. M. Doyle, ,fiat riot Clerk, Wa It ar Peteah, County Attorney, A, L. Starkey, County Surveyor, A, P. Brown, County Commissioner, Yreoinot No, 1, A, P, grown, Road Canmis stoner, Preainat No. 1, D, D, Beard, County Commis eioner, Preoinot No, 2, J, D, Beard, Road Commi~aioner, Preoinot No. 2, ' I 'Jlm. Karger, County Commissioner, Pre oinot No. 3, '~Jm. Karger, xoad Commies loner, Yreoinot No. 3, Y1, H, Furr, County Commies loner, Preoinet $o. 4, '!J, H, Furr, Road Commi aeioner, Preolnat No. 4 Joe Burkett, Jr., Justlce of the Yeaoe, Pre oiaot No. 1, Ed. Smith, Justice of the Peace, Preoinet No. 4, i.fi tohell Moors, Conet able, Preainot No. 2, and C, A, Rodgers, Con stable, Precinct Ro. 4, o-o-o-o-o-o-o The State oY Tessa, ~ In Commisaionere' Court, Karr County, Tezae, 7 ~ Special January Term, 1985, ,y I~. County of KERR, 0 Jan. 2nd, 193b, YT ' On th ie 2nd day of January, 193,5, came on to be oonsl dared the of Pia ial bond of Pat '~ Waehbura Por the sum oY X1,000.00 dated Deo, 22, 1934, as Constable of Justi oe'a Preoin of Fo. One of Kerr County, Tessa, signed by good and sufficient our etie e, And it appearing to the Court that said prin of pal, Yat Washburn is not eligible Por said oP Pipe oY Couetable oP Just toe's Preoin of No, 1 oY Kerr County, Texas, now, Therefore, upon motion duly made, aeaonded and unanimously adopted, said bond of Pat 'aYa shburn as aforesaid, be and is hereby dieappro ved by the Court Por the reason that said Pat Washburn is not eligible to be a leated and qualified for the office oP Constable of Justice's Precinot No, 1 of Kerr County, Texsa, under Articles 2927 and 2928, Revised Civil Stet utee oY Teass, And the Clerk of the Court Ss hereby di rooted to forward a certified copy of this order to the Secretary of State at 6uatin, Tease, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 1148, APPLICATION BY COUNTY CLERK AND ASSS930R do COLLECTOH OF TA%ES, FOR DEPUTIES. On this 2nd day of Ja m~a.ry, 1935, come on to be con sl der ed the application of County Clerk, Jno, 8, Leav all Por authority to appoint three deputise in his of fi. oe, and the appli- cation of E, H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector oP Tazee for authority to appoint two deputi in hie office, and it appearing to the Court that said officers are entitled to the number oP de put iee applied for, their said ap plioati one be and are hereby granted by the Court as prayed for. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on ,pages 188, 189 and 190 hereof, were read in open Court and found correct, and are hereby Sn all respects approved by the Court, this the 2nd day of January , A, D, 1935, Attest: unty Clerk County Ju e, rr tin , zaa, By Deputy. o-o-o-o_o_o_o_o THE STATE OF TEAS, COUNTY OF KERB, BE IT RE1fII+fBERED, that on this 14th day of January, A, D, 1935, there was begun and holden a Regular Term oP the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tease, officers present: John 3. Atkins, County dudga, A, P. Brown, Cammiesloner, Precinot No. 1, U, ll. Beard, Commissioner, Precinot No, 2, Wm. Ksrger, Commissioner, Precinot No. 3, W, H, Furr, Commissioner, Precinot No. 4, A, F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leaven, County Clark, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: No. 1149, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS, This 14th day of January, A, D, 1935, Dame on to be eaamined by the Court the various claims and accounts Piled against Kerr County and its respective Commissioners' preo inots since last term of the Court, all of which saoounta and claims were approved Por payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oP respective Yunde as shown by the Minutes oP Accounts Allowed for Kerr County, Tease, which are made a part of thle order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1150, APPROVAL OF COIINTY CLERK'S MONTHLY EZPffiSE ACCOUNT. This 14th day of January, 1935, Dame on to be eaamSned by the Court the monthly report Piled by Jno. H, Leaven, County Clerk covering his actual and necessary office aspenaea for month oP llecember, 1934, whlch report appearing correct be and is hereby approvefl Por the sum oP p182,55, X90 o-o-o-o-o-o-a