TherePOre, upon motion duly made, seconded snd unanimously adopted, said bond of Pat Washburn as aforesaid, be and is hereby disapproved by the Court for the reason that said Pat Washburn is not eligible to be elected and qusliPied for the office of Constable of Justice's Precinot No. 1 oP Kerr County, Texas, under Articles 2927 and 2928, Reviead Civil Statutes of Texas. And the Clerk of the Court is hereby directed to Forward a certified Dopy of this order to the Secretary of State at Auatln, Texas, O-O-O-O-O-O-O-P-O No, 1148, APPLICATION BY COUNTY CLERK AND ASSESSOR &, COLLECTOR OF TA%ES, FOR DEPUTIES. On this 2nd day oY January, 193b, acme on to be Don aiderad the applioatlon of County Clerk, Jno, 8. Leav all for authority to appoint three deputies in hie of fi oe, and the appli- cation of E, H, Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Taaea for authority to appoint two deputi in hie office, and it appearing to the Court that said officers are eatltled to the number oP depot ice applied Por, their said applications be and are hereby granted by the Court as prayed for. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Po re go ing minutes on pages 188, 169 and 190 hereof, were read in open Court and Pound correct, and are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 2nd dqy of January , A, D, 1935, Attest: ~~,,,~ unty Clark Cou~y Ju , rr n , x"~~- By Deputy, o-o-o-ao-o_o-o THE STATE OF TEEAS, COUNTY OF KERR, ~ BE IT RFMPS,fBERED, that on this 14th day of January, A, D, 1935, there was begun snd holden a Regular Term of the Commiaelonera' Court oY %err County, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tease, offioere present; John S. -tkins, County dodge, A, P. Brown, Cammiealoner, Precinot No, 1, D, B. Beard, Commissioner, Preoinat No, 2, 1Vm, Xarger, Commissioner, Precinot No. 3, W. H. Farr, Commissioner, Precinot No. 4, A. F, Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R, Leav ell, County Clark, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: No, 1149, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 14th day of January, A, D. 19.35, name on to be eaaminod by the Court the various claims snd accounts filed against Kerr County and its respective Commissioners' precinata since last term of the Court, all of which accounts and claims were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respective Ponds as shown by the Minutes oY Aoaounte Allowed for Karr County, Teaas, whloh era made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1150, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S MONTHLY ESPE6SE ACCOUNT, This 14th day of January, 1935, acme on to be examined by the Court the monthly report filed by Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk covering his actual and necessary office expenses Yor month of December, 1934, whiah report appearing correct be and is hereby approved for the cum of X182,55, X90 o-o-o-o-o-o-o