iF/ No, 1151, REPORT OF RUTH JANE MOORE, COIINTY HEALTH NURSE, Thie 14th day of January, 1935, Dame on to be heard by the Court the report of Mise Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse, for the month of Deoaab er, 1934, which report be and Sa hereby aooapted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1152, II~LOYMENT OF tYARRffi BARYON AS ROAD FOREAQAN OF PREC T, No, ONE, On this, the 14th day oY January, 1935, came on Por ooneideration the matter of employing a road foreman for Commies loner s' pr eoinot No. 1 of %srr County, and it appearing to the Court aeon the rec o.~mendati on of Commissioner Brown that Warren Barton fie qualified for the position. the re tore, upon motion duly made, ae oonded end unaaSmou ely adopted, said Warren Barton be and is hereby employed ae Road to re man of Commie sloners' preoinot No. 1 of Kerr County, beginning January la t, 1935, flt the monthly salary of x'75,00, which salary shall ba paid by the County Clerk out of the Hoad & Bridge ~1 Fund in semi-monthly payments on the let end 15th days of eaoh month, starting January 15th, 1935, Such ea}8ry payme nta to be made by proper warrants on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1153, ACCETPANCE OP ANNUAL ANll MONTHLY REPORTS OF HOME ffi~LON3TRAT ION AGffiT, Thie 14th day of January, 193b, came on to be heard the annual report for 1934 and the monthly report for December, 1934, filled Dy Misa Fraaoea Willroy, Home Demonstration Agent oY Kerr County, which reports be and are hereby aooapted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1154, APPROVAL OF DELINGJIENT TA% RECORD FHOM 1885 TC 183;3 INCLUSIVE, This 14th day of January, 1935, Dame on to be exam fined the Delinquent Tax Heoo rd for the years 188b to 1933 imluaiv e, compiled by Ea-Taz Colle ator, J, R, Moore, and it appearing to the Court that said Delinquent Taa Record fie porreot, same be and 1a hereby approved in open Court sa evidenced by the Court's oertif laate signed in triplicate attached mere to, and 1t further appearing to the Court that Mr, Moose is entitled to a Yee of $272,95 for compiling said record, which tea is hereby allowed, and the County Cle r/~ fie hereby auth oriaed and directed to issue and deliver unto said Moore a warrant oa the County Treasurer for sum of $272,95 against the General fund in pgvmeat oP eaoh tee, o-o-o-o-o-o-o The StfltV of Tease, In Comm laeioners' Court, %arr County, Tease, County of Kerr. January Term, A, D, 193b, On this 14th day of January, 1935, it appearing to the Court that the oontraot Par the employment of Miae Franoea Wilroy sa County Demonstration Agent of Kerr County eapired oa December 31st, 1934, and it further ap peering to the Court that 1t Sa to the beat interest oY Kerr County that such work be oontinuedfor another year, Therefore, upon motion duly mace, seconded anfl unanimously adopted, be and it Se hereby ordered by the Court that the Home Damonet ration work be Dents need for one year from Tan. let, 1935, at the net coat of $600,00 to Kerr County in salary, end the County Clerk fie hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver unto the Home uemonatra- tion Agent s warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fund for the sum of .50,00 at the end of eaoh month's earvioe, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1156, OR-ER DECLARING ROAD PROM SOUTH FORK R04D TO NORTH FORK ROAD VIA HUNT SCHOOL A PUBLIC ROAD OF THE 3RD CLASS, This 14th day of January, 1935, be and it fie hereby ordered and declared by the