~~ ~ fto, 1151, REPORT OF RUTH JANE MDORE, COIINTY HEALTH INRSE. Thie 14th day oY January, 1935, oeme on to be heard by the Court the report of Miae Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse, Por the month oY December, 1934, which report be and is hereby aaoepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1152, E[4PLOYMENT OF WAR$EN BARYON AS ROAD FOREM$N OF COMMI33I0 NER9' PRECT. No, ONE. On this, the 14th day oP January, 1935, came on Por aoneideratSon the matter of employing a road Foreman Por Commies inner e' pr eoinot No. 1 oP Ksrr County, and it appear iag to the Court upon the reaommendstion oP Commissioner Brown that Warren Barton fie quallYied Por the position. The refora, upon motion duly made, ae on nded and unan imouely adopted, said Warren Barton be and is hereby employed ae Road Pon man oP Commis alonere' yreoiact No, 1 oY Kerr County, beginning Jaauary let, 1935, at the monthly salary of $75,00, wh Soh salary eha 11 be paid by the County Clerk out oP the Road A Bridge ~1 Fnad in semi-monthly payments on the let snd 15th days oP eaoh month, starting January 15th, 1935, Suoh ea },cry psymanta to be made by proper warrazrta on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1153, ACCETPANCE OF ANNUAL AND MONTHLY BEPORT9 OF HOMS DSMON3TRAT ION AGENT. Thie 14th day oY January, 1935, came oa to be heard the annual report Por 1934 and the monthly report Por December, 1934, Piled Dy Mise Franc ea Willroy, Home Demonstration agent oY Kerr County, which reports be and are hereby ao eepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. llb4, APPROVAL OF DELINGJJENT TAI RECORD FROM 1886 TC 183,3 INCLDSIVE. Tiiie 14th day oP January, 1935, Dame on to be ezam fined the Delinquent Taz Record Por the years 188b to 1933 inoluaive, compiled by Ea-Taz Colle otor, J, T. Moore, and it appearing to the Court that said Delinquent Tsa Raoo rd fie eorreot, same be and Se hsraby approved in open Court sa evidenced by the Court's oertiFloate signed in triplicate attached thereto, and it Yurther appearing to the Court that Mr, Moon is entitled to s Pee of $272,95 Por compiling said record, which Yee is hereby allowed, and the County C]e r,~ is hereby authorized and directed to fie sue and deliver unto said Moon a warrant on the county Treasurer Por sum of $272,95 against the General Yund in payment oP eaoh fee. i o-o-o-o-o-o-o i The State of Tezas, ~ In Commisaionare' Court, Kerr County, Texas. County of Kerr. ~ January Term, A, D, 193b, . ~ GIs On this 14th day oP January, 1935, it appearing to the Court that the oontraat far the employment oY Ltiae Franoea Wilroy ae County Demonstration Agent of Kerr County expired on December 31st, 1934, and it further appearing to the Court that it is to the beat inters at oY Kerr County that euah work be continued Por.anoth ar year. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seoo nded and unanimously adopted, be and it 19 hereby ordered by the u'ourt that the Hom• Demonstration work be continued for one year Prom Tan. let, 1935, at the net ao at oP ~y600,00 to Kerr County in salary, and the County Clerk fie hereby authorized and dl rooted to ieaue and deliver unto the Home Demonstra- tion Agent a warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fund Yor the sum oY $50.00 at the end oY eaoh month's service. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1156, ORDER -SCLARING ROAD I'ROP~i SOUTH FORK ROAD TO NORTH FORK R04D VI6 HUNT SCHCOL A PUBLIC ROAD OF THE 3RD CLA33. This 14th day of January, 1935, be and it is hereby ordered and declared by the Court upon its own motion, that the road interseoting the South Fork road about 300 yards ~9~ above Hunt, Texea, thence extending a die tan oe oY about 400 yards to the Hunt Sohaol House and continuing on for about 100 yards to the North Fork Road, be and is hereby eetsbli~ed, laid out and opened as a publ io road of the third class, SO Yeet in width throughout, along the route of said road sa now traveled, o-o-O-O-O-O-O No. 1157, RE-E"dPLOYMEAT OF IRVIN PARKS A3 COURTHOUSE AND TAIL JAidITOR, This 14th day of January, 1935, it appearing to the Court that Irvin Parke hsa rendered sstiafactory service in the past as Courthouse and Jail Janitor oP Kerr County, whereupon, upon motion of Commissioner Beard, seconded by Commlesdonar Farr, and. unanimously adopted said Irvin Parka be and ie her ebq re-employed, and his salary is hereby Yizad by the Court at the emn of w65,00 per month for the two year term 1935-1936, and the County Olerk be and Se hereby authorized and direoted to issue and deliver unto said Irvin Parke on the 1st and 15th days oY eaah month beginning January 15th, 1935, a warrant on the County Treasurer agsinst the General Fund Yor the sum oY $32.50 oovaring his semi-monthly salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 190, 191 and 192 bare of, were read in open Court and found correot, and are hereby Sn all respeota approved by the Court, this the 14th day of January, A, D, 1935, Attest: o y ark By Deputy, County ge, Kerr Cou~y, Tezae, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TK8A3, 1 COUNTY OF KERR. 1 BE IT RETffi~[BRRED, that on this 11th day of February, 193b, there wee begun and holden a Regular term of the Commissions re' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the tarn of Kerrville, oYYioere present: John S. Atkins, County Judge, •. P. Brawn, Commiaaioner, Preoinot No. 1, D. D. Beard, Commissioner, Preoinot No. 2, Ifm. Karger, Commissioner, Preoinot Po. 3, W. H. Furr• Commissioner, PreoinoL No. 4, A, F. Poore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedinga were had, to-wit: No. 1158. ALL01-ANCE OF CLI1L8 AND ACCOUNTS. Those 11th, 12th and 13th days of February, 1935, oame on to ba ezamined by the Court the various olaime and aaoonnta Piled against %srr County end its reepentive Commieslonsre' preainote einne lest term of the Court, all of whioh aooounta end olaime were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts end out of respeotive Yunda as shown by the 1Siautee of Aoaounta Allowed for Kerr County, Tezae, whioh are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No.'1159, PURCHASE OF TNO ROYAL TYPEIIRITERS FROM ROYAL TYPE~IRITER CO., SAN ANTONIO. This 11th day of February, 1935, County Judge Atkins be and Se hereby authorized end di rooted to purohaee for and on behalf of Barr County One new Standard Royal 14 Snoh typewriter Yor the prise of X112.50 to be used by the County clerk and one new Standard 12 Snoh typewriter Yor the prioe of $103.50 for hie own use, said maohinea to be purohased Prom the Royal Typewriter Company of Saa Antonio, Tezae, and shall be paid Yor by Lhe County