No. 1165, APPR07AL OF JANUARY EKPENSE REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This 11th day oY February, 1935, name on to be oonsidered by the Court the monthly report Piled by County Clerk, Jno. R. Leavell covering hia actual and neoeasary oPPiae expense amounting to ;242,05, snd it appearing to the court that said report is correct same be and is hereby allowed and approved by the Court. 0-0-0-0-0-0 .JO. 1166, ORDER DECLARING OFFICE Or^ CONSTABLE, PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT A^.,D APPOL""JTIDG;S7T OF CONSTABLE TO FILL THE UNEKPIRED TERM OF SAID OFFICE. On this 11th day oP February, 1935, it appearing to the Court upon advice Prom the Attorney General oP the State oP Texea, that the oPYice oP Constable in and Por Juetiae'a Precinct No. One oY Kerr County, Texas, should be declared veaent and a new constable appointed by the Court to Pill the unexpired term oY said oPYice. ~~ Wha re upon, on motion duly made, aeaond ed and unanimously adopted, be and it is hereby ij ii ordered by the Court that the oPYice oP Constable in and Por Juetlae's Precinct No. 1 oY Kerr County ehall^in all things oonsidered vacant, and that JaPY Duncan, the former Conata oP ea id precinct having rendered setiePaotory service and being qualified and desirous ' to eerve.out the unexpired term oP said office, ba and is hereby appointed by the Court to Pill the unexpired term oP the oPPiae oP Conatab le in and Yor Juetio e'a Precinct No. 1 oY Kerr County, Tessa, and he ie hereby direoted to gaa2ity Yor said oPPiae by making bond in the sum oP ;91000.00 and taking the oath oP oPYice ea required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1167, APPOITJTLfdTJT OF ELECTIOPJ OFFICERS OF KERR COUNTY FOR O1~ xEAR. ~, Thie 11th day oY February, 1935, oame on to be appointed by the Court eleotion officers for the various eleotion preainots oY Kerr County Por the term oP one year as shown on pages 124 to 128, inolueive, in Yo 1. 1, Record oP Election Officers oP Kerr County, Texea, to which ref ere nee is here made. o-o-o-o-o-o /9~ No. 1168, E;SPLOYMEN'T OF AUDITOR TO CHECK BACK ON CO. TREAS. ACCOUNT ISJ KLTZRBOECKER'S AUDIT REPORT. Thie 11th day oP February, 1935, oame on to be considered the application oY Ea-County Treasurer, n, B. Williamson Por the re-opening oP hie claim against Kerr County by reason oY hia aettlau~ nt oP hie commission eaoount eaoording to Auditor Kleyboeokar'e report, and it appearing to the Court that the aontrovarey can only be settled by checking back on the treasurer's commiaeion. Therefore, upon motion oP Commissioner A. P. Brown, seconded by Commissioner Beard and unanimously ad opt ad, County Judge Atkins ba and ie hereby authorized and direoted to employ a local auditor to make the neoeasary check and report thereof to the Court at its ~I next meeting. , o-o-o-o-o No. 1169, SALE OF PART OF OLD HIGHWAY ~`ZT RIGRT OF WAY TO CAAS. SCHLADOER IN PRECINCT ~3. This 11th day of February, 1935, it appearing to the `'curt that the offer of m10.00 by Chea. 9ahladoer Por that portion oY the right oP way of old State Highway No. 27 in Commissioners' Precinct No. 3 remaining unused, Prom the Benson road east to where same intereeote with new highway No. 27, being about 54 Peet in width at the Benson road and coming to a point at new highway, is a Pair and reasonable offer and should be accepted by the Court. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that said ofYer be and is hereby accepted by the Court end County Judge Atkins be and is hereby authorized and direoted to execute and deliver unto said Chae. Schladoar a quit-alalm covering said right-oP-way for acid on behalf