/ Q S of Kerr County upon reoeipt of She herein mentioned ooneidarat ion therefor. o-o-o-o-o-o-o r- ' No. 1170, ORDER FI]L ING COUNTY JUUGE'S AND COUNTY SCHOUL SUFr:RINTENUESdT'S SALARIr:5. Thie 11Sh day of February, 1935, it ie ordered end deoreed by the Court that the salaries of John 9. ASkine ae County Judge and ezofiioio County Sohool Superintendent oP Kerr County be and are hereby filed at the folloaing amounts for the years, 1935 and 1936, to-wit: I •a County Judge the sum of $1030.00 per annum, and de exoffiaio County Sohool Superintendent, the sum of $900.00 per annum. IL is tart her ordered by the Court UhaL said aggregate salary oY $1930.00 per annum be paid unto Judge Atkins by the County Clerk 1n monthly inetallmente payable on or after the first day oY eaoh oalendar month, ee follows: $85.83 per month out of the Road & Bridge Pund to oover said Co. Judge's salary, and $75.00 per month out oY the General Fum1 to oover said Sohool Superintends nt's salary, by issuing proper warrants on the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tease. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1171, PAYMENT OF TELEPHONE RENTAL BY COUNTY OFFICERS. Thie 11th day of February, 1935, upon motion of Commissioner Karger, eeaonded by Com- mieaioner Beard and unanimo uely adopted, it ie ordered by the Court that eaoh of the County offioera having a telephone in hie office shell pay the monthly causal of eaoh telephone out oY hie personal Panda, beglnning January let, 193b, enleae he oan pay same out of exoeae Psae oY oYPiae sa 'provid ed by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1142, ORDER FIXIPdG COUNTY CLERK'S SALARY On this, 11th day of February, 1935, SL ie ordered by the Court that the County Clerk shall be alloaed to pay out Por deputy hire out oP the Ease of hie offios, the sum of $3,000.00 per annum during the years 1936 and 1936, and it ie further ordered and deoreed by the Court that the annual aelary of the County Clerk of Kerr County be and Se hereby used at an aggregate sum oP $1830.00 Yor eaoh of: eadd..two:ye aiy ae to llowe: $1480.00 per annum ae County Clerk, $250.00 per annum for keeping the finanoe ledger and $100.00 par annum Por indexing. Same eha 11 be paid out oY the General Fund Sn monthly inatallmente of $152. b0 eaoh, payable on or after the first day of eaoh oalendar month beginning Feb. let, 1935, aith proper warrants on the County Treasurer. Said annual salary oP $1530.00 ie hereby allowed by the Court to said County Clerk is addition to all fees oY oYPioe that he may be eat it led to retain above said $3000.00 deputy ellowanoe, prnvided however, that ea id Psae he reaeivea over end above hie deputy ellow- anoe together adth said annual salary of $1830.00 shall not ennead hie etretntary allowano• ae provided by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1173, ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLEBK'9 SALARY. Thie 11th day of February, 1935, St ie ordered by the Court that the annual celery of the Diatriot Clerk of Kerr Co unSy be and ie hereby fined at the enm oY $720.00 per annum for the years, 1935 end 1936, wh ioh celery shall be paid unto DSetriat Clerk, Geo. M. Doyl• in 12 monthly inatallmem a of $60.00 eaoh per year, out oP the General Fund by proper wawa drawn by the County Clerk on or after the first day of eaoh month on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o