No. 1174, ORDER FIRING SALARY OF SHERIFF AND BAIL GDARD CF KERR COTJNTY. Thi+p,.l3th day oY February, 1935, it is ordered and deoreed by the Court that the Sheriff's Salary for the years 1935 and 1936, be and Ss hereby Yized at the sum of $2,030.00 per annum, ea follows: $1190.00 per annum ae Sheriff of Kerr County, $540.00 per annum ae dail Gasrd of Kerr County, and y`300.00 per annum Yor deputy hire. Said salary to be paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A'. F. Poore out oY the General Fund in twelve monthly installments oY ip169.17 eeoh, eeoh year, by proper warrants drawn on the Coun Treasarer on or after the first day of each month. Said Sheriff shall be farther alloered the sam of 45rf per day for boarding eeoh prisoner in the County Jeil plus 15~ per day for •afe keeping eeoh prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1175, ACCEPTANCE OF HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT'S MONTHLY HEFORT. This 11th day of February, 1935, Dame on to be heard the January report of Mies Franoee ifilroy, County Home Demonstration Agent, which report is hereby sooepted by the Court end ordered Piled by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1176, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF E. H. NICAOLS, ASSESSOR 8o COLLECTOR OF TAKES. This 12th day of February, 1935, aeme on to be examined by the Court the monthly report flied Yor Tanuary, 1935, by-E. Hi Niahole, Assessor and Collaotor of tazee covering hie actual and necessary oYfine expense innurred in amount of $37.45, which report appearing aorreot, same be and ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1177, APPROVAL OF TABIILAR STATEMENT COVhRING INDEBTEDNESS, E%PENDITURES & RECEIPTS. This 12th day of February, 193b, Dame on to be examined the Tabular Statement com- piled and filed by Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk covering the indebtedness, expenditures and reoeipta of Kerr County, Texas, for quarter ending January 31 et, 1936, which report appearing correct, be and is hereby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1178, ORDER FILLING COUNTY TREnSURER'9 COMMSSSION. This 12th day of February, 1935, it is ordered by the Court that the commission of the County Treasurer for the years 1935 end 1936 shall be and is hereby fixed at the rate of 2;< on all receipts end diabursementa, not to exceed however, the anm of X133.33 far nny:.month or the aggregate of X1600.00 for either of said yeere. And it appearing to the Court that E. Gold, County Treasurer has already drawn the sum of ~j524.53 the full 2yb on all receipts and diebureemente during the month oY January, 1935, ea authorized under order of the Court heretofore passed. It is thorafore ordered and deoreed by the Court that said E. Gold shall apply said y524.53 ae a credit on hie commission due him for the months of January, February, March and April of 1935 and he shall not be entitled to retain ax~y more aommieaion until said X524.53 hea been used up et rata of X133.33 per month, beginning January let, 1935. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1179, ORDER FIRING SALARY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. Thie 12th day of February, 1935, it ie ordered end deoreed by the Court that the i9G salary of the County Attorney Yor the yeere 1935 and 1936 be and is hereby Yized at the sum oY $270.00 per annum, to be paid out of the General Yund in 12 monthly installments of