No. 1174, ORDER FI%ING SALARY OF SHERIFF AND BAIL GUARD OF KERR COUNTY. ~9~0 Thiq.l3th day of February, 1935, it ie ordered and deoreed by the Court that the Sheriff's Salary for the years 1935 end 1936, be and ie hereby fixed at the enm of $2,030.00 per ennam, ea follows: $1190.00 per annum ea Sheriff of Kerr County, $540.00 per annum as Jail Guard of Kerr County, and $300.00 per annum for deputy hire. Said salary to be paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A'. F. Poore ont of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments oY $169.17 eaoh, aeoh year, by proper warrants drawn on the Coun Treasnrer on or after the first day of eaoh month. Said Sheriff shall be farther allovrad the eam of 45Q per day Yor boarding eaoh prisoner in the County Ja11 plea 15~ per day for safe keeping eaoh prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1175, ACCEPTANCE OF HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT'S MONTHLY REPORT. This 11th day of Fabraery, 1935, oame on to be heard the January report of Miea Franoee 7f11roy, County Home Demonstration Agent, whioh report is hereby eooepted by the Court end ordered filed by the Vounty Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1176, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF E. H. NICHOLS, ASSESSOR 8, COLLECTOR OF TASES. This 12th day of February, 1935, same on to be eaemined by the Court the monthly report Piled Yor January, 1935, by~E: H: Niahole, Assessor and Collaotor of taxes oovering hie eotual and naoeseary ofPiae expense incurred in amount oY $37.45, whioh report appearing oorreot, same be and is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1177, APPROVAL OF TABULAR STATEMENT COVERING II7DEBTEDNE98, E7CPENDSTUR$S & RECEIPTS. This 12th day of February, 193b, oame on to be eaemined the Tabular Statement oom- piled and Ylled by Jno. R. Leaven, County Clerk covering the indabtednese, expenditures and reoeipta of Kerr County, Texas, for quarter ending denuary 31 et, 193b, whioh report appearing oorreot, be and 1s hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1178, ORDER FZXING COUNTY TREeSURER'S COMMI93ION. Th1e 12th day of February, 1935, it ie ordered by the Court that the aommieaion of the County Treasurer for the years 1935 end 1936 shall be and is hereby Yixad at the rate of 2p on all reoeipta and diabursemente, not to exceed however, the enm of $133.33 far nnyr.month or the aggregate of $1600.00 for either of said years. And it appearing to the Court that E. Gold, County Treasurer hoe already drawn the sum of $524.53 the full 29b on all receipts and diabursemente during the month of January, 1935, sa authorized under order oY the Court heretofore passed. It Se therefore ordered and deoreed by the Court that said ti. Gold shall apply said X524.53 as a credit on hie oommiseion due him Yor the months oY January, February, March and April oY 1935 and he shall not be entitled to retain any more aommieaion until said $524.53 hea been used up at rata oY $133.33 per month, beginning January let, 1935. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1179, ORDER FI%ING SAIdRY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. Thie 12th day of February, 1935, it ie ordered and deoreed by the Court that the salary of the County Attorney for the years 1935 end 1936 be and Sa hereby sized at the sum of $270.00 par annum, to be paid out of the General fund in 12 monthly installments of _ / ~ 7 ( 322.b0 eaoh by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or alt er the first day of eaoh oelendar month. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1180, ORDER FI%ING SALARIES OF Thia 12th day of February, 1935, the oompeneation of the Commieeione re of Kerr County is hereby fazed by the Court for the years 193b and 1936, acoording to lea, ea Po llow e: Eaoh commie sioner aha 11 reoeive 3b. 00 per day ea per diem for eaoh day served by him ae a member of the Commie elonere' Court to be paid out of the general Rofld & Bridge fund, end eaoh Commissioner shall to rthar reoeive 35.00 for each day served in inepeoti ng and eupervieing roads, same to be paid out of the road & bridge fund of hie raapeotive pre- oinat, provided however, Shat the total oompaneation or salary oY esah aommiaeioner shall not ezoeed the following amo ante agreed npon, Lo-wit: Comm ie sioner of Pracinot No. 1 sum of y900.00 par year, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 2 sum of 3600.00 par year, Commleeionar of Prec inot No. 3 sum of 3600. UO per year, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 4 cum of 3900.00 per year. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1181, NE• CONTRACT •ITH COUNTY ATTORNEY FOH COLLHCTION OF DELINQUEYdT TAXES. Thia 12th day of February, 193b, Dame into open Court Aalter Peteoh, County Attorney of Kerr County and agreed with the Court to aollaoL outstanding State and County delinquent Laaee for •~oommieeion of 5~ on ell County and County Hoed end School Diatrint taxes aollaote a And said County Attorney is hereby revue sled end direoted Dy the Court Lo prooead with li the oollaotion of said delinquent tazea immediately. '. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1182, APPLiCAT ION OF 95y6 OF RELIEF CANNERY RENT ON llELIIl~.UENT TAXES OF A. REMSCAEL. Thia 12th day of February, 1935, it appearing to the Court that A. Remaohel owes certain delinquent tease to the State and County, it is therefore ordered by the Court that beginning Haroh let, 1935, the monthly rental oY >}20. U0 being paid by Kerr County to R. Remaohel Yor the uee of hie Depot Ceta property ee Re lieY Cannery. shall be paid by the County Clerk ea Pollowa: 35.00 the rant to said A. Remaohel each month in Dash by County Treesur er'e warrant egai net the General Fund and the other >-15.00 Lhe reoY to Emmet H. Nichols, Tax Colleotor eaoh month by County Treeaurer'a warrant against said General Fund, which m15.00 payments shall be applied by said Taz Collector towards the payme nL of aryy delinlue nL tezee owing by said H. Remaohel. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1183, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLERK'S ~tUARTERLY REPORT. Thia 12th day of February, 1935, Dame on to be examined by the Court the quarterly report tiled by Gso. Y. Doy la, Dlatrict Clerk oovering fines dmpo sod, judgments rendered and jury faea oolleoted, in the Diatri at Court of Kerr County for quarter ending Jan. 31 et, 1935, and said report appearing oorreot be and same ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1184, ORDER RESCINDING TAE PURCHASE OF Ttt0 SERVIS ROAD GRADERS. On this, 12th day of February, 1935, it appearing to the Court that the X109 Servis Grader Yor 31L52.00 purohaead by Kerr County on behalf oY Commissioners Preoi ncta Sloe. 1 end 4 on the lases-payme nL plan at the regular llecember Lerm oY this Court, Yelled to stand up end do Lhe work as guaranteed by Ssrvie Equipment CompaAy, and it further apps sting to the Court the d1YYerenoe of y267.43 charged $err County by ea id tirm on the ezohange of the