_' /~ 7 - $22.50 eeah by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or sit er i the YSreL day of eaoh oalender month. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o i j No. 1130, ORDER FI%ING SALARIES OF COLaNI35I0NKR3. I This 12th day of February, 1935, the aompeneation oY the Commissions re oY Barr County, ~ is hereby fiaed by the Court for the years 193b and 1936, eaoording to law, ae Yo llow s: Eeoh oommie stoner shall reoeive X5.00 per day ee per diem for eaoh day served by him ae a member of the Commle stoners' Court to be paid out oP the general Road & Hridga fund, ~ and eaoh Commlasi oner shall further reoeive ~5. 00 Yor eaoh day served in SnepeoLing and euperv ieing roads, same to be paid out of the road & bridge Pund of hie reapeot ive pre- olnnt, provided however, Lhat the total oompeneation or salary oY eeah oommleaioner shall i not ezoesd the following amounts agreed upon, Lo-wit: I Commissioner of Pracinat No. 1 sum of b900.00 per year, Commissioner oP Preninat No. 2 sum of X600.00 par year, Commissioner of Prec inoL No. 3 sum oY X600.00 per year, C ommie eioner oY Preoinot No. 4 sum of ~j900.00 per year. j o-o-o-o-o-o ' i No. 1181, NE1f CONTRACT t-STR COONTY ATTORNEY FOR COLL&CTION OF DKLIN~yUEP7T Td%E9. '~ This 12th day oY February, 1935, name into open Court lfelter Peteoh, ConnLy Attorney of Kerr County and agreed with the Court to oolleoL outstanding State and County dellnque nt taxes Yor a~nommiseion of 5ti on ell County and County Road and Sohool Dietriot texas aollaoLe . I~, And said County Attorney is hereby raque et ad evd di rooted by the Court to prooeed with i r the oolleotion of said delinquent tazee immediately. ~i o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~I No. 1182, APPLICATION OF 4by6 OF RELIEF CANNERY RENT ON UELIN:IUENT TAXES OF R. REI6SCHE L. I ~ This 12th day oY February. 1935, it appearing to the Court that R. Remaohel owes i ii certain delinquent tease to the Stets and County, it ie therefore ordered by the Court i ' ~'i that beginning Maroh let, 1935, the monthly rental of X20.00 being paid by Barr County s i to ft. Remeohel for the use oY hie Uepot Cafe property as Relief Cannery, shall be paid by the County Clerk as follows: X15.00 the reoi to said H. Remeohel each month in Dash by County Treae ur er's warrant against the General Fund and the other iy'15. UO thereof to i Emmet H. Niohole, Tax Col leotor each month by County Treasurer's warrant agai net said General Fund, which i~15. 00 payments shall be applied by said Tez Collaotor towards the payment of az;y delinquent taws owing by said H. Romeo hel. i o-o-o-o-o-o-o '~ ~ No. 1183, APPROYAL OF DISTRICT CLERK'S ~iUARTERLY RiPORT. - III This 1Lth day oY February, 1935, Dame on to be esemined by the Court Lhe quarterly ~~~ report Yiled by Geo. Y. Doyle, Uietri at Clark ao ve ring Pines impo sad, judgments rendered ~ and jury fees aollenLed, in the Dietriot Court oY Kerr County Yor quarter ending Jan. 31st. 1935, and said report appearing oorreot De and same is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o iJO. 1184, ORDER RE3C SNDING THE PURCHASE OF TiTO 9ERV13 ROAD GRADERS. On this, 12th day of February, 1935, it appearing to the Court that the X109 Servie I~; Grader Por iy'1252.00 porn haled by Kerr County on behalf oY Commiesionere Preoinata Noe. 1 and 4 on the lease-payment plan at the regular lleoember Lerm oY this Court, Mailed to stand up and do the work ae guaranteed by Servia &quipment Company, and it further appearing to the Court the difYerence oP ~i267.43 oharged Kerr County by said firm on the ezahange oY the ~ t....., _.... Tina ,.-.,a,.- a..- a lien e..-..a ., n....a,.- iu ..s s ii.,n .i 4.6 nM now nhowowA by T.hw