~~7 ~22.b0 eaoh by Proper warrants drawn by the County faerk on the County Treasurer on or after the Yiret day oP eaoh oalendar month. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1130, ORDER FIKING 9ALARffi3 OF CWAHISSIONER3. This 12th day of February, 1935, the oompaneetion o1 the Commissions re of Kerr County is hereby fdaed by the Court Por the years 1935 and 1936, eooordi ng to law, ae Po llowe: Eeoh oommis aioner shall receive ~5. 00 per day as per diem for eaoh day served by him ae a member oY the Commie eionere' Court to be paid out of the gsaeral Road & Bridge Yund, and eaoh Commiaei oner eha 11 further raoeive ~5. 00 far eaoh day served in inepeating and supervising roads, same to be paid out oY the road & bridge fund of hie reapeot ive pre- oinat, provided however, that the total oompaneetion or salary oY eaoh oommiaeioner shall not ezoesd Lhe following amounts agreed aeon, to-wit: Commie aioner of Precinot No. 1 sum of b900.00 per year, Commissioner of Preainot No. 2 sum of $600.00 per year, Commlea loner of Precinot No. 3 sum of $600.00 per year, Commie aioner of Precinot No. 9 sum of X500,00 par year. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1181, NE:f CONTRACT •ITH COUNTY ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION OF 11ELIN~yUENT TAKES. This 12th day of February, 193b, Dame into open Court ifalter Pet soh, Connty Attorney of Kerr County and agreed with the Court to aollaot outstanding Stets end County delinquent taxes for a~eommiseion o1 5d on all Coanty end County Hoad end School Dietriot fosse oolleo And said County Attorney Se hereby req ue sled enfl dl reefed by the Court to proceed with the oollaotion of said delinquent taxes immediately. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o t No. 1182, APPLICATION OF 4b~ OF RELIEF CANNERY RENT ON DELINq,UENT TAKE9 OF A. RE66SCAEL. This 12th day oP February, 1935, SL appearing to the Court that R. Remaahel owes certain delinquent tease to the State and Oounty, it ie therefore ordered by the Court that beginning March lot, 1935, the monthly rental of yi20.00 being paid by Kerr Couaty to R. Remeahel Yor the use of hie Depot Cafe property ea Re list Cannery, shall be paid by the County Clerk ea follows: ~5. 00 thereof to said A. Remeohel each month in Dash by County Trees urer'e warrant agai naL the General Fund and the other m15.U0 thereof to Emmet H. Niohole, Tax Col lector each month by County Treasurer's warrant agai not acid General Fund, which m15.00 payments shall be applied by said Taz Collector towards the payment of any dalin,;cent lazes owing by said H. Remeahel. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1183, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLERK'S q,UARTERLY REPORT. This 1Lth day oP February, 1935, Dame on to be examined by the Court the quarterly report filed by Geo. M. Doy la, Diatri at Clark ao vering Pinae impo eed, lodgments rendered and lury Pe ea oolleated, in the Dietriot Court of Kerr County Yor quarter ending Jan. 31st, 1935, and said report appearing oorreot be and same ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o ido. 1154, ORDER RESCINDING TAE PURCHASE OF TNO SERVIS ROAD GRADERS. On this, 12th day oY February, 1935, it appearing to the Court that the iE109 Servia Grader Yor yp1252.00 purahaead by Kerr County on behalf of Commieaionere Preoi note Noe. 1 and 4 on the lease-payment plan et the regular Deoemb er term of this Court, failed to stand up and do the work ea guaranteed by Servia 8quipment Company, and it further appearing t0 the Court the diPPerence oY ~p267.43 charged Kerr County by se id firm on the ezohange of the makers oY other standard graders oY equal weight end aonatruation, and it further ~!'~ ~ ~9 appearing to the Court that said ¢110 Servla grader has not given eatiafaotory eervioa. Therefore, upon motion o4 Commissioner Farr, seoonded by Commissioner Karger end unanimously adopted, it is ordered by the Court that the puroha se of both oP said graders by the County be annulled end eat aside and that both of ae id graders be and nre hereby rejaoted by the Court Yor the raeaona haxwinabove mentioned. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1185, TRANSFERS TO BAL6NCE FINANCE LEDGER FOR YEAR ENDING June 30th, 1934. On this, 12th day of February, 1935, it Se ordered by the Court that the following transfers oY funds shall be made Dy the County Treasurer, enabling the County Clerk to bale nos the neooant wit h~^the Taz Colle otor of %err County in the Biasses Ledger of Kerr County Por year ending June 30th, 1934, to-wit: ;$394.13 Yrom the General Fund to the Courthouse & Jail Sinking Fund, $116.95 from the General Fund to Kerr County Roed Bond Sinking Fund, x"143.30 Prom the General Fund to Road and Bridge Fund, 83 Prom Poll Fund to General Fund, and 7.06 from Roed DSaL riot g2 8l nlcing Fund to Road Di et riot #1 Sinking Fund. o-o-o-o-o No. 1186, APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREASURER'S uUARTERLY REPORT. This 13th day of February, 1935, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the quarterly report filed by E. Gold, County Treasurer of Kesr County, Tease, oovering reoeipts and diebursementa of Kerr County for quarter ending January 31st, 183b, whioh report having been Yound true and aorreat in every reapeot bs and Se hereby approved by the Court ae ah own by oertlYiaete attached thereto signed by all members of the Court, and the County Clerk shall raoord said report in the Loose-lest binder in~hie office and file all oanoelled bonds and oo upone oonneoted therewith in the pro par isle of hie ofYiae. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tease, 1 In Commiaeionare' Court, Kerr County, Tease. 1 No. 1189 County of %err. ~ February Term, A. D. 1935. On this, 13th day oY February, A. D. 1935, it appearing to the Court that Dr. E. E. Palmer has heretofore rendered eetiaPeatory service ea County Health OYYiaer, and that he is a competent phyeio ien legally qualified to pr entice under the laws oP the State of Tessa, and that he ie still engaged in the preatiae oY hie pr ofeaeion in Kerr County. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said E. E. Palmer, Y. D., be and is hereby re-appointed ea Coanty Realth OPYioer in and Por Kerr County, Tessa, •Por a period oP two years or until hie euooeesor Sa appointed and quellYied, unless sooner removed Yrom office for cause, and said Dr. E. E. Palmer upon qualifying ae required by law shall reoeive auoh aompeneation Por ee rvioee eat usl ly rendered ee this Court may allow~:from time t0 time. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1188, AWARD OF DEPOSITORY OF COUNTY. COUNTY SCHOOD AND COUNTY TRUST FUNDS. This 13th day of s'ebruary, 1935, Dams on Lo De opened by the Court the Bole bid, Piled by Chas. Schreiner Bank (Uninoorporated) of Kerrville, Tessa, offerirg its aervleee ea depository of ell County, Sohool and Trust Yunde of Kerr County for ensuing two years, end offering to pay one-tenth (1/10th) of one per Dent interest on ell daily balaneea. and St appearing to the Court that the bid oP Chea. Schreiner Bank is the only bid obtain- able Sn %err County, it Sa therefore ordered by the Court that same be and ie hereby eooepted and said Bank ie awarded the County Depository for ell County, Sohool and Trust