e7 O ~ $41,30 to Zra Baker out of the Rerr County Lateral Road Fund, oov wring 16 oo ra er _ ~I poets and 34 line poste for L. A. Sohr saner high Yenoe on State Hi sway fto, B1, and, $100,00 to Jno, R, Leav ell out of General Fund for Yunde adaenoed to pay the eapea ee of repairing and recovering 13 record books is the County Clerk~e offioe by Walraven & Co. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 199-201 he root, wero read in open Court and found oorreot, and are hereby in e11 reepeote approved by the Court, this the 2nd dqy of Naroh, A, D. 1935, Attest: ark. By __ Deputy. County e, i^ Olla , ez •, 0-0- -0-0-0-0-0.0 THE STATE OF TEZA3, COUNTY OF R.EHR. ~ BE IT RPME4BERED, that on th le 11th dqy of Yaroh, A, D, 1935, • there was Degua and holden a regular team of the Co~ieaionere' Court of Berr County, Tezas, at the Court House Cheroot, in the town of %errville, Tezas, oYfioere greeent; John S. Atkins, - - _ _ County Budge, A, P, Brown, - - - - - -Commis eionar, Preoinot Ho. 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - _ -Cammleeloner, Preo root Ho, 2, llm, Barger, - - - _ _ - Caamieeioner, Prooinot Ho, 3, R, H, Furr, - ~ - _ ., _ Comaieeloaer, Preoinot Ho. 4, A. F. IIoore, Sherllt and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following Brooee Binge were had, to-wit: HO. 1194, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AHD ACCOIINT 3, This 11th day o2 Maroh, 193b, oame on to be examined Dy the Court the various olaima and aooounta ailed against Berr County and ate reepsotive C®mieeionere~ preoinota canoe last term of the Court, all of wh Loh aooounte and olaims wars approved for payment by the Couut9 Clerk in amounts and ont oY rasp votive fends ae ehowa Dy the YSnut •• of Aoo ousts ,Allowed for Berr County, Tezas, which ere made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1195, PURCHASE OF STRIP OF LARD 900 z 10 feet, FOB SPEHRATH ROAD IH PRECINCT H0, 3, This 11th day of MarOh, 1935, it Se ordered by the Court that %e rr COUaty purohate from Halter Pankratz a stMp of land 900 feat long and 10 feet wlde for the sum of $10,00, same to be used for widening the 9penrath Road in Commi~~ionere~ Preoinot Ho, 3 of Berr County, and the County Clerk Se hereby autho rued to Saeue warrant on the County Treaeuror for $10,00 in favor of said Walter Banto•ata against the R, a B, #3 Fund, Sn payment of said lend, upon delivery to him oY pr op ewly eze acted deed thereto by said Halter PanlQats. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1196, APPROVAL OF BOND OF CONSTABLE, JUSTICE~3 PRECINCT #1 OB EEBR COUNfY, This 11th day of Yeroh, 1955, oams on to be ezem fined by the Court the bond of Jett Republic Dunoan, Constable, Preeinot Ho, 1 oY Berr County, Tezas, for $1000.00 issued by the,IInder- wrltere of Weao, Tezas, of data, Feb. 11, 1938, which bond appearing good and euffioient, De sad fie hereby approved by the Court, sad said Jsff Duncan Se hereby directed to quality Yor said office of Cone table of Juetios~e Proolnet Ho. 1 of Berr County by taking the oath prescribed by law, and said bond and oabh mall then be reao rded Dy the Cou~y Clerk in the off to Sal bond record oY Eerr County, Tezas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1197, MATTER OF REAtOVIHG GATE PLACED BY BILL GARRETT ACROSS LANE IR PREC ffiCT H0. E,