a p ~ 41.80 to ire Haker out of the %err County Lateral Road Fuffi, oovering 16 Do ra er poste end 34 line poste for L. A. Sohreiner high fenoe oa State Hl sway Ho. ~1, and, $100.00 to Jno, R, Leav ell out of Genarel Fund for Panda advanoed to pay the eapense of rapalr ing and reoov Bring 13 record books in the County Clerk's ofYi ae by Walraven & Co. o-o-o-o-o-o The Yore go ing minutes on pages 199-201 he ra of, were read in open Court and found oorreot, and are hereby in s11 reapeote ap plro ved by the Court, Chia the 2nd dqy of Maroh, A, D, 193b, Attest: ark. ~ County e, r Dun a s, By Deputy, 0-0- -0-0-0-0-0.0 THE STATE OF TEZA9, ~t COUNTY OF RERR, 1 BE IT RF2SE9[BERED, that on this 11th dqy of Yaroh, A, D, 1935, there was begun and holden s regular team of the Co®iseionere' Court of Berr County, Tezae, at the Court House th ergot, in the tom of %errvi lle, Tasae, ofYloere present: John 3. Atkinw, - - - - County Judge, A, P, Brown, - - - - - -Commie eiomr, Preoinot Ho. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - -Cammisei over, Preolnot Ho, 2, wm, &arger, - - - - - - Cmmieeloner, Preodnot Ho, 3, 11, H. Purr, - - - - - - Comaieeloner, Preednot Ho. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leav ell, County Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeadinge ware had, to w1t: No. 1194, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AHD ACCOUNTS, This 11th day oY Marsh, 193b, Dame oa to be ezaminsd by the Court the various olalms and aaoounte filed against %err Coiwty a~ its reepeatlvs C®mleeionere' preoinote elaos last team of the Court, all of whioh aooounte and olaime were approved for payment by the Cou~y Clerk in amounts and out of reap votive toads ae shown by the Yinutse of Acoouate ,Allowed for %err County, Tessa, whioh are made a pert of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1195, PURCHASE OF STRIP OF LARD 900 z 10 feet, FOB 3PEHBATH GOAD IB PRECINCT H0. 3, Thin 11th day of Marna, 1935, It Se ordered Dy th1 Court that %err County purohase from Yslter Pankrats a strip of land 900 feet low and 10 feet wide for the sum oY X10,00, same to be o.ead Par widening the 3penrath Road in Commieaioaerw' Preoinot Ho, 3 of %err County, and the County Clerk fie hereby autho rued to issue warrant on the County Treasurer for '10,00 in favor of said Walter Ban]Qats agelnst the R, & B. ~3 Fund, in peymsat oY said land, upon dalive ry to h1m of properly ezeouted deed thereto by said salter PanlQata. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1196, APPROVAL OB BOND OB CON STABLE, N3TICE'S PRECINCT ~1 OB BAR COUNTY. This 11th day of Marsh, 1935, Dams on to De ezem fined by the Court the bond oY JefY Republio Duaoan, Constable, Preoirwt Ho. 1 oY %err County, Tezae, for ;1000.00 issued by the.IIader- writers of ^eoo, Tezae, of date, Feb, 11, 1933, which bond appearing good a~ eufYioient, be and le hereby approved by the Court, and said JsYt Dunoan is hereby dlreated to Quality for ea id offioe of Constable of Juetioe`s Preolnet Ho. 1 of Barr County by taking the oath pre eoribed by law, and said bond and oath shall then be recorded D9 the County Clerk is the offiolal bond rsoord of %err County, Tezae. o-o-o-o-o-o-o $o. 1197, MATTER OF Rffi[OVING GATE PLACED BY BILL GARRETT ACROSS LANE IR PRECIS CT H0, E,