Ro. 1206, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JIISTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECIACT H0. 1. This 11th day of Maroh, 1935, oame on to be ezamiaed by the Court the report of Jos Burkett, dr., Justine of the Peaoe of Preolnot Ao. 1 of Kerr County, Tezas, for the month of Febrwsry, 193b, of oriminal eases filed, thee, 'udgment and fury tees oolleoted, showing the sum of X21,95 oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a tea of X12,00, and it appearing to the Court that said report ie true and oorreot, same be and ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized sad dlraotsd to pe`t' said $12.00 Pae unto Joe tine Burkett with two warrants am the County Treanor er, one for 3,12 against the Road a Bridge Fund and the other for 18,88 against the General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1207, REPORT OF 6, A, Silm •, on KL-TR$A8. A, B, •illiamaon~e EZCE99 Com. Aooount. This 11th day of Yaroh, 1938, oems on to be eaaeidered the report of G, A. 81kse, oovering Ez-County Treasurer'A. B, i1111ameon~e >4acoeas Commlealoa aooount showing the sum of ~13b.00 due 1tr, Williamson by Karr County imluding the ;108.33 hsretotoro paid by him to Kerr County under the audit report of Geo. E, Kleyboeoloer, and the County Clerk ie hereby authorized and direeted to deliver unto said G, A. Sikes a warrant on the County Treasurer Por X15.00 agai net the General Fund Sn peyma at of hie tee for said work and report, and the County Clerk Se further requested to write Auditor Kleyboeoker in the matter, asking him to nee the County Judge in person by the nest term of the Court or meet with the Court at that time, arrl said report be and Se hereby passed over to the nest term of the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1208, ORDER RESCINDIAG ORDER X1182 PLSSED AT FEH, T~ OF THE COURT, AND COATIAUTAG THE PAY RPG OF RELIKF CANNffiY RffiT BY KSRR COUbR'Y. This 11th day of Mar oh, 1935, be and it Se ordered by the Court that thle Court's order No. 1182 pa seed !~ Ste February term, 193b, rotating to the payment of the monthly rental by Kerr County unto H. Heemohel oa the Relief Canmry property, be and Se hereby reaoinded and annulled, and the Coulrty Clerk shall continue to pay unto said H. Remeahel the monthly rental on said property ae provided in the original order of this Court until otherwise ordered by the Caurt. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 201 to 204 hsroot, inolusiva, ware road in open Court and found oorreot, and are hereby in all reepeote approved by the Court, this the 11th dqy of Yaroh, A, D. 193b, Attest: 0 By putt'. Cou ge, • oaa ezae, 0-0-0- -0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEIA9, COUBTY OF KERB, BE IT REMEi~ERED, that on this 16th. dqy of 3(aroh, 1935, there was begun and holden a spaniel term of the Co®nissionore~ Coact of Karr County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezae, oYYioere present: John 3, Atkins, - - - - - County Judge, A. P. Brown, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho. 1, D. D, Beard, - - - - - - C~misaioner, Preoinot Ho, 2, wm, Karger, - - - - - - Commiaeion~, Preolnot Ao. 3, W. H, Farr, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho. 4, A, F. l[ooro, Sheriff and Jno, R, Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regu]arly opened, the following proceedings were lad, to-wit: ~e ~-