THE SILTS 07 TELLS, yo (, CQIIHT! 0~ sEHHt BH IT BAtO(B~ED, thet oa this 8th dey of Lpxil, 4. D, 1955,_thesy Ra• Degua and heldea a sega]ar term of tho Coenissioners' Court o! Eorr Ceaaty, Tessa, a4 tho Cenrt Hone• theraot, in the fora of Eerrrille, Issas, ottiosrr proseatt John S, Likina, - - - - _ - Coagt7 JwGge, . u L, B. Brown, - - - - - - - Commisetoner, precinct Io. 1, D. D. SNrd, - - - .. - .. CNmias;oaer, Pseeiaet Io. 8, wn, EYrgar, - - - - - .. - Cemispionsr, Proelaet Io, E. w, H, Jars, - - - - - - - Coesieoionsa, Preoiaet Io. 4, 4, T. Yoere, 6harit! and Jno. H. Lsavoll, 6anaty Clerk, sad the Ooust having boos rega].a:y opanad, the following preesodings p!'a had, to wits Ho, 1E10, LLj~gwLACE OB OL4D6! A1fD LgOQ4sTS, This 6th day st 4pri1, 1935, ems oa to bs ezmiaed by the Coast the varloas o]aimm sad aoeeants tiLd against Ears Oonaty and its raopsetly Coaenlesioaaro' Draoiasts slae• ]na4 term of the Coopt, all of whioh aeaoaat^ sad claims wore appebved for pgmaat by the County 61opk !n maoaatr end out of rsapeetiv !Wade ae shows by tW Yinatse of Loeonato ~llewsd for 8orr County, Tazoe, whish are made a pert of thi• order, e-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1811, C7w1Itt Ot IDIHD3SJ. QOWI/Y p08 MLd'~Ilti 1g58 lD~ OCQETT CLTTLE SHIPYE~ FHCY COiiIOHT. !hi• 8th dq of ~prtl. 1935, ems oa to b• emsldsrod the alsim et Kendall County ~aineb Sers County for ~{8,E0 covering water at {~ pas head taralahed to 1055 brad st Sarr County cattle shipped troy Gomtort, Tessa, dnriag the loMartl CattL Deyiag Campaign, which elalm De and is horsby re;eeto6 by the boast for the reason that %err Ceaaty didn't charge aqy of the oarrouading ooantise with the pro-rata of Serr Ceaaty's szpenss Sn the ompafgn, o-o-o-e-e-e He. 1818, IPPLICATIOH Ot BOBSTr-BSd C! RHCIHCT OSE y0H Olm DEPDTY. This 8th dq of lpsil, 198b, same en to b• considered the appllNtian of Jett Danoan, Coaetabla of Jactioe'^ Prsciast Eo. 1 of 8ors County for authority to appoint ono dopaty, which applisatiea be and is horsby granted as prayed tor. o-o-e-o-a-o-o Bo. 1813, APPH07AL OD' COIIHTt QbHBL'9 d C07.LECTOH 6 •89E3908~8 YOHlHLi SZPE58E HEPOHlQ, This 8th day of Ipp31, ease oa to Ds esmit~.d the Parch, 1986 report of John H. Leavcll, Ceuaty Clerk, covering his sofas! and neNeeasy office ospcaae amoaati~ to ~Ed6.65, sad the report of E. H. Eiohole, Mpeaop sad Colioetor of !secs tee ems aenth, eovesiag his aetnai ani aeeeseasy ettio• szpaaoe amonatiA6 M X11,27, both of whtoh reports appeasing eerscet, be sad are hereby appsevod by the Court, e-e-o-s-c.A.w se. 1611, apPHOVLL or HspoHT BBD yESd oa JIISTIOS or T~ pY+IRA6:os psECZacT ao. 1. This 6th Qay et lps31~ 1955, oemc en to Da casaL~eti`rOE'Ceast the report of Jee Dorkctt, Jr„ Jastios of t~t6 YNO• of Prceinst Eo. 1 et E6lY'+:Ranwig, Tcsaa, for tlm month of Yarah, 1986, of csiminai Was tiled, tines, ~ndgaemt amd busy tac• eollaeted, showing the wm st X85.90 eolUOtsd sad deposited with t1u County Tswawvsr, entitling him to-a te• o! X15.00, sad St appearing to the Court that said report Sa trnc end Nprect, emo be end le hereby approved, and the 6oanty Clerk is hereby authorised sad disaetcd to pay said x]8.00 tee unto Jnetioe Barbtt with two warrants on the County Tsoaauror, one tap 511.68 agalast the Osasral Fond sad the other for ;8.66 against the 8oad 1 Bridge 1n11t, o-o-o-o-o-o-o