THE arils OT IEUS, 20 b Cppi!!! OT ~Y. BB IT SA[O(,D~ED, that en thin 8th aqy or tprtl, ~,. D, 198b,_there >rms began eafl_heldea a regular term et the Commissioners' Oourt o! Berr Coaaty, Te=as, at the Court Heru• thereof, la the teen of Eerr-113s, lszas, ottiosrs preNIItt John Y, t47clam, - - - .- - - Cemty Ta6gs, A. 8. Bsosa, - - - - - . - Comsissioner, Psgelaet Bo. 1, D. D. Deard, - - - - - Cemmiasioner, Prge1710t Bo, E, Am. Barger, - - - _ - - - 6eamisgioasr, Precinct Be, b, R. H. Tarr, - - - - - - - Camlegionea, Prgoiagt Be. 4, `. T. Yoere, ~herit! aaa Jno. Y. bean!!, 6onaty Clerk, end the Court haling been regaWly opened, th• iollowiag preosediags were Lad, to-wits Ho. 1810, ALF011AACB OF 07ADD) A,DD •OCOQBla, !his 8th dqy of ttpril, 193b, eme oa to be ezmimd by the Coast the •arioas q,aimm and aoeeaat• tiled against Eery Osnaty a~ its reepsgtin Commissimers' preelaet• sines ]net term of the Cosst, all of shioh saeoaats end claims sere appso~ed !or pgnent by the Coanty Clerk is amonatr end oat of sespeetin lands as shown by tLe Yiautes of loeonata Aliged for Earr County, lezas, shish are made a part et Chia orlar. e-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1Y11, cbAPt oT BEBDtlt souses Foa ~rllsYlYG lobo BYYB oouars G~.!!bs aYIPYY~ TROY coia-oYl. !his 8th dq •t April, 193b, came oa to be smsidsrea the siaim er Benaall Coanty Ilgeiast Ears Osanty for ~,E,EO oo~ering water at 4/ per head taraiahel to lObb head et Eery Coaaty cattle shipped from Comfort, lssae, during thq lederal CsitL Baying Csmpaiga, which eialm be and is hereby re~seted by the Court for the reason that Barr Oennty didn't aLarge ax~y of the surrounding eoantiss with the pro-rata of Serr Coaaty's ezpeass !a the oampaign. o-e-o-e-q-q Bo. 1818, APPLICAlIOB Of COBBTLBli 0? IlBCIBO! OBE TOY OBB DBPDlY. This 8th dq~ of April, 19x6, ease oa to b• soasiflersd th• applieatlm of Je!! Danoan, Constable of Jaeties's Preelagt Bo. 1 of 8err County for authority to appoint oas aepaty, which npplieatien bs and is lursby granted as prayed roz. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1813, APPBOPAb OF COCB1"! ObBeE'9 A CObbEClOE l i88E880$~8 YOBlH7,T BZPYBSB YBPOBlg, this 8th nay of Apsll, cane on to bs ezmisfl the Basch, 19ib report of Joha Y. Lesrell, County Clark, eorsriag hie setnal and necessary ottios ezpease amoasti~ tq ~llB.Ep}, aa6 the report of s. H. Bishols, •epesos and Colleetar o! lazes for eme agath, eoresiag his actual sal neeessasy oftio• szpeas• amant131g to !14.17, both of shloh rspost• appearing serrwet, bs end are haseby appso~ed by the Coast, o-•-o-s-eRs*e Bo. 1814, ABPYOYAb Ol HEPOB! ABD BEYg OT JCBlICB N !B3 P~A~Qi QT BYBOIBC! Y0. 1. !his gth day et April, 19bb, came en to ba eiraataei 1or~:l~iigr Csnrt the report of Joe Barkstt, Jr., Jnstio• et ~ Pgae• of Fseslnst Bo. 1 ea LMItYs.YOafig. lezas, for tbs month o! Yarah, 193b, of esimisal eases tiled, tine e, ladgasmt amL ~nry teas collected, showing the cam et X88.90 eollegtsd and leposited with the County lreasaren, stifling him to a te• o! ~1b.00, end it appearing is the Court that sa16 report is tme sad Nrrget, ease Ds cal is hereby approved, cad the Ceunty Clerk ie hereby authorised sad llseeted to pey said #Ib.00 See onto Jastio• Barbtt with fro warrants oa the County lseasurer, one tar X11.48 against the General Fond s~ the other for agaimt the Goad 6 Bridge 1'a1LL. o-o-o-o-o-o-o