.Z/I Ao, 1227, APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK, This 13th day of Mqy, 1935, aerie on to be eaemined by the Court the Quarterly Report ailed Dy Jno. R, Leavell, cover ing fines impo aed and oolleoted and judgments rendered and it oolleoted in the County Court in favor of Kerr County, and of Jury Seen oolleoted by the County Clerk, Yor the quarter ending April 30th, 1935, showing s total of $67.00 oolleoted and remitted to the County Treasurer, which report appearing oorreot, be and Se hereby III i, approved Dy the Court, ~! o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 12E3, APPROVAL OF COUH'PY CLERK'S TABULAR STATEMENT, This 13th day of MqV, 1935, came on to De ezsmined Dy the Court the Tabular Statement oY Jno, H, Leavell, County Clerk, of the indebtedness, eapendituree and receipts of %err County, Tease, Por the Quarter ending April 30th, 1935, which ntatemeat appearing oorreot, be and fie hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Do. 1229, APPORTIOI@SEET OF j34,000,00 ROAD & HHIDOE FURD3, This 14th day of May, 1935, it Se ordered Dy the Court that unapportioned Road and Bridge Panda of the amount of X34,000.00 be and is hereby apportioned among the Your Commie el oaers~ Preainots oY %err County, ne follows; To Preoinat No. 1 the sum oY X16,490.00, Ro Praoinot Ho. 2 the sum of ~ 3,740.00, Po Preoinet Ho, 3 the sum of ~ 3,060.00, and To Preolnat No. 4 the sum of X10,910.00, which sums eo allotted and apportioned shall be credited by the Couxrty Clerk to the road sad bridge toad of each precinct, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1E30, TRANSFER OF $1,000.00 PROM R, & B, f2 FUND TO R, 3 H, #3 FUND, This 14th day of May, 1935, it Se ordered by the Court that the sum o1 X1,000.00 De transferred Dy the County Clark of Kerr County from the Road & Bridge fund oP Praoinot Bo, 2 to the Road 3 Bridge fund of Praoinot No, 3, Sn payment of the first annual installment due by precinct No, E to precinct No, 3 on the $b,000.00 Center Point low-venter bridge loan, All i~ereat to date on said loan being waived by the Commie lion er of Preainot No. 3 in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1E31, APPROVAL OF COUATY TREASJHSR~3 QUARTERLY REPORT. This 13th day of Maq, 1935, came on to be esamined and audited Dy the Court the Quarterly report filed by E. Oold, County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tezae, covering reaelpte and dieburaemente oY Kerr County Yor quarter ending April 30th, 1935, which report having been found true and oorreot in every re ape of be and Se hereby approved by the Court ae shown by eertltioate attaohefl thereto signed by all members oY the Court, and the County Clerk shall record said report in the Loose-Leaf binder is hie oY Pioe and ills all cancel led bonds and coupons connected therewith is the proper Yale oY hie otYloe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 123E, QUALIFICATION OF BOARD OF EQ(TALIZARIOR AND BSAMINATI OH OF IRV ENTO RIE3 OF Thaee 14th sad 15th days of May, 1935, Dame on to be ezam fined by the Court after each roembar of the Court having Bret taken the proper oath ae required by ]aw, the i~entories of taz esaeasme rite Yor the year, 193b, submitted to the Court ea the Board of Equalization by County Taz Assessor, E. R, Nichols, and it appearing to the Court the Assessor has not