ass County Health Nurse for May, 1935, vdiioh report be sad Se hereby sooepted by the Court. o_o_o-o_o-o No. 1237, APPROOAL OF REPORT AND FEE3 OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0, 1. Thie 10th day of June, 1935, oame on to be ezamined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Juetioe of the Peace of Preoinot No, 1 of Kerr County, Tezas, for the month of May, 1935, oP criminal oases filed, Yinea, ~udgn ant and Jury Sees oolleated, showing _ the sum oY 59.70 coils oted and deposited with the County Treaeur er, entitling him to a fee of 533,00, and it appearl ng to the Court that said report Se true and oorreot, same be and ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk ie hereby nut horhzed sad di lw oted to pa,7 said 533,00 tee unto Justice Burkett with two warrants on the County Treasurer, one Yor 527,22 against the General Fund sad the other for 55.78 against the Road & Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1238, Quarterly Report oY Geo. M, Doyle, Diet riot Clerk on FSnea, et o, ' Thie 10th day of Tune, 1935, creme on to be ezamiaed by the Court the report oY 6eo, M, f Doyle, Diatriot Clerk of Karr County, Tezae, of Finee Imposed and Colleoted and Sudgoente j rendered anfl Colleoted in the Diet riot Court of Kerr Courty in favor of Kerr County, and of Jury Feea oo lleotsd, for Quarter ending April 30th, 1935, aggregating the sum of 547,00, ', whioh report appearing oorreot Da and. ie hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1239, MATTER OF REYLACIN6 LIRE KILN BRIDGE ON OLD HIGHWAY X27 IN PRECINCT N0, 1 ' OR E3TABLI~IING A NEW ROAD ACROSS THE DIETEHT AND TRU3ID9f. FARMS, Thie 10th day of June, 1935, oame on to be none idsred the matter of rap laoing the damaged LSma Kiln bridge on old Highway No, 27 in Commie sioners~ Preoinot No, 1 of Kerr County, or, the establlshmert of a new road soroea the properties of Henry Dietert or Gus, Trushel, oonna oting said old highway with the present new Highway No, 27, and the Court after inapeating the matter on the ground Sa of the opinion that it is to the beet Sate rest of the publio to replaoe said bridge with the BluYf Creek bridge in Commieaioaera' No. 2 whioh bridge Sa no longer used, provided, that the oo et of moving said bridge and building abutments and approsohee thereto is not prohibitive, Judge Atkim and Commiasionere Brown and Beard ae s oommittee, are. therefore authorized and directed for and on behalf of the Court, to have such bridge moved from Sluff Creek to Lime Kiln Creek and have the abutmeate sad approaohee oonstruoted eo ae to make auoh bridge serviceable at Ste new bastion, having the ezpenee thereof paid Yor by the Cou~y Clerk with warrant on the County Treasurer against the Road & Bridge #Ona fund, prowidod, the oo et of the Labor and mat erisl is oonna otion therswi•h ie not unreasonable, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1,240, BOARD OF EQUAL IZATI OH, 'Phis 11th dt{y of June, 1935, St ie ordered by the Court that all taz payers whose asaessmenta should be ra1°sd or lowered, aba 11 be giv an legal not ioe by the Courty Clark to sopear before the Board of Equalization on the 9th and 10th days of July, 193b, to show asusa why their aesessmente Yor 1935 should not bs raised or lowered ae the ogee may be. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1241, ORDER AUTHOHZZIN6 THE CLOSING OF COURT-HOUSE OFFICES SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. On this 11th day of June, 1935, came on to be none Sdered by the Coort the written agreement aigaed by all of the County officials agreeing to olose their re sP votive offioee at one O~olook P. M. on Saturday oY eaoh week beginning with the 15th day of Jum , 1935 and ending on the 31st dqy of August, 1935, er[o apt is ease of an emergenoy; and, It appearing to the Court that it hue been the custom in moat oouirtiee throughout the State of Tazae to oloae the offices in the Court House on Saturday afternoon throughout the hot summer months and that the closing of eaoh offices will not Snoonvenienoe the patrons and sitizens of the County after they have been propsr]y apprised and notified in the matter, an6 that the ofPloere and employese of the Couuty will appreciate sad enjoy the rest and time to attend to personal business afforded thereby, and that the effioianoy on the ndminie- tration of the County's Duainees should not be impaired thereby. Therefore, upon motion duly made an 6 seconded, all officers and employese of Kerr County be and are hereby authorized and directed to close their respective offices at one O'oloak on Saturday of eaoh week beginning June lb, 1935 an8 ending August 31st, 1935, and the County Clark shall publish proper notice thereof in both Kerrville newspapers for a period of 3 weeks beginning with this week's issue, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1242, V Ths State of Tazae, In the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County: County of Kerr, On this, the 11th day of Jug, A. D, 1935, came on to be oonaidered the returns of an elaetlon held on the 18th dqv of HqY, ~. D. 1935, in Common School Diatriot Ho. 6 of this County, for the purpose of determing whether or not a majority of the legall.,p qualified resident property tazpaying voters of said District desire to tea themselves for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said Die brief, and to determine whether the Commissioners' Court of said County authorized to levy, assess and aolleot annually a tea of and at the rate of ten (10) oenta on the Oae Hundred Dollars valuation of all tazable property in said Diet rl of Por said purpose; and IT APPEARING that said election was in ell respects legally held and that said returns were dul.Y and legally made and that there ware oast at said election 25 votes, of which number there were oast: "FOR SCHOOL TAI" 25 Yotee. "Against School Taz" 0 Yotae. AND IT APPEARING TO THE COURT from said returns that a maaority of the legally qua liti ed reaide~ property tsapgving voters of said District, voting at said eleotlon, voted Yor said taz, the Court does hereby declare the pmpoaition to levy the said tea to have been adopted, and that this Court ie authorized to levy, sad have ease seed and coils oted said taz, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEIA3, ~ In Commisaionere' Court of Kerr County, Tease. Bo. 1243 COUNTY OF %ERR, June Term, 1. D. 1935, On this 13th day of June, 1935, came on to be heard by the Court the application of a ooromittee on child welfare for the appointment of a County Child Welfare Board o! seven members to work with the State Board of Control ae provided by Law, and it appearing to the Court that an urgent need eaiate for the appointment and operation of a Cou~y Child Welfare Board in Kerr County. Therefore, said application be and Se hereby granted sa prayed for, and the following named oitizena of Kerrville, Tazae, be and are hereby appoi~ed by the Court ae members of the County Child Welfare Board of Kerr County, to-wit: Jack Hampeon, Walter Reifart, Rev, Paul 3. Yan Dyke, Hies Edna Henke, Scott Schreiner, Hra, J. B, Hudson and Mre. Leslie Adkins, and they are hereby directed to qualify and serve sa eaoh Board ea preaoribed by law. And a certified copy of this order shall be tranamlt fed by the County dodge to the a~~