°?I 7 Ho, 1~8b0, PAYMEH'P OF COHTHACT COST OF F.,~ KII$3 OF PAY$riEafT OH 80IITH FORK 80AD, This 8th d~v of July, 1939, it appearing to the Court that w, •, Yana db Company las completed the paving of 2} miles of the South Fork road aoeording to the aontraet and ape oitioatlons agreed upon by the Court, said road bs and is hereby eooepted by the Court, and the etatavieat in the mount of ~b,994.46 eovering the material sad entire oonetro.otion of said road be sad ie hereby approved Dy the Court, an¢ the County Clerk shall Seaue and deliver auto said ', A, Ynnn d Company two warrants on the County Treasurer for X2,648.88 such against the road and bridge funds of Precincts 1 and 4 reepeetively, and the balance of a70E,69 shall be taken sure oY by bhe Schreiner Road Fund ne per agreement between the Court n~ the Trustees oY snit Yuad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1291, SEFUND TO If, 1-, 9~EH, COUNTY AGA$IT FO$ MOHPfl 9PffiT IH BUILDING STOCK PEHB, This 8th day of July, 1939, name on to be considered the claim oY •, W, Sheen, County Aged oov ering money advanced in building the stook pens at the Kerrei lie depot during the Government stook-baying sempaign, and it appearing to the Court bhab ha Se entl fled tro the refund prayed for, same be and is hereby allowed, and the County Clerk aball Seeae and deliver u~o him a warrant on the County Treasurer 2or Sbb.00 against th• General Fund in eettlsment of said elaim. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1262, SECOND ADYAHCE TO COUNTY T-Z ASSESSOR OH HIS 1939 COMMISSIOB8, This 8th day oY Ju],y, 1935, came on to be eonel dared by the Ooart the application oY E, 8. HlOhola, County Tax Aeaeeeor for a eeeond advance in the sum of X360,00 on hie 193E oomiteions, and it appearing to th• Oourt that he Se entitled thereto, same be and is hereby allowed, sad th• County Clark is authorised and directed to Saeus and deliver unto said E. H. Hiahols atse~ Malrante on tho County Treasurer, ore for ~E00,00 on the Road & Bridge fund and the other Yor X160.00 on the General Band, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Eo. 1293, LSYY OF OOCSIPATIO$ TA2 OF ~b,00 O8 M4RBI+E AHD OTEDrB I,EGAb G4YOS MAC3IHE8, This llih day oY July, 1939, it appearing to the Court that the State of Te=as is levying and eolleoting an oooupation tax of $10,00 per annum on marble and other Lgal game msahinss Yor the Yisael year, beginning May tat, 1935, and that Esrr County is notified to levy and collect an oaoupation tat oY halt that charged and oollootsd by the State, it Se therefore ordered by the Court that an oooupatlon taz oY ~b.00 per year be and Se hereby levied by Kerr County on each machine, to be oollsoted by the Tux Collector of Kerr County, efYeotive May let, 1935, , o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1294, APPR09AL OF COIIHTY CLER%'S AND A99E330H AND COLLECTOR'S 110HT$LY EZP)Q$SE REPORTS, This 12th day oY July, 1935, came on to ba exeminod by monthly expenoe report of duo. R, Leavell, County Clerk Por the sum of $27p,8~ and the same mmthly report oY E, H, Hinhole, Assessor and Collector of Taws Yor the sum of $10.83, oosering @heir reap eotivs aatuel affi necessary ezpeaeea Yor the month oY dune, 1939, ~d11eh repo rte app oaring correct be and hereby appro-ad by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1299, ACCEPTANCE OF JUNE BEPORT OF COURT? DIDSOBSTBATICdf AOffiT, e This 12th day of duly, 1935, came on to be considered the June report oY Miae Francis j •illroy, County Demonstration Agent, ~Sidt report be and ie hereby saospbed by the Coart. p0o-o-0-0-0-0-000