oY the oitizens and taz-payers of $err Comity to have tuberouloaie sredioated among the settle ~ ~e1o o! %err County and •epeolslly CCaong Y,he dairy oattle of the County, Therefore, upon motion duly made and aeoonded and nnanimouely adopted, said propositioa submitted by Dr. H, L. Darby ea aforesaid be and Se hereby aeoepted by the Court, an8 th• som~ of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ie hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Geasral Fund for the purpose of defraying the County's eharo of the eapenee of said oampaign, bills for whioh eapense to be presented to the Court from term to term for approval sad payment, And sash oommiesioaer shall have tour unemyloye6 Dow-hands report at the Court House wodaes- day afternoon, Lug, 14th, 1936, for employment by the Oovernmant in said campaign, work on ie scheduled So start nszt weok. And the County Clerk shall deliver unto Dr, Darby a certified Dopy of this order. o+o-o+o-o-o-o No. 1256, ALLOWANCE OF CTalp[8 AND ACCOUHT3. These 12th and 13th days of August, 1935, name on to be ezemined by the Court the variou Olaims and saoounts filed against Kerr County arrl its respective Commiasioners* precincts since last team of the Court, all of whioh eooounts and oleiroe were approved nor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oP respective funds ae shown by the Minutos of Account Allowed Por $err County, Tszas, whioh are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1257, CANCELLATIOA OF COIINTY TREASIIRER'3 CFIEC% 1117 FOR X6,00 DATED Mar. 2E, 193b. This 12th day of August, 1935, it appearing to the Court that Frank Mertz hoe rotuaed to sign deed for ri~it-of-way for road in Preoinot Ao. 3 and the County Treasurer's chock Ao. 1117 is hie favor for $6.00 dated Mar. 22, 1935, issued to Dover County 41erk'.s warrant. /11529 on x & B ~3 Fund remains unoaehed sad not delivered. it ie therefore ordered by the Cour4 that said aback X1117 covering the oonsidaration due said Mertz for the ezeout Soa of said deed, be and is hereby voided aa8 oanoolle d, , and same shall be returned to tkn County Treasurer for credit of Commiealonere* Preoinof Ao. 3. O-O-O-O-O-O-O Ho. 1256, JIINE AND JCLY REPORTS OF COUNTY HEALTH NU&3E. This 12th deg o1 August, 1935, Dame on to ba heard by the Court the written reports of Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Rurse for months of June and July, 1935, whioh reports ba and are hereby eooepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1259, APPROVAL OF REPQRT OP JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECIRCT A0. 1. This 12th day of August, 1935, Dame on to be szaminod by the Court the report of doe Burkett, Jr., Juetloe of the Peace of Preoinot Ao, 1 of Korr Cou~y, Tezae, for the month of du]y, 1935, of criminal cease filed, fines, judgment and fury Yeee oolleotad, showing sum of X4,85 oolleoted and deposited with the Comity Treasurer, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct, same be and ie hereby approved. II-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tezae, ~ In Commieaioners' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. Bo. 1260 County of Kesr. ~ August Term, A. D. 1935, This 12th day of August, 1935, Dame on to be considered by the Court th• offer: of the State Health Department offering to aeeiat Karr County in the oontinuanoa of the Public Health Nurse work for another year, beginning September let, 1935, upon the same tiesnoial basis ae is tho pa et, namely, at a salary oY $828,00 to the County plus approved office