pP the oitisene and taz-payers of Kerr County to have tuberoulosie eradioated among the settle ~d o of Kerr Coaaty and •epeoially lppoag the dairy oattle of the County. Therefore, upon motion duly made e.nd eooonded and unanimoue]y adopted, said propoaitioa submitted by Dr, H, L, Darby as aPoreeald be and Ye hereby sooepted by the Court, and the som~ of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ie hereby appropriated and set aside oat of the 6ansral ' Fund for the purpoee of defraying the Conaty~s share oT the expense of said oempaiga, Lille for whioh expense bo be grasented to the Court from term to term for apgroval anfl peppment, And eaoh oommieaionsr shall have lour uaemploysd Dow-hands report et the Court House Wedaea_ day afternoon, Aug. 14th, 1935, for employment by the Oover~ent in said oampaiga, work on whioh ie eoheduled to start next woe=. Ax1d the County Clerk shall deliver unto Dr, Darby n oertified eop9 of this order. o-s-o-o-o-o-o Mo. 1256, ALLOWANCE OF CI,III[9 AND ACCOIIRTS, Theee 12th and 13th days of August, 1935, Dame on to be examined by the Court the va: olaime and eooounte filed against Kerr County and its respeotive Commieaionere* praoiaota sines last term of the Court, all of amioh sooounts and olaime were approved nor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of raepaotlve Panda as sho~m by the Minutee of Aoo~ Allowed for Ksrr County, Tszsa, whioh era made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Mo, 1257, CINC ELLAT ION OF COSTNtY TREA9IIR&8~9 CHEC& X1117 F08 f6,00 1)IT ED far, 2E, 193b, This 12th day of August, 1935, it appearing to the Court that Frank Biertz has refused to sign deed for rift-o2-way for road in Preaiaot Mo. 3 and the County Treasurer's oheok Mo. 1119 in hie Paver for $6,00 dated SSar, 22, 1938, 3aeued to Dover County Clerk~e warrant. X11529 on & ~€ B ~3 Fund remains unoaahed end not delivered. It Se therefore ordered by the Court that Bald oheok X1117 oovering the oonalderatlon due said Mertz for the ezeoution of said deed, be and 1s hereby voided and oaneelled, , and same shall be returned to the County Treasurer for oredit of Commissionere~ Preoinot Mo. 3. a o-o-o-o-o-o-o Mo, 1258, JURE AND JULY REPORTS OF COURTY HEALTH NURSE, Thio 12th day of August, 143b, name on to ba heard by the Court the written reports oY Ruth Jens %oora, County Health Iuras Por months of June sad July, 1835, whioh repo rte be and are hereby sooepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1259, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT R0, 1. This 12th day of August, 193b, Dame on to be examined by the Court the re part of Jo• Burkett, Jr„ Juatios of the Pesos of Preoinot Mo, 1 of Kerr County, Tezaa, for the month of July, 1935, oP oriminal Deese Piled, Piaae, audgmeat sad Jury fees eolleoted, showing eam of $4,8b oolleetad and deposltod with the County Tseaeursr, and it appearing to the Court that ea id report Se true and oorreot, same be and le hereby approved. II-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tezae, I In Commiaelonars~ Court, Kerr County, Tezae, t Bo. 1260 County of Kerr. ~ August Terca, A, D, 193b, This 12th day oP August, 1938, osmo on to be oonaidered by the Court the offer: of the State Health Department offering to assist Kerr County in the oontinuanoe of the Publio Health Mures work for another year, beginning September 1st, 193b, upon the same tiaaaoial basis as 1a the past, namely, at s salary of $825,00 to the County plus approved offioe