of the oitizsns and tu-payers of Kerr County to have tuberouloais eradioated among the 'iatti0 oP Kerr Coanty and •speoially a0peng the dairy oattle oP the County. Therefore, upon motion duly mafle and eeoonded and anaaimouely adopted, said proposition submitted by Dr, H, L. Darby ea aforesaid be and to hereby eooapted by the Court, sad the anm~ of One Hun Brad sad Piny Dollars is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the General Fund for the purpose of defraying the County'a elute of the expense of said oampaign, bills for whioh expense bo be presented to the Court from term to term for approval and p~vment, And eaoh oommieeloner shall have Pour uasmploysd Dow-beads report at the ConrO House iadnea- day afternoon, Aug. 14th, 193b, Par employment by the Oovernmsat in said aempaiga, work on shioh is sohedulad to start next was][. And the County Clerk shall delives onto Dr, Darby a oertlPied Dopy of thi• order. o-a-o-o-o-o-o No. 1256, 4LLOiANCE OF Olalll(8 ARD ACCOUNTS. These 12th and 13th days oP August, 1935, Dame on to bo ezamined by the Court the va olaime and saoounts tiled against Kerr County and its rospeotlva Commissionere* preoinots einoe last term of the Court, all of whioh aooounta sad olaime wore approved Dor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oP reepaotive funds ae shown by the Hinutes of Ao Allowed Por Karr County, Tsxae, whioh era made a part of this o #er, o-o-o-o-o-o-o io, 1E57, CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TREA3IIREH'3 CHECE $1117 FOH #6,00 DITED Her. 2E, 1935, This 12th day of August, 1935, it appearing to the Court that Frank Herta has rstuaed to sign deed for right-of-way for road in Preoinot Ha. 3 sad the County Treasurer's oheok No. 1117 is hie favor for X6,00 dated Lear. 22, 1935, issued to Dover County 4larkts warrant. X11529 on H d B ~3 Fund remains unoaahed sad not delivered. It is therefore ordered by the Cour4 that said cheek X1117 oovering the ooneideratlon due said Mertz for the exeautioa of said deed, be and SE hereby voided and oanoelled, and same shall be returned to the County Treasurer for oredit oP Cammiseioners' Preoinot t No. 3. '"~ O-O-o-O-O-O-p No, 1E58, JUNE AND JULY REPORTS OF COUNTY HEbT,TH NURSE, Th1o 12th day of August, 1935, Dame on to be heard by the Gourt the written reports oY Huth Jane Hoore, County Health Iurse for mosstha of June ani duly, 193b, whioh reports be and are hereby eaoepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1E59, APPR04 AL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0, 1. This lEth day of August, 193b, alma on to be szamined by the Court the report of doe Burkett, Jr., Juetios of the Pesos of Yreeinot Ho. 1 of Kerr County, Texas, Yor the month of July, 1935, 01 oriminal aaesa filed, fines, lgdgmant and fury taea oolleoted, showing sum of ~4.Bb oolleoted and depoeitod with the County Treasurer, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot, same be and is hereby approved. ~ Z ~ ~ a-o-o-o-o-o-o state of Tezas, I In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tezao. t Bo. ~i66- County of Kerr. ~ Luguet Tarm, A. D, 1935. This 12th day of August, 193b, came on to be Dona! doted by the Court the oitsa.: oY the State Health Department offsriag to assist Kerr County in the oontinuanoa of the Publio Health Nurse work Por another year, beginning September 1st, 1935, upon the lama tiaanoial basla as in the pa et, namely, at a salary of $BEb,00 to the County plus approved oPPlaa ~ ~ ( ezpenee sot to sassed $100.00, for the year, and it ap pearing to the Courts that the f Ksrr~i lie Snflepeadent 9ohool DS etriot Se willing and has agreed to again share equal],q _ with Kerr County in the payment of said nurse's salary and ezpense aooouat. And it appearing to the Court that the aervioss heretoto rs rendered by Hive Huth Jane Moore as County Health Nurse oanaot be dispensed with without greatlt SapalrAag uthe health of the general publio and adding to the suffering of the untortumta andstf2tbted oitizane of the County. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that said publio health eervioe be oontinuad in Kerr County for another year, beginning September let, 1935, and that the salary of the Publio Health Hurea be paid by the County Clerk out of the Gen oral Fund in 12 equal monthly instsllmen to by the iseuealfsuand delivery of proper warrants on the County Treaearer at the and of saoh month, and the ezpeaee noeouat as inournd monthly by said nurse shall be presented to the Court for approval and payment, and the Kerrville Independent Sehool Distriot shall re-imburee Ksrr County for one-Celt of all of said salary and ezpense eo paid by Ehe County. And the County Clerk shall furnish a oertitied Dopy of this order to Dr, H. N, Barnett, Director, Bureau of Child Hygiene, State Depar4neat oY Health, Austin, Tezas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1262, COIINTY CLSRK'3 AND TAK A33S330H b COYI.ECTOH'3 JiILY OFFICE EZPEHSE BEPOBT3, This 12th dq7 of August, 193b, Dame on to be •zemined by the Court the July reports oY sotual and neoeeeary office ezpensae of E, H. Niohole, Assessor d Ooileotbr.bt:~Tazee amount iag to $41.98 and Jao. R. Leavell, County Clerk amounting to $E22.6E, both of whleh reports Laving been found eorreot, be and are bare by approved by the Gourt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1E63, COUNTY ClERK'3 QJJARTERLY REPORT OF FINE.9; JUDCME3T3 AHD JURY FEES COLLECTED. On this 12th day of August, 1935, Dams on to De ezamined b9 the Courb the quarterly report of Joha H, T.eavsil, County Clerk, oov ering fines imposed and oo lie oted and 'udaoante rendered and eollsotod sad fury tees oollsoted is the Ooanty Gourt of Kerr County for quarter cording Ju1,7 Slat, 193b, same showing none oolleoted, siiioh report Se hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1264, ADDITIONAL. AD9AHCE ON 193b TA% A93E990H'S COd01IS 3I ON3. This lEth day of August, 1935, dame on to be eonsidared by the Court the applloation of E. H. Niohols, Assessor of Tezee for en additional nd~anoe oY $450.00 on hie 1935 Coualq Taz Aaeeeeor'• eemmiesions, and it npp Baring to the Court that he Las beret ofors drawn the sum of $800.00 on his 1935 oommiseione and Se entitled to more than the $480,00 now requested; th orators, eaifl applloatlon be and 1s hereby granted and allowed, and the Ooaaty Clark ahnll pay u~o said E. H, HiohoU said advanoe of $450.00, ae follows; $25,00 out of the Jury Fund, $150.00 out of the Gea oral Fund, $1b0.00 out of the Ksrr County Road Bond 9Laking Fund, $100,00 out of the Road Dietriet No, 1 Sinking Ford, and $25,00 out oY the Road Met riot No. 2SSnking Farad, by the ie enanoe of proper warrants on the County Tnneurer., II o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1266, PAYIiENT OF BOND9 HO3. E6 and 27 OF BOAD DISTRICT N0. 8 OF BBRR COIINTY, 1917 Iasne. This 18th day of luguet, 1935, St appearing to the Court that Hoad llietri of Ho. E